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Greenhouse Gas CEQA Significance Threshold Stakeholder Working Group #13 August 26, 2009 SCAQMD Diamond Bar, California.

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Presentation on theme: "Greenhouse Gas CEQA Significance Threshold Stakeholder Working Group #13 August 26, 2009 SCAQMD Diamond Bar, California."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greenhouse Gas CEQA Significance Threshold Stakeholder Working Group #13 August 26, 2009 SCAQMD Diamond Bar, California

2 Agenda Item #2 – Updated GHG Threshold Analysis for Residential/Commercial Development Projects Summary of July 29th WG meeting presentation OPR database = 798 projects After removing GP/MP/SP projects, remaining projects = 738 Analysis separated residential & commercial projects into separate databases   Mixed use projects separated into their component parts & added to the appropriate database   Did not include office projects

3 Agenda Item #2 – Updated GHG Threshold Analysis for Residential/Commercial Development Projects (continued) Analysis separated residential & commercial projects into separate databases (cont.)   90% emissions capture rate for residential = 8,580 - 9,151 MTCO2e/yr   90% capture rate for commercial = 2,427 – 3,041 MTCO2e/yr   Staff recommended & WG agreed the analysis should be based only on the OPR database

4 Agenda Item #2 – Updated GHG Threshold Analysis for Residential/Commercial Development Projects (continued) Feedback from WG members included: Need to re-evaluate the largest projects as they might not represent individual projects Should not separate mixed use projects into their component parts as this does not represent an actual project (economies of scale with mixed use projects – less VTs) Combine all projects, including mixed use, into a single database GHG ST threshold should encourage mixed use development

5 Agenda Item #2 – Updated GHG Threshold Analysis for Residential/Commercial Development Projects (continued) Additional analysis conducted based on WG comments Further review of OPR database resulted in removing 27 additional GP/MP/SP projects, remaining projects = 711 1 st scenario analysis consisted of combining all projects into a single database Same assumptions as 1 st analysis used, i.e.,   Construction GHG emissions amortized over 30 years   Direct GHG emissions calculated using URBEMIS   Indirect electricity/water use GHG emissions calculated   Direct & indirect emissions summed & 90 th percentile identified 90 th percentile ranged from 2,983 – 3,143 MTCO2e/yr

6 Agenda Item #2 – Updated GHG Threshold Analysis for Residential/Commercial Development Projects (continued) 2 nd scenario analysis consisted of a residential only plus mixed use residential database Same assumptions as 1 st analysis used Activated double counting & pass by functions 90 th percentile for residential ranged from 3,310 – 3,596 MTCO2e/yr 3 rd scenario analysis consisted of a commercial only plus mixed us commercial database Same assumptions as 1 st analysis used Activated double counting & pass by functions 90 th percentile for commercial ranged from 1,390 – 1,481 MTCO2e/yr

7 Agenda Item #2 – Updated GHG Threshold Analysis for Residential/Commercial Development Projects (continued) Discussion/considerations for deriving GHG STs for residential, commercial & mixed use project Develop a single GHG ST be developed based on the 90% capture rate from the combined database? Develop separate thresholds for residential & commercial? Develop separate residential & commercial GHG STs, which could be used to develop a weighted GHG ST for mixed use projects based on the GHG contributions from each project Other recommendations?

8 Agenda Item #3 – Discussion of Tier 4 Performance Standards Approach WG members requested staff begin work on the Tier 4 performance standards (PFs) Initial considerations for developing the Tier 4 – compliance option #1: uniform percent emission reduction target objective Future projected emissions (construction amortized over 30 years + operational) % GHG emission reductions

9 Agenda Item #3 – Discussion of Tier 4 Performance Future projected emissions CEQA existing setting (baseline) definition does not change Same assumptions as the most recently adopted AB32 Scoping Plan   Adopted regulations   Latest planning assumptions   Emission quantification methods

10 Agenda Item #3 – Discussion of Tier 4 Performance Standards Approach % GHG emission reduction target The higher of the following 2 approaches: 1. 1.Achieve project GHG emission reduction > overall goal of the most recently adopted AB 32 Scoping Plan (currently ~ 30%), Or 2. 2.Aggregate % GHG reductions from all proposed measures applicable to the source category under evaluation If GHG emission reduction less than either % reduction target derived from above, GHG impacts are significant Other approaches? Discussion

11 Agenda Items #4, #5, & #6 Other topics? Closing remarks Other business Next working group meeting scheduled for 9/23/09, 10:00 a.m.

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