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Mr Abiodun Fakokunde FWACS MRCOG Cons. Obs. and Gynae. & Clinical Lead Women’s Health North Middlesex University Hospital, London MANSAG Rep at the GMC/BME.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr Abiodun Fakokunde FWACS MRCOG Cons. Obs. and Gynae. & Clinical Lead Women’s Health North Middlesex University Hospital, London MANSAG Rep at the GMC/BME."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr Abiodun Fakokunde FWACS MRCOG Cons. Obs. and Gynae. & Clinical Lead Women’s Health North Middlesex University Hospital, London MANSAG Rep at the GMC/BME Forum

2  Why involve BME  Who are the BME forum members  What can we do  What have we done  Conclusion

3  BME doctors are disproportionately represented at the GMC good medical practice issues  Raised fundamental issues: ◦ Are we poorly trained or clinically less competent? ◦ Are we not conversant with the law and custom? ◦ Is it Institutional racism or ethnic biased? ◦ Can we improve ourselves by working with the system? ◦ Is the system ready to engage with us to address the issue?

4 Place of qualificati on Number of Doctors High Impact decision Relative Odds (RO) further investigatio n RO for Referral for further Adjudicatio n RR for Erasure or suspensio n UK470230%111 Outside UK but within EU 62443%1.672.142.16 Outside EU 219046%1.611.681.48 Total7526 cases BMJ 2011: Humphrey, Hickman, Guilford

5  Slowther et al in the Royal Society of Med Publication 2012 105(4) – concluded from their survey on Experience of non UK qualified doctors within the UK registration framework – a qualitative study: “Provision of information and education resources before registration, together with in- practice support would help to develop a more effective understanding of the GMC good medical practice code and its implication for medical practice in the UK”

6 Allegation category Asian or Asian British Black or Black British MixedOther Ethnic group Total allegations Clinical Care1107 (49%)226 (46%)95 (49%)167 (46%)1595 Probity417 (18%)123 (25%)28 (14.5%)79 (21%)647 Relationship with Pts 446 (20%)73 (15%)43 (22%)79 (21%)641 Working wt colleagues 115 (5%)56 (11%)17(8%)21 (5%)199 Health64146993 Maintaining Good Med Practice 6073373 Teaching and Supervision 720211 Compliance wt GMC Inv 70018 Total2223 (68%)491 (15%)192 (6%)361 (11%)3267

7  Need to find a common front on why and how to reduce the discrepancy  Need to engage the BME on finding solutions to current issues with regards to medical practice in the UK  Need to tailor training to needs of each ethnic group with regards to FtP and GMP issues  Regular meetings for the last 3years ◦ 2x a year between GMC and BME representatives

8  BMA Equality and Diversity Committee  British International Doctors Association  British association of Physicians of Indian Origin  African-Caribbean Medical Society  All British Pakistani and Physician association  British Asian Medical association  British International Doctors’ Association  Egyptian Medical Society  MANSAG  Indian Medical association  Medical Institute of Tamils  Sri-Lankan Medical and Dental Association in the UK  Muslim Doctors and Dentist Association  Christian Medical Fellowship  British Arab Medical Association  BMA – Equality and Diversity Committee and SAS Committee

9  Engaging our membership with GMC rules and Consultation process ◦ Appraisal ◦ Revalidation ◦ Fitness to Practice panels ◦ Formation of Opinion leaders resource base  Organising seminar and conferences on current issues within the GMC Good Medical Practice  Inductions programme following passing PLAB or gaining GMC registration

10  MANSAG has been represented at the forum since inception – A Fakokunde, E Okirie and D Anumba  Suggestions and Consultation facilitated by MANSAG on current issues ◦ Consultation on recruitment into Fitness to Practice panels ◦ Consultation on the future of adjudication and setting up of Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service ◦ Reform of the FtP procedures at the GMC ◦ Good management Practice – guidance for doctors ◦ Reviewing the PLAB test  Seminar on current issues in GMC as in the programme today

11  Practicing outside one’s country of qualification is associated with a lot of challenges  Culture and Perception are different  Adaptation to local custom is important to achieve success  Working within the frame work of the GMC needs continuous update for our members  MANSAG needs to form a core base of Opinion leaders among our members to support the GMC work- ◦ names can be submitted to Andrea Callendar Head of Diversity division of the GMC  Continuous dialogue and participation in consultation exercise should be encouraged by MANSAG executives

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