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BUSINESS EDUCATION & MARKETING IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, an update brought to you by: Molly Anderson, BELP Coordinator Placer County Office of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "BUSINESS EDUCATION & MARKETING IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, an update brought to you by: Molly Anderson, BELP Coordinator Placer County Office of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUSINESS EDUCATION & MARKETING IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, an update brought to you by: Molly Anderson, BELP Coordinator Placer County Office of Education Michelle Oliveira, Education Programs Consultant CA Department of Education CTE & Leadership & Instructional Support

2 OUTCOMES FOR TODAY:  CA Department of Education – contacts  Current enrollment numbers – students and FTE’s  Funding for Business Education & Marketing  Career Technical Student Organizations  An understanding of the BELP  Your NEEDS in the field – next year’s contract?  CTE Standards – Career Readiness Standards  Entrepreneurship & Financial Literacy  A-g courses – what has already been done – Michelle  Future of Business and Marketing Education  How might we all support Career Readiness Standards at our sites?  And, if time allows – LCAP funding and support/advocacy at the site level.

3 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CONTACTS: Marketing, Sales, & Service Sector Lead Michelle Oliveira 916-319-0675 Business &Finance Sector Lead Vacant

4 BUSINESS EDUCATION ENROLLMENT NUMBERS IN CALIFORNIA 2012-13 Marketing, Sales, & Service18,333 Business & Finance +87,983 = 106,316

5 BUSINESS EDUCATION FUNDING 2015-16 Marketing, Sales, & Service Sector (PL)$102,500 Business & Finance Sector (PL) $102,500 Business Education Leadership Project (PL) = $205,000 DECA (SB 1070)$225,000 FBLA (SB 1070)$225,000 Total Career Technical Student Organizations = $500,000

6 CAREER TECHNICAL STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS State Advisor Michelle OliveiraCindy Beck - Interim


8  What is the BELP?  The Business Education Leadership Project is a grant funded by Carl Perkins and administered by the California Department of Education  As of August 2014, I am your coordinator!  You can find me at:  The Placer County Office of Education  360 Nevada Street  Auburn, CA 95603  (530)886-2050 

9  Provisions of the 2014-15 BELP Contract:  Supporting the two Industry Sectors of Business & Finance and Marketing, Sales & Service, the contract includes:  Dissemination of Information and Resources  Professional Webinars  This year the first web event topic is Entrepreneurship Education and Financial Literacy  The second web event will include articulation, dual enrollment and UC a-g course submission

10 Continued….  Professional Development  Workgroups in Sacramento, California  CTE Model Curriculum Standards training  February 6, Rocklin  Februaury 20, Rancho Cucamonga  Advisory Group Meeting of the BERG (Business Education Resources Group)  May 19, Sacramento

11 Continued…..  Supporting Entrepreneurship – Solano County is hosting the Virtual Enterprise Bay Area Entrepreneurship Trade Show & Competitions. The BELP will help fund the expansion of this show.  Education Conferences  CA Business Education Association  Financial support for 20 teachers to attend conference  Model Program Visits  CTSO Advisor Outreach (FBLA, DECA)

12  Information Dissemination: A bi-monthly newsletter is distributed to my mailing list. Are you on the list? Does this look familiar?

13 Let’s hear from YOU! Take a minute, talk to your neighbor. Have you taken advantage of any of the BELP offerings? What would you like to see offered for 2015-16? Notes on flipboard *If you are not receiving the newsletter and would like to, PLEASE add your name and contact information to my list! (clipboard)

14 Good News/Not So Good News show of hands – how many teachers are in the room? Business teachers?  The way we teach Business has changed and is going to continue to change.  Computer Literacy may no longer be the “catch all” for Business at the high school level  Keyboarding skills should probably be taught at a lower level Discussion: Take a minute to digest this, then turn to the person next to you and discuss your thoughts, concerns, ideas.

15 Good News/Not So Good News  Good news for us! The new standards call for Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy to be infused in ALL industry sectors!  Standards for Career Ready Practice are for ALL disciplines. Let’s take a look at these…

16 THE 12 STANDARDS FOR CAREER READY PRACTICE These standards are taught and reinforced in all career exploration and preparation programs or integrated into core curriculum, with increasingly higher levels of complexity and expectation. 1. Apply appropriate technical skills and academic knowledge. 2. Communicate clearly, effectively, and with reason. 3. Develop an education and career plan aligned with personal goals. 4. Apply technology to enhance productivity. 5. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 6. Practice personal health and understand financial literacy. 7. Act as a responsible citizen in the workplace and the community.

17 8. Model integrity, ethical leadership, and effective management. 9. Work productively in teams while integrating cultural and global competence. 10. Demonstrate creativity and innovation. 11. Employ valid and reliable research strategies. 12. Understand the environmental, social, and economic impacts of decisions.

18 STANDARDS FOR CAREER READINESS – Brainstorming… The standards for Career Ready Practice are to be taught in all academic areas… across all subject areas, and all CTE Industry Sectors. A teacher comes to you and is frustrated. “How am I going to teach these standards too?” How might YOU respond? Responses charted on flip board

19 FINANCIAL LITERACY & ENTREPRENEURSHIP  You may have heard a lot of talk about Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship.  That’s because…. These two topics are infused across all Industry Sectors.  Discussion. Questions. Concerns.

20 FUNDING ISSUES – LCAP Respond with Facts Career technical education (CTE) provides students and adults with the academic and technical skills, knowledge, and training necessary to succeed in future careers and develop skills they will use through their careers.

21 FACT SHEET FOR PARENTS, STUDENTS, AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC (COPIES AVAILABLE) – WHY CTE?  College & Career Readiness:  80% of students in college prep and rigorous CTE met college and career readiness goals versus 63% of students taking only college prep  Higher Graduation Rates:  90% CTE student graduation rate in high school versus only 75 percent average nationwide graduation rate

22 FACTS, continued …  At Risk Students Stay in School:  High-risk students are eight to ten times less likely to drop out in the 11 th and 12 th grades if they enroll in a CTE program. CTE has increased school connectedness, reduced behavioral problems related to suspensions and expulsions, and reduced dropouts in all students groups, but especially among students who are at highest risk of dropping out.

23 FACTS, continued…  Success in College  Students who complete a blended academic- career curriculum are more likely to pursue postsecondary education, have a higher GPA in college and are less likely to drop out of college in the first year.  Success in Work and Life  Experts project 47 million job openings in the decade ending 2018. About 1/3 will require an associate’s degree or certificate, and nearly all will require real-world skills that can be mastered through CTE.  95% of CTE concentrators who did not enroll in postsecondary education worked for pay within two years of high school graduation.

24 QUESTIONS? CONCERNS? COMMENTS? Thank you! Molly Michelle

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