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P3 – the specific characteristics required By Ridjauhn Ryan.

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1 P3 – the specific characteristics required By Ridjauhn Ryan

2 characteristics required to become an IT support technician Job related Know the OSI model. Testing, repairing and maintaining equipment. Working out the reasons for the breakdown of systems or peripherals: like printers, scanners and modems. ( technical knowledge ) Training clients on new systems or software applications ( Technical knowledge ) Working with a client to find the exact nature of a fault. ( interpersonal skills ) Recording problems and their solutions. ( organisation skills ) Written Comprehension ( planning skills ) Information Ordering ( number skills ) Intense problem Sensitivity ( problem solving ) Visiting clients, or sending out a field technician, to deal with problems that cannot be resolved over the phone or via the website. General attributes Have confidence ( confident ) Linear thinking. Selective Attention Installing and configuring new equipment and upgrading existing systems. Attributes Inductive Reasoning

3 characteristics required to become a Systems analyst An analyst must possess various skills to effectively carry out this job. Specifically they may be divided into 2 categories: interpersonal and technical skills. Interpersonal skills deal with relationships and the interface of the analyst with people in business as well as the following: Communication, understanding (identifying problems), teaching (educating people various programmes), Selling (ideas and promoting innovations) Job related technical skills include creativity, problem solving, project management, dynamic interface, questioning attitude and inquiring mind, knowledge of the basics of the computer, business function, general skills, interpersonal skills and attitudes. Attitudes you will need a specified attitude to get into certain job. A positive, self-motivated, fast working punctual attitude is viewed in many if not all workplaces as an amazing employee this is usually the person who will get assigned jobs done and met deadlines with ease but it is especially necessary to become a system analyst

4 M1 - Explain the importance of certain characteristics You need to Have confidence in yourself so you don’t second thought your decisions. You need Linear thinking to help you in your discussion with the client as well as how you are going to attempt to repair the broken peripheral. Written Comprehension is important so you can keep track of the key points. It is always important to have Information Ordering due to its many benefits. It is certainly important to have Intense problem Sensitivity so that you notice the problems early. It is essential to have Selective Attention it generally means you have the ability to focus on one thing without being distracted by other things. It is good to be able to Working with a client to find the exact nature of a fault because it will speed everything up and realistically make your job a lot easier. Working out the reasons for the breakdown of systems or peripherals: like printers, scanners and modems is good but you should be able to do this quite easily based on the type of peripheral or breakdown. It is important to know how to Install and configure new equipment and upgrade existing systems because some of them may be complex and written in IT vocab which will make it hard for some inexperienced users to understand they may need to rely entirely on the instructions which is time-consuming and incredibly boring. Testing is incredibly important especially when you are installing or updating hardware/software it is also important to have the knowledge to Repair equipment in case you damage the equipment or if a piece of equipment crashes/breakdowns and it is essential for you to maintain equipment mainly because it prevents you from having to waste time repairing it, replacing it or start all over again with the new piece of equipment, it is good to have equipment that begin Recording problems and their solutions simply because that way you can use that information gained to analyse and find a way to avoid that problem ever occurring in the future. It is always important to Training clients on new systems or software applications you could even give them a tour of all the new software and how to use them and access them. It is also very essential and important that They have to have a lot of Techniqual knowledge purely to ensure that you can understand the information in Techniqual terms

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