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The P.U.R.R.S. Cornell Notes presentation Progressive Privileges & Discipline Policy 2013-2014 Pupils Understanding Roles & Responsibilities Successfully.

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Presentation on theme: "The P.U.R.R.S. Cornell Notes presentation Progressive Privileges & Discipline Policy 2013-2014 Pupils Understanding Roles & Responsibilities Successfully."— Presentation transcript:

1 The P.U.R.R.S. Cornell Notes presentation Progressive Privileges & Discipline Policy 2013-2014 Pupils Understanding Roles & Responsibilities Successfully 1

2 QuestionsNotes: 2 Language Arts??? X I will explain each of the major sections of the PURRS manual.

3 PHMS Core Values: Refer to the first four definitions written in on your Cornell Notes page. Please write in the 4 words below in the appropriate space: 3 Safety Use Pencil!!! Cooperation Punctuality Respect  Now, discuss and compare your answers with a partner. Any disagreements?

4 QuestionsNotes:  PURRS = Pupils Understanding Roles & Responsibilities Successfully The 4 Core Values Of Painted Hills Middle School: 1)Punctuality: Punctuality is a life skill that indicates to people your level of maturity and respect for other peoples’ time. It also is an indicator of your work ethic. 2)Respect: Demonstrate respect in all actions: language, behavior, and work ethic. 3)Safety: All actions, both verbal and non-verbal, promote a safe and orderly environment. 4)Cooperation: Work collaboratively in all aspects of problem solving, conflict resolution, and meeting expectations. 4 Language Arts??? X I will explain each of the major sections of the PURRS manual. What does PURRS stand for? What are the 4 core values of PHMS?

5 QuestionsNotes: 5 PHMS Progressive Privileges Red 0-99 Merits -Weekly Raffles Yellow 100-199 Merits - PURRS Certificate -Homework Pass -Paw Print Sticker -Yellow Bracelet -Weekly Raffles Green 200-299 Merits - PURRS Certificate -Homework Pass -Paw Print Sticker -Green Bracelet -Weekly Raffles -1 Free I.D. Replacement -Eligible for End of Year Field Trips Purple 300-449 Merits - PURRS Certificate -Homework Pass -Paw Print Sticker -Purple Bracelet -Weekly Raffles -1 Free I.D. Replacement -Discounted Extra Curricular Tickets -Discounted Yearbook -Cell / iPod use during lunch -Friday early lunch release Gold 450+ Merits - PURRS Certificate -Homework Pass -Paw Print Sticker -Gold Bracelet -Weekly Raffles -1 Free I.D. Replacement -Discounted Extra Curricular Tickets -Discounted Yearbook -Cell / iPod use during lunch -Yearbook at cost! -Friday early lunch release What are the 5 Panther ranks? ?

6 Quick Review with a partner 1)What are the 5 Panther ranks, in order? 2)Which color is the highest rank? 3)At what level can you start using cell/mp3 player during lunch? 4)At what level do you first become eligible for end of the year activities? 5)What is the main privilege difference between a Gold and Green Panther? 6

7 Ticket Out At the bottem of the page, write what Panther status you think you will be at the end of the trimester! 7

8 Merits The definition of merits: Something that deserves or justifies a reward or commendation; a commendable quality, act, etc. 8

9 QuestionsNotes: Merits Breakdown Academic Merits 20 merits for a Proficient score on benchmark assessments in Math & English Language Arts 20 merits for a Proficient score on benchmark assessments in Science and Social Science 10 merits for Honor Roll 25 merits for Principal’s Honor Roll Each teacher will be allotted 20 merits per month to award Student of the Month 10 merits for monthly PE effort and participation (as determined by teacher) Continued on next page… 9 ?

10 QuestionsNotes: Merits Breakdown Academic Merits Continued… 50 merits for successfully exiting an alternative core and entering into common core 20 merits for parent/guardian/adult attendance to Student Led Conferences with student 25 points each for a Proficient score on ELA & Math CST’s 40 points each for an Advanced score on ELA & Math CST’s. Teachers will submit a PURR form per tutoring session to students who attend before, lunch, or after school tutoring. 10 ?

11 QuestionsNotes: Merits Breakdown Behavior  10 merits for Every Month of NO referrals  Every teacher will give out PURR forms that are worth 5 merits for positive events.  Random Checks for supplies / wearing ID badges (5 merits) 11 ?

12 QuestionsNotes: Attendance  10 merits Every Month for Perfect Attendance  15 bonus merits for Perfect Attendance at the Trimester (no excused or unexcused absences will be permitted for these points)  15 merits per student for perfect class attendance during CST testing  10 merits for the grade level that wins the participation competition at the monthly assembly. 12 ?

13 QuestionsNotes: Extra-Curricular Activities  20 merits for complete participation in academic extra-curricular activities/competitions & clubs  20 bonus merits for wins and championships will be awarded to team members who participated in the win.  5 merits for parent participation in evening events  10 Merits for participating in school-wide fundraisers / events.  Volunteer on the Panther Patrol to gain 5 merits for trash clean-up, hallway monitoring, bully reporting, etc. 13 ?

14 QuestionsNotes: Check for Understanding:  With a partner, create a Multi-flow map in your notes showing at least 5 ways that students can earn merits at PHMS. 14 Earning Merits at PHMS 1)______________ 5)______________ 2)______________ 3)______________ 4)______________ ?

15 Merits Independently read back through your notes and highlight and underline what you think is most important to getting to Gold Panther status. 15

16 Rule Infractions: With a partner, Categorize the infractions below on your Tree map in your notes. Decide whether it is a Major or Minor infraction and write it in. 16 Horseplay / rough-housing (without intent to fight) Electronic Device Drugs Graffiti Directed Profanity at an adult Horseplay/ rough-housing (with intent to fight) Recording/Publicizing Fighting or other inappropriate activities Defiance / Disrespect Indirect profanity Pulling fire alarm Dress Code violations Use Pencil!!!

17 Minor vs. Major Rule Infractions Minor Gum Food Candy Tardies Horseplay/rough-housing (without intent to fight) Dress code Indirect profanity/verbal abuse Defiance/disrespect (passive defiance) Electronic Device (possession or minor use) Bus Tickets After 3 bus tickets, students may be permanently removed from bussing. Major Bullying/Sexual Harassment (Includes cyber) Weapons/Dangerous Object Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco/Paraphernalia Habitual Defiance/Disrespect (48900K) Active Defiance/Disruption Graffiti/Damage to school or personal property Directed Profanity at any adult Fire alarms/False Emergency reports Terrorist threats Gang Activity/Emulation Recording/Publicizing Fighting or other inappropriate activities What’s the difference?

18 Minor vs. Major Rule Infractions Ticket Out: What do you think is the biggest difference between minor and major infractions? 18

19 Progressive Discipline Consequences Activity: Students, on your flow map, put the following consequences in the order that you think they should go: 19 Use Pencil!!! -Verbal Warning -Written note / phone call home -Discipline Referral -2 nd Proctor Detention (45 minutes) -Proctor Detention (45 minutes)

20 Minor Rule Progressive Discipline Flow Map (Teachers will follow this) 1 st violation Teacher warning/conference Behavior redirection 2 nd violation Teacher contact home-written or phone call 3 rd violation Proctor led detention (45minutes) with phone call home 4 th violation Proctor led detention (45minutes) with phone call home 5 th violation Discipline Referral with phone call home

21 Closing / Review Activities Write a summary of your Cornell Notes. Structure: Topic sentence with main idea, 3 supporting ideas with relating factors, Conclusion sentence restating the main idea. 21

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