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WW I Jeopardy. Causes US and WWI WeaponsTrenches Propaganda Peace 100 200 300 400 200 300 400 200 300 200 300 400 200 300 400 200 300 400.

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Presentation on theme: "WW I Jeopardy. Causes US and WWI WeaponsTrenches Propaganda Peace 100 200 300 400 200 300 400 200 300 200 300 400 200 300 400 200 300 400."— Presentation transcript:

1 WW I Jeopardy

2 Causes US and WWI WeaponsTrenches Propaganda Peace 100 200 300 400 200 300 400 200 300 200 300 400 200 300 400 200 300 400

3 Causes 100 Having extreme pride in ones nation.

4 Causes 200 Examples of this cause include: The Triple Entente The Triple Alliance

5 Causes 300 When the United States competed with Europe in the Caribbean for Political and Economic power.

6 Causes 400 Last year France doubled the size of their military and added 20 new War vessels to its Navy. Germany responds by tripling the size of its military and adding 25 new war vessels to its Navy.

7 US and WW I 100 At the beginning of WW I the US remained _______________

8 US and WWI 200 The US got involved in WW I for 2 main reasons, what were they?

9 US and WW I 300 The US built up its military in two ways, how was this done?

10 US and WW I 400 What was the name of the specific act that forced males to register for the draft?

11 Weapons 100 This weapon was odorless and when it was seen you only had a few seconds to get on your mask for protection.

12 Weapons 200 These created paranoia by hovering over enemy camps, could not cause much real damage. Caused more psychological damage. Often had a machine gun mounted to the front.

13 Weapons 300 These slow-moving armored vehicles were first used in WW I.

14 Weapons 400 Could fire hundreds if not thousand bullets per minute. A part of shelling that made the enemy go crazy.

15 Trenches 100 The land in-between the two trenches was known as….

16 Trenches 200 What trench is the front Trench in this picture?

17 Trenches 300 What was the disease called where an infection was discovered and caused discoloration. Caused from prolonged stay in unsanitary trenches.

18 Trenches 400 What was the most dangerous Area to be in during Trench warfare

19 Propaganda 100 What was the name of the committee that was in charge of getting the US enthusiastic about WW I?

20 Propaganda 200 How could Women serve a role in WW I?

21 Propaganda 300 The government sold ______________ to raise funds for the war.

22 Propaganda 400 Why were the people required to eat less foods such as Flour and Meat during WW I?

23 Peace 100 Wilsons plan for peace during WW I was known as?

24 Peace 200 Using hindsight, were Wilsons 14 Points successful?

25 Peace 300 Name the Big 3, and where they are from?

26 Peace 400 Point 14, maybe the most important point called for an international diplomatic body to discus worldly affairs, this was known as the __________________________________________.

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