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Microlight flights lessons Exercise 12-13 Circuits.

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1 Microlight flights lessons Exercise 12-13 Circuits

2 12-13 The Circuit The Take Off Circuit And Land 12-13 The Circuit The Take Off Circuit And Land Aim Aim To safely take off and climb the aircraft into a position on the downwind leg at circuit height. Also to land safely in the event of engine failure after take off or at any time in the circuit, and to decide against and take appropriate action if for some reason continuation of the take off would be un-safe

3 To fly an accurate circuit and carry out a safe missed approach This exercise cannot be fully covered in one flight exercise. It is broken down into a number of briefings and flights. Plenty of practice will be required to build up the skills to solo standard

4 The Circuit Active side


6 Into wind take off

7 THE STANDARD INTO WIND TAKE OFF 1. Checks complete, clearance obtained, line up and select a reference point well ahead. If the runway is short select abort point. 1. Checks complete, clearance obtained, line up and select a reference point well ahead. If the runway is short select abort point. 2. Brakes off, apply smooth power 2. Brakes off, apply smooth power 3. Keep wings level and bar neutral, keep steering straight with nose wheel- not by steering with wing. 3. Keep wings level and bar neutral, keep steering straight with nose wheel- not by steering with wing. 4. As flying speed is approached smoothly move the bar forwards to take off 4. As flying speed is approached smoothly move the bar forwards to take offChecks During the take off run aurally check that full power has been achieved, if in doubt abort the take off. Also estimate the expected take off point for the prevailing conditions. During the take off run aurally check that full power has been achieved, if in doubt abort the take off. Also estimate the expected take off point for the prevailing conditions.

8 The Climb Out

9 Into wind Glide approach

10 The Standard into wind glide approach and landing 1.Turn Finals line up on the extended runway centre line make sure nose wheel straight 1.Turn Finals line up on the extended runway centre line make sure nose wheel straight 2.When you intersect the gliding angle towards your chosen aiming point, lower the nose adopt the glide 2.When you intersect the gliding angle towards your chosen aiming point, lower the nose adopt the glide 3. Attain correct approach speed 3. Attain correct approach speed


12 20ft Hold off Look well ahead down runway to maintain perspective

13 Ground effect Half Wing span

14 7. once on the ground keep steering straight and brake gently only if necessary. Re-turn the bar to the neutral position. On the smooth surface aerodynamic braking may be used by moving the bar back from the neutral position 7. once on the ground keep steering straight and brake gently only if necessary. Re-turn the bar to the neutral position. On the smooth surface aerodynamic braking may be used by moving the bar back from the neutral position

15 Cross wind

16 THE CROSS WIND TAKE OFF AND LANDING 1. Estimate the cross wind component 1. Estimate the cross wind component And ensure it is within limits check the pilots hand book. P.O.H

17 15 degree off runway heading= crosswind component ¼ of the wind strength 15 degree off runway heading= crosswind component ¼ of the wind strength 30 degrees off runway heading= cross wind component ½ of the wind strength. 30 degrees off runway heading= cross wind component ½ of the wind strength. 45 degrees off runway heading= cross wind component¾ of the wind strength 45 degrees off runway heading= cross wind component¾ of the wind strength 60 degree or more off the runway heading= cross wind component 1/1 of the wind strength 60 degree or more off the runway heading= cross wind component 1/1 of the wind strength

18 Keep steering straight start the run with the into wind wing slightly down as airspeed builds level wings Keep steering straight start the run with the into wind wing slightly down as airspeed builds level wings A cross wind will cause drift after take off, so lift off cleanly. Hold the aircraft firmly on the ground during the take off run then lift off cleanly and positively A cross wind will cause drift after take off, so lift off cleanly. Hold the aircraft firmly on the ground during the take off run then lift off cleanly and positively Once the aircraft lifts off it will yaw into wind. Do not resist this but keep the wings level, the aircraft will assume approximately the correct drift angle. Adjust slightly if required once the aircraft is established in the climb. To maintain runway centre line during climb out Once the aircraft lifts off it will yaw into wind. Do not resist this but keep the wings level, the aircraft will assume approximately the correct drift angle. Adjust slightly if required once the aircraft is established in the climb. To maintain runway centre line during climb out

19 Crosswind landing 1. Land into wind if possible if not- 2. Estimate cross wind component as before ; ensure within limit if not land somewhere else. 3. Turn onto finales allowing for head or tailwind on base leg and get established on the runway centre line allowing for drift 4. Check nose wheel straight 5. Increase airspeed slightly above for normal approach. This will reduce drift angle

20 Continued crosswind landing 6. Round out slightly lower than normal, make short hold off try to land on back wheels with bar slightly forwards of trim to keep airspeed up and reduce drift angle. if difficult conditions turbulent may be useful to carry a little power to keep airspeed up and prolong the hold off. 7.Touch down back wheels first will yaw straight on runway, try to hold nose wheel up and touch nose down gently 8. Lower into the wind slightly and keep steering straight. Some trikes can land flat. As the aircraft lands it often will not be straight and tends to snatch and track in the direction that the trike is pointing. This can be reduced by aligning the nose wheel with the direction that the aircraft is tracking [down the runway hopefully] As the aircraft touches down it will then align with the tracking direction and the nose wheel can be straightened. Do not use this technique on aircraft that touch down main wheels first with nose wheel well in the air

21 Airfield considerations for cross wind landings with possible turbulence of hangers The turbulence crossing hangers can throw a trike it can sink or cause wing drop possible stall be aware at all times

22 Short field take off

23 Take off The short field take off is a procedure which is carried out when obstruction clearance on take off is considered critical. The object being to obtain the shortest take off distance and achieve the steepest angle of climb


25 IF IN ANY DOUBT If in any doubt whether obstacles can be cleared safely do not attempt to take off in the first place de-rigg and trailer to a safe site or home or wait until better weather conditions. If in any doubt whether obstacles can be cleared safely do not attempt to take off in the first place de-rigg and trailer to a safe site or home or wait until better weather conditions. There is always another day to fly safety first There is always another day to fly safety first

26 Short field landing




30 Soft field take off

31 . Soft surfaces sand boggy or long, wet grass usually reduce the aircraft’s acceleration during the takeoff roll so much that adequate take off speed might not be attained if normal take off techniques were employed Front wheel digging in

32 Take Off 1. During the take off hold the bar fully forwards 2. Lift as soon as possible {at a lower speed than normal} 3. Hold the aircraft close to the ground in the level attitude and using the ground effect accelerate to a safe climbing airspeed before adopting the climbing angle Take Off 1. During the take off hold the bar fully forwards 2. Lift as soon as possible {at a lower speed than normal} 3. Hold the aircraft close to the ground in the level attitude and using the ground effect accelerate to a safe climbing airspeed before adopting the climbing angle

33 Soft field Landing

34 Landing 1. When the landing surface is sift or the grass is long, the approach should be set up in the normal way, for a power or glide approach 2. The touchdown should be made softly at the minim possible ground speed therefore land as close as into he wind and hold off as fully as possible touch down at the lowest possible airspeed 3. During the ground roll keep the control fully forwards o stop the nose wheel from digging in. 4. Do not use brakes. 5. If the field is very soft, stop the aircraft, get out and walk the field before taxiing

35 Missed approach go around

36 Missed approach go Around Reasons 1. Runway obstruction 2. Overshooting 3. Too close behind another landing aircraft 4. Strong turbulence or poor pilot control 5. Making continuation of landing will make it unsafe Aircraft obstruction

37 1. Make the decision early 2. Open the throttle fully 3. Raise the nose 4. If runway obstructed by another aircraft taking off,move 5. Of runway and fly parallel 6. On airfields with no dead side move to the live side but beware of the other aircraft turning across you 7. If all clear and at circuit height, at the upwind leg of the runway turn on to the cross-wind leg and rejoin the circuit on the down wind leg Aircraft taking off

38 1 Circuit Emergencies

39 Engine failure at low level Abandoned take off 1. Close throttle and bar neutral in pitch 2. Brake firmly if short distance Engine failure after take off Failure at very low level (10ft)- Use accurate pitch control to bring aircraft down to hold off height and land ahead Failure at 50 to 100ft- lower nose to glide attitude immediately and land ahead Engine failure after take off Take off roll Lower nose to glide angle Land Ahead Engine failure at 50 to 100 feet

40 Failure at 200ft to 300ft Failure at 200 to 300ft –lower nose to glide angle immediately. Land straight ahead if possible. If runway is insufficient and large obstacles make landing beyond dangerous, either S turn to bring the landing point closer. or turn to land cross wind in a clear area DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TURN BACK-unless at least 500feet Agl and the end of the runway is still underneath the aircraft or very close behind. Do not attempt to land downwind unless wind is extremely light

41 Engine failure in circuit 1. Lower nose and adopt the gliding attitude for minimum sink. 2. Pick the safest available landing area and position to land into wind. 3. Do not attempt to make it back to land at the aerodrome unless it is the safest option 4. Prepare for this by noting suitable landing areas before the engine stops and mentally rehearsing the procedure for every position around the circuit

42 Aborted landing If you land longer than expected and doubt exists on whether you will be able to stop before the end of the runway, try to make an early decision and apply full power promptly and take off again. If there is not enough runway left then brake firmly( wheel and aerodynamic braking) Switch off the ignition and gently steer away from obstacles If you land longer than expected and doubt exists on whether you will be able to stop before the end of the runway, try to make an early decision and apply full power promptly and take off again. If there is not enough runway left then brake firmly( wheel and aerodynamic braking) Switch off the ignition and gently steer away from obstacles

43 1 Departing and joining the circuit

44 Departing

45 Joining

46 Down wind join If the runway in use and circuit direction is ascertained prior to entering the ATZ a downwind join may be used. 1.On the initial approach to the Aerodrome keep to the upwind side 2. Aim to be established on the down wind leg abeam the upwind end of the runway. Approach this position ideally at 45 degrees to the downwind leg. Keep a very good lookout and give way to aircraft already established on the circuit

47 Base leg and Final join

48 Circuit Airmanship Plan Ahead Plan Ahead Lookout Lookout Right of way Right of way Wake turbulence Wake turbulence Checks Checks Handling Handling


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