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A Survey Conducted by the Association of American Cancer Institutes (AACI)

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Presentation on theme: "A Survey Conducted by the Association of American Cancer Institutes (AACI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Survey Conducted by the Association of American Cancer Institutes (AACI)

2 Survey Focused on State Funding Direct appropriations to AACI centers (or parent institutions) Tobacco excise tax dollars supporting cancer research at AACI centers Tobacco settlement dollars supporting cancer research at AACI centers Responses Collected June-July 2008 64 of 92 Cancer Centers Responded 48 NCI, 16 Emerging; 51 Matrix, 13 Free Standing Survey Built in Collaboration with CCAF


4 Cancer Centers that are…Number of ResponsesPercent of Responses Part of a public (state-owned) institution that receives annual state funding 2945% An independent public (state-related) entity that directly receives annual state funding 914% An independent private entity that directly receives annual state funding 711% An entity that does not receive annual state funding 1930% n=64

5 Percent of Parent Institution’s State Funding Allocated to the Cancer Center n=20 Cancer Centers at Public Universities

6 n=30 Mean=$12.8 million, Median = $2.4 million Cancer Centers

7 n=22 Cancer Centers



10 Survey Responses… Cancer Centers Reporting 48 Number of States Represented 34 States of responding Centers Taxing Tobacco Products 26 Cancer Centers Receiving a Portion of State’s Excise Tax on Tobacco Products 8



13 Survey Responses… Cancer Centers Reporting 48 Number of States Represented 34 Cancer Centers Receiving Funds from State Tobacco Settlement 13 Median Funding $3 million Mean Funding $3.3 million

14 Cancer Center Budget Categories Supported by Tobacco Settlement Funding Number of Cancer Centers Operations 4 Recruitment 7 Research 12 Building Funds 1 Regional Cancer Control Activities 2 Other 1 n=13 cancer centers


16 n=48 Cancer Centers How active a role did your cancer center play in writing your state’s CCC plan?

17 Cancer Center Participation Number of Cancer Centers Implementation of the state CCC plan is a cancer center priority 21 Cancer Centers that have members involved in implementing selected sections of the plan 32 Cancer Centers that have members chairing committees and playing other key roles in the state CCC coalition 24 Cancer Centers that have members chairing the CCC coalition board 8 n=48 cancer centers

18 Cancer Center Participation Number of Cancer Centers Cancer Centers that have contributed financial support to the state CCC plan 17 Cancer Centers that have received state or CCC coalition funds to help implement the plan 9 Cancer Center Directors whose priorities are included in their state’s CCC plan 36 n=48 cancer centers

19 Alamo Navajo Reservation Rich Ethnic Diversity Distinct Cancer Patterns Population: 1,919,000 42% Hispanic 10% American Indian 5% Other Minorities 44% Non Hispanic White University of New Mexico Cancer Center: Challenges and Opportunities High Technology Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories UNM /NMSU Biotechnology Industry Tremendous Disparity Per Capita Income: 47th Poverty: 18 - 36% Uninsured: 22 - 32%

20 New Mexico: 5 th Largest State in Land Mass

21 Licensure: Become State’s “Official” Cancer Center Research and Public Service Projects: Receive Direct State Appropriation (Frequently Tobacco Excise Tax) Develop mission and goals relevant to your State Develop statewide or integrated Cancer Care Network Develop outreach programs for community-based participatory research and overcoming health disparities Justify research investments for economic development Identify key legislators to serve as advocates Seek recurring State appropriations and demonstrate their impact on provision of cancer services and economic development

22 University of New Mexico Cancer Center Annual Recurring Revenues Research & Public Service Project :$3 million Tobacco Excise Tax: $3.4 million Tobacco Excise Tax for Construction: $13 million Limited to 25 Years Used to Pay Debt Service on Bonds (NM Finance Authority) Non-Recurring Revenues: Access to Capital / Equipment Funds$16.5 million (2000-2008)

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