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Advanced Art L to J Quiz BEGIN. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Art L to J Quiz BEGIN. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Art L to J Quiz BEGIN

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121

3 Define the following term: Abstract Art

4 Abstract Art – Art that looks as if it contains little or no recognizable or realistic forms from the physical world. Focus is on formal elements such as colors, lines, or shapes.

5 Define the following term: Achromatic

6 Achromatic – Black, white and greys. Artwork that is executed without color.

7 Define the following term: Acrylic Paint

8 Acrylic Paint - A fast-drying paint made from acrylic resin. Fast drying, water- based paint.

9 Define the following term: Additive Sculpture

10 Additive Sculpture- A process in which material is steadily built up to make the finished sculpture.

11 Define the following term: Ambigram

12 Ambigram- A typographical design that may be read as more than one word depending on the viewpoint.

13 Define the following term: Analogous Colors

14 Analogous Colors – Any set of 3 or 5 colors that are closely related in hue. They are usually next to each other on the color wheel.

15 Define the following term: Architecture

16 Architecture- The art of designing and erecting buildings and other physical structures.

17 Define the following term: Armature

18 Armature – A structure used beneath something else for support. Used in sculptures.

19 Define the following term: Art

20 Art – The completed work of an artist, which is the expression of creativity or imagination, that portrays a mood, feeling or tells a story.

21 Define the following term: Asymmetrical Balance

22 Asymmetrical Balance – Placement of non-identical forms to either side of a balancing point in such a way that the two sides seem to be of the same visual weight.

23 Define the following term: Atmospheric Perspective

24 Atmospheric Perspective – Creating a sense of depth in painting by imitating the way the atmosphere makes distant objects appear less distinct and more bluish than they would be if nearby.

25 Define the following term: Balance

26 Balance – A feeling of equality in weight, attention, or attraction of the various elements within a composition as a means of accomplishing unity.

27 Define the following term: Batik

28 Batik- A cloth that traditionally uses a manual wax-resist dyeing technique.

29 Define the following term: Brush

30 Brush – A tool used to apply paints and inks to a surface, consisting of hairs, or bristles attached to a handle.

31 Define the following term: Casting

32 Casting- A process by which liquid material is poured into a mold, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then allowed to solidify.

33 Define the following term: Center of Interest

34 Center of Interest – An emphasized area of the composition.

35 Define the following term: Caricature

36 Caricature- A portrait that exaggerates and distorts the essence of a person to create an easily identifiable visual likeness.

37 Define the following term: Charcoal

38 Charcoal – Compressed burned wood used for drawing.

39 Define the following term: Cityscape

40 Cityscape- An artistic representation of the physical aspects of a city or urban area.

41 Define the following term: Collage

42 Collage – The technique of creating a work of art by adhering flat articles such as paper, fabrics, string or other materials to a flat surface such as a canvas whereby a three-dimensional result is achieved.

43 Define the following term: Color

44 Color – A visual attribute of things that results from the light they reflect or emit.

45 Define the following term: Color Wheel

46 Color Wheel – A round diagram that shows the placement of colors in relationship to each other.

47 Define the following term: Complementary Colors

48 Complementary Colors – Two colors directly opposite one another on the color wheel.

49 Define the following term: Composition

50 Composition – The arrangement of design elements within the design area.

51 Define the following term: Contour Drawing

52 Contour Drawing – A technique where the artist sketches the contour or outline of a subject.

53 Define the following term: Contrast

54 Contrast – The difference between elements or the opposition to various elements.

55 Define the following term: Cropping

56 Cropping – The cutting out of extraneous parts of an image to show only the portion desired or to fit a given space requirement.

57 Define the following term: Cubism

58 Cubism – Art that breaks down the natural forms of the subjects into geometric shapes and creates a new kind of pictorial space.

59 Define the following term: Depth of Field

60 Depth of Field - In photography, the area in front of and behind the focused point that is sharp.

61 Define the following term: Design

62 Design – The arrangement of the design elements to create a single effect. An effective design is one in which the elements of art and principles of design have been combined to achieve an overall sense of unity.

63 Define the following term: Drawing

64 Drawing - The act of representing an image on a surface by means of adding lines and shades.

65 Define the following term: Easel

66 Easel – An upright support used for displaying something.

67 Define the following term: Elements of Art

68 Elements of Art – A commonly used group of tools in art. They are texture, form, line, color, value, and shape.

69 Define the following term: Emotion

70 Emotion– The complex experience of an individuals state of mind. Mood, temperament, personality.

71 Define the following term: En Plein Air

72 En Plein Air – French for “in open air”, used to describe paintings that have been done outdoors, rather than in the studio.

73 Define the following term: Etching

74 Etching – An impression made from an etched plate.

75 Define the following term: Expressionism

76 Expressionism – Artistic movement (post WWI) that emphasized the expression of inner experience rather than solely realistic portrayal of a subject.

77 Define the following term: Focal Point

78 Focal Point - The area in a work which the eye is most compellingly drawn to.

79 Define the following term: Font

80 Font – A complete set of characters in a particular size and style of type including the letter set, the number set, and special characters.

81 Define the following term: Foreshortening

82 Foreshortening – A form of perspective where the nearest parts of an object is enlarged so the rest of the object appears to go back in space.

83 Define the following term: Form

84 Form – The volume and shape of a three-dimensional work.

85 Define the following term: Frame

86 Frame – Something made to enclose a picture or a mirror.

87 Define the following term: Gallery

88 Gallery – A room or series of rooms where works of art are exhibited.

89 Define the following term: Gesture Drawing

90 Gesture Drawing– Any rapid drawing which attempts to capture action or movement.

91 Define the following term: Gilding

92 Gilding - The application of a gold finish to a piece.

93 Define the following term: Graphic Design

94 Graphic Design – The applied art of arranging images and text to communicate a message.

95 Define the following term: Grayscale

96 Grayscale – Refers to the range of gray tones between black and white.

97 Define the following term: Harmony

98 Harmony – The unity of all the visual elements of a composition achieved by the repetition of the same characteristics.

99 Define the following term: Highlight

100 Highlight– Areas in a picture where pure white values are seen.

101 Define the following term: Horizon Line

102 Horizon Line – A level line where land or water ends and the sky begins.

103 Define the following term: Illustrate

104 Illustrate – To create designs and pictures for books, magazines, or other print or electronic media to make clear or explain the text or show what happens in a story.

105 Define the following term: Impasto Painting

106 Impasto painting– A technique in painting where paint is applied very thickly and has actual texture when dry.

107 Define the following term: Implied Line

108 Implied Line – A line in a work that is perceived by the viewer that has no physical form.

109 Define the following term: Impressionism

110 Impressionism – A loose spontaneous style of painting that is characterized by concentration on the general impression produced by a scene or object and the use of unmixed primary colors and small strokes to simulate actual reflected light.

111 Define the following term: Organic Art

112 Organic Art– Art or Elements of a piece that are associated with things from the natural world.

113 Define the following term: Intensity

114 Intensity– The brightness or dullness of a color.

115 Define the following term: Landscape

116 Landscape – A painting, drawing or photograph that depicts outdoor scenery.

117 Define the following term: Life Drawing

118 Life Drawing – Drawings of a human figure.

119 Define the following term: Likeness

120 Likeness – Refers to the similarity in appearance or character or nature between persons or things.

121 Define the following term: Line

122 Line – An actual or implied mark, path, mass, or edge, where length is dominant.

123 Define the following term: Medium

124 Medium – Material or technique an artist works in.

125 Define the following term: Miniature

126 Miniature – A representational work of art made on a greatly reduced scale.

127 Define the following term: Minimalism

128 Minimalism – A movement and style of art which attempts to reduce art to the basic geometric shapes with the fewest colors, lines, and textures.

129 Define the following term: Mixed Media

130 Mixed Media – The art technique where an artist employs different types of physical materials or medias and combines them in a single work.

131 Define the following term: Movement

132 Movement – The path that our eye follows when we look at a work of art.

133 Define the following term: Mural

134 Mural – A large wall painting.

135 Define the following term: Negative Space

136 Negative Space – The unoccupied or empty space left after the positive shapes have been laid down by the artist.

137 Define the following term: Non-Objective

138 Non-objective art– Art that is not representational, containing no recognizable figures or objects.

139 Define the following term: Op Art

140 Op Art– A style of visual art that makes use of optical illusions.

141 Define the following term: Palette

142 Palette – A thin piece of glass, wood or other material which is used to hold the paint to be used in painting.

143 Define the following term: Pastel

144 Pastel – A crayon made from pigment mixed with gum and water and pressed into a stick- shaped form. Usually pale colors.

145 Define the following term: Perspective

146 Perspective – The art of picturing objects on a flat surface so as to give the appearance of distance or depth.

147 Define the following term: Photography

148 Photography– The process of creating still or moving images.

149 Define the following term: Photoshop

150 Photoshop – A professional image- editing and graphics creation software from Adobe.

151 Define the following term: Pigment

152 Pigment – Any coloring agent used in paints or drawing materials.

153 Define the following term: Point of View

154 Point of View – The position from which something is seen or considered

155 Define the following term: Pointillism

156 Pointillism – A painting technique in which pure dots of color are dabbed onto the canvas surface. The viewer’s eye is then expected to see these dots merge as cohesive areas of different colors and color images.

157 Define the following term: Pop Art

158 Pop Art – A style of art which seeks its inspiration from commercial art and items of mass culture.

159 Define the following term: Portrait

160 Portrait - A painting, photograph, or other artistic representation of a person.

161 Define the following term: Positive Space

162 Positive Space – Space that is occupied by an element or a form.

163 Define the following term: Pottery

164 Pottery – A form of ceramic technology, where wet clay is shaped and dried, then fired.

165 Define the following term: Principles of Design

166 Principles of Design – The basic aesthetic considerations that guide organization of a work of art. They include balance, movement, emphasis, contrast, proportion, space, and unity.

167 Define the following term: Proportion

168 Proportion – A sense of appropriateness in the size relationship of different parts of a work.

169 Define the following term: Radial Symmetry

170 Radial Symmetry – The condition of having similar parts regularly arranged around a central axis.

171 Define the following term: Realism

172 Realism – A style of painting which depicts subject matter as it appears.

173 Define the following term: Reductive Sculpture

174 Reductive Sculpture– The technique of carving away from stone, wood, or clay block to create a sculpture in the round.

175 Define the following term: Repetition

176 Repetition – A series of repeated elements having similarity.

177 Define the following term: Rhythm

178 Rhythm – A continuance, a flow, or a feeling of movement achieved by the repetition or regulated visual units.

179 Define the following term: Rule of Thirds

180 Rule of Thirds – A composition rule that divides the scene into three rows and three columns. The rule states that the painting is much more interesting if the focal point is not in the center of the canvas but in one of the outlying regions, preferably at one of the intersection points.

181 Define the following term: Scratchboard

182 Scratchboard– “The art of taking away”, where you start with a black surface and scratch off to show the white underneath.

183 Define the following term: Sculpture

184 Sculpture – Any 3-dimensional form created as an artistic expression.

185 Define the following term: Seascape

186 Seascape – A painting or work of art that depicts the sea or a scene that includes the sea.

187 Define the following term: Sepia

188 Sepia – A golden brown tint sometimes applied to black and white pictures.

189 Define the following term: Shade

190 Shade – A color produced by adding black to a pigment.

191 Define the following term: Shape

192 Shape – An area which stands out from the space next to it or around it because of a defined boundary or because of a difference of value, color, or texture.

193 Define the following term: Silhouette

194 Silhouette – A dark image outlined against a lighter background.

195 Define the following term: Silverpoint

196 Silverpoint– A drawing made by dragging a silver rod across a surface.

197 Define the following term: Size

198 Size– The physical dimensions of an object.

199 Define the following term: Sketch

200 Sketch – A rough drawing used to capture the basic elements and structure of a situation often used as the basis for a more detailed work.

201 Define the following term: Space

202 Space – The interval or measurable distance between pre-established points.

203 Define the following term: Still life

204 Still life - A painting or other 2- dimensional work of art representing inanimate objects such as bottles, fruit, and flowers.

205 Define the following term: Stippling

206 Stippling – A drawing technique consisting of many small dots or flecks to construct the image.

207 Define the following term: Stretcher

208 Stretcher – A wooden frame over which the canvas of a painting is stretched.

209 Define the following term: Surrealism

210 Surrealism – An art style characterized by using the subconscious as a source of creativity to liberate pictorial subjects and ideas.

211 Define the following term: Symbol

212 Symbol– An object or drawing that represents something else

213 Define the following term: Symmetry

214 Symmetry – The placing of identical forms to either side of the central axis of a work to stabilize it visually.

215 Define the following term: Tessellation

216 Tessellation– A collection of plane figures that fills the plane with no overlaps or gaps.

217 Define the following term: Textiles

218 Textiles– Art that uses fibers to construct objects.

219 Define the following term: Texture

220 Texture – The tactile surface characteristics of a work of art that are either felt or perceived visually.

221 Define the following term: Three-dimensional

222 Three-dimensional – Occupying or giving the illusion of three dimensions. (height, width, depth)

223 Define the following term: Tint

224 Tint – A hue with white added.

225 Define the following term: Trompe’ L’oeil

226 Trompe’ L’oeil – French for “fool the eye”. A 2- dimensional representation that is so naturalistic that it looks actual or real.

227 Define the following term: Two-dimensional

228 Two-dimensional – Having 2 dimensions. (height and width)

229 Define the following term: Unity

230 Unity - An organization of parts so that all contribute to a coherent whole.

231 Define the following term: Value

232 Value – The lightness or darkness of a color.

233 Define the following term: Value Scale

234 Value Scale– A tonal scale using only black and white to create a range of values.

235 Define the following term: Vanishing Point

236 Vanishing Point – In perspective, the point on the horizon in the distance where two lines seem to converge and visibility ends.

237 Define the following term: Visual Balance

238 Visual Balance– Each area of a 2- dimensional piece suggests a certain visual weight depending on elements of art.

239 Define the following term: Wash

240 Wash – A broad thin layer of diluted pigment or ink.

241 Define the following term: Watercolor

242 Watercolor – A water-based paint that is a translucent wash of pigment.

243 Define the following term: Waterscape

244 Waterscape – A painting of or including a body of water.

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