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Corporate Management. Requirements Candidates need to display a knowledge of the language of corporate or strategic management and have an understanding.

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate Management. Requirements Candidates need to display a knowledge of the language of corporate or strategic management and have an understanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate Management

2 Requirements Candidates need to display a knowledge of the language of corporate or strategic management and have an understanding of the relationship environmental variables and company organisation forms and dynamics

3 Exam approach Reason logically through a process, problem or issue Compare options and present appropriate solution Give practical examples to support answer

4 What is Corporate Management? The systematic approach to a major and increasingly importantly responsibility of general management; to position and relate the firm to its environment in a way which will ensure its continued success and makes it secure from surprises. Ignor Ansoff

5 Strategy – plan or course of action leading to the allocation of a firms resources over time to reach identified goals Structure – organisation chart Systems – procedures and processes Staff – demographic and numbers Style – of the organisation and the way managers behave Skills – capabilities of personnel and the firm Shared Values

6 Analysing Markets Define Identify the structure Assess – Prices – Costs – Investment Competitive Rivalry

7 New entrants Suppliers bargaining power Buyers bargaining power Substitutes Rivalry among existing competitors

8 Strategy Systems The system or process seeks to explain how organisations make decisions and link them together to form strategies This requires an efficient way of making an analysis.

9 The SWOT Analysis (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

10 Exercise Produce a list of items which should be considered under the SWOT headings

11 Finance Legal Purchasing Research and development Marketing Distribution Employees Management Position in the industry

12 Political changes Economic changes Social changes Technological changes Changes within construction industry Each item can be given a grade of A, B or C

13 Selecting Strategies Must have high probability of success Must protect the organisation Make use of the strengths Eliminate or reduce impact of threats Exploit opportunities

14 Evaluation Strategies Resources Required Calculations What might go wrong Previous strategies Potential for success

15 Strategic Vision Actively looks for opportunities Power is centralized in the chief executive who can commit the organisation to a course of action Must take bold decisions Growth is the dominant goal

16 EXAM REQUIREMENTS The structure of building organisations – The nature of management and leadership – The job of the manager and directors analysed The organisation and its environment – Organisation growth and change People in Organisations – Roles and Status – Conflict and co-operation – Interpersonal and group relationships

17 Management and Leadership Styles Types of Leadership Delegation Motivation Communication

18 Enquiry and Investigation Decision Making Problem solving Selection and evaluation of management techniques

19 Service Department Management Estimating Quantity Surveying Accounts Planning and Production control Plant Purchasing

20 Acquisition of work Markets Sources of work Methods of acquiring work Marketing info and PR

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