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The Protein (Free) Energy Landscape. Time and size scales.

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Presentation on theme: "The Protein (Free) Energy Landscape. Time and size scales."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Protein (Free) Energy Landscape

2 Time and size scales

3 A typical protein folding equilibrium constant K ≈ 1000 means a protein is unfolded for 100 sec/day! day


5 Folding Coordinate  Levinthal: what the energy landscape cannot look like

6 Energy and Free Energy Landscapes Amino acid represented as beads  Black bead: hydrophobic (H)  White bead: hydrophilic (P) Bonds represented by straight lines H-H (= -1000J) and P-P (= -250J) bonds favorable Based on work by N. Go M. Levitt, K. A. Dill, Shakhnovich/Karplus

7 Protein Example 6-mer 2 hydrophobic AA 4 hydrophilic AA

8 Chirality To avoid issues with chirality, all molecules are made so that the first two amino acids go upwards. Also, the first kink always goes to the right.

9 Rotation Rules 2-D model - no rotations allowed. Molecules are only al- lowed to change by a single 90˚ “kink” per time step.

10 The Journey

11 Entropy

12 Conformation Analysis E Reaction Coordinate 1 0 0.33 0.66Kinetic traps -0.5 kJ x

13 This is the folding funnel: E Entropy k ln1 = 0 k ln14

14 Entropy vs. Energy

15 Entropy vs. Reaction Coordinate

16 Free Energy (if compressibility is neglected so H ≈ E) G(x) = H(x) - TS(x) ≈ E(x) - TS(x)

17 Free Energy Analysis (200K) x

18 Free Energy Analysis (298K) Downhill folder

19 Free Energy Analysis (360 K) Two state folder

20 Free Energy Analysis (2000K) Downhill unfolder

21 Free energy x Enthalpy Config. entropy  S<0  G>0  H<0  G<0 Wolynes Bryngelson Onuchic Luthey-Schulten Dill Thirumalai 0 1 Free energy x Energy Funnel and Free Energy Surface  G =  H - T  S

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