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My Christmas book By: Cooper Miller. Table of contents Table of contents Dedication page My family traditions Christmas around the world 1: Spain Christmas.

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Presentation on theme: "My Christmas book By: Cooper Miller. Table of contents Table of contents Dedication page My family traditions Christmas around the world 1: Spain Christmas."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Christmas book By: Cooper Miller

2 Table of contents Table of contents Dedication page My family traditions Christmas around the world 1: Spain Christmas around the world 2: France Poem 1 Poem 2 Poem 3 Poem 4 Red activity 1 Red activity 2 Green activity 1 Green activity 2 Green activity 3 Purple activity 1 Purple activity 2 Purple activity 3 Purple activity 4 About the author

3 My Dedication page I dedicate this book to my little brother Nathan because every body is telling him that Santa Claus is not real so I will dedicate this book to him so he knows Santa Claus is real. Copyright 2010 Santa's workshop publishing co. Back forward

4 Table of contents forwardBack My family traditions My family traditions are we put up the tree when we can, we normally put it up 2 weeks before Christmas and we decorate the tree on my birthday the 16. We put the lights at the start of December, they are all red. The boys stockings are green and sparkly, and the girls stockings are purple and sparkly, and my parents are red and sparkly, and pets stockings are different sizes, we make them unlike ours are bought and my cats stockings are small and my dogs stocking is big because he is big. They are good colors.

5 Table of contents forwardBack We write letters to Santa and put them in the red mail slot on the road and then a couple of weeks latter we get them back and read them. Then we go for Santa pictures and tell Santa what we want. When it is the night before Christmas we bake cookies and get carrots and milk (chocolate milk) for Santa and his reindeer. Bake then we bake the cookies before we go to bed because they will be nice and warm.

6 Table of contents forwardBack We open Christmas Eve presents and normally they are PJ’s so we can have a cozy nice sleep. I sleep in my sister’s room and my brothers sleep in the Charlie and Brendins room and my parents sleep up stairs. In the morning when we wake up my little brother Nathan wakes up at 6:30 and wakes up my brothers and runs into our room and says “wake up wake up it is Christmas” and jumps on us. When we get up there is always presents on the stairs or in front of our door and we get the one that is ours and walk up stairs really slowly and put our presents down and then sneak in my parents room and then jump on then. We open our Santa presents first and then our stockings and then the presents under the tree. After all of that we go and run around and then have breakfast. My dad makes the best breakfast he makes omelet and hash browns and have eggnog my dad gives us a dollar if we get the question right and he always says only one person gets one but it ends up as every body gets a dollar. We have my grandparents over for dinner and then they give us our presents and normally we get the best presents ever.

7 Christmas in Spain Stuff that I learned about Christmas in Spain is that on Christmas Eve as the stars come out they light a small lamp in every house. Children think that the three wide men are the girt bringers. There shoes are used for stockings they are filled with straw or barley for the tried camels that must be carry their riders through the night. By morning the camel food is gone and place of straw and barley is filled with presents. They honor the cow because is when Mary gave birth to Jesus the cow in the stable breathed on the baby to keep him warm. They have Christmas dinner after midnight, at midnight all they dancers come out a dance on the streets. The special Christmas dance is called the Jota. People play musical instruments such as guitar and castanets accompany the Jota. They call Christmas Eve nochebuena or the good night. Table of contents forwardBack

8 On Christmas dinner the gather all family members and gather around the nativity scenes in their homes after the midnight mass. The food they eat is a typical Spanish Christmas dinner is served with prawn followed by a roasted lamb. The Christmas dinner is never eaten till after midnight. Families have a grand lunch on Christmas day. A traditional Christmas treat is turron, a kind of almond candy. The dessert is traditionally a Christmas sweet, either the “turron” – nougat made of toasted sweet almonds or the polvorone made from almonds and sugar. The drink they have with fine Spanish wine it is normally drunken when giving at toast. Table of contents forwardBack

9 On Christmas day families visit local churches to attend the religious services. They have big grand lunch on Christmas afternoon. Children get up really early to see their small gifts on the 25 th morning, but they have to wait for January 6 th to get their actual gifts. Christmas is deep religion in Spain. Table of contents forwardBack

10 Christmas in Brazil One Christmas Eve thousand of devout catholics attend the missa do galo or the midnight mass. Masses are organized on December 25 th in the morning and later afternoon. High temperatures and the absence of snow. Table of contents forwardBack

11 Decoration includes setting up the Christmas trees, putting pretty lights up and plastic and glass balls. The high light of Christmas in Brazil is making huge trees for electric lights. They go Christmas caroling and it is popular in Brazil. Fire works go off in the skies over the cites and the huge Christmas trees of electric lights. They can be seen against the night skies. Table of contents forwardBack

12 They have a lot of food for Christmas. Their huge Christmas dinner includes turkey, ham, colored rice and a wonderful dish full of fresh vegetable and fruit. The less fortunate have rice and chicken or with beans. Some regions start the feast on Christmas Eve around 9pm while at other places it is eaten at midnight with children served first. Table of contents forwardBack

13 Children wear a red fur coat with boots and carry a bag full of presents from a belief from a girt bringer “Papai Noel”. He is believed to secretly leave gifts in the house for the good children on Christmas the 25 th. He wears silk clothing. Children wake up early on Christmas morning to look at the gifts that papai Noels gave them. On Christmas day lots of people go to church but the masses mostly late because the sleep in after dinner or the go to the beach. Table of contents forwardBack

14 Rudolph the red nose reindeer Red nose Unforgettable Determined to play games Oh so fun Lonely from other reindeers Playful Helpful for Santa Table of contents forwardBack

15 Rudolph the red nose reindeer Rudolph Brown reindeer Jumping flying laughing bright red nose reindeer Table of contents forwardBack

16 Rudolph the red nose reindeer Rudolph brown reindeer Jumping flying laughing Santa north pole * carnivore cubs Scaring killing protecting they eat honey grizzly bear Table of contents forwardBack

17 Rudolph the red nose reindeer Lives at the north pole He is a red nose reindeer works on Christmas eve Table of contents forwardBack

18 Red card 1 On Christmas when the elves get sick! One morning when Santa clause walked into his work shop there were no elves working so Santa went to go look in there beds. So they were sleeping in the beds so he asked them “why are you still in bed” and they said “ we are sick”. So Santa went into the work shop and started to do the work on his own. Santa had lots of troubles get every thing done, but every once and a while he would check on the elves. When Santa was doing his work he turned around and saw the elves working. They were working and they were still sick. So they coughed and sniffled while working but they manage. They were running out of time and they still had lots of gifts to rap. Santa was late of getting the toys to the little boys and girls and when morning came Santa was still delivering the presents but he could deliver the presents just before the people woke up. When Santa got back the elves were still sick so Santa clause and Mrs. Clause had to give there presents with the elves in bed then the next day Santa got sick………. Well that is a different story. Table of contents forwardBack

19 Red card 2 my plan for some one who in a hospital on Christmas or Christmas eve I would go and visit them. I would give them company for a while and maybe call one of their friends for them and see if the can come visit to I would decorate the bed and maybe take them to the cafeteria for some lunch together. My plan If some one was alone I would go and visit them for a little while. I would get them to call one of their friends and have lunch and cookies and I would bring a gift for them. Table of contents forwardBack

20 Continued red card 2 my plan If some one was ill and in their bed I would visit but I would not go that close. I would bring them a gift. I would stay and have fun with them. My plan If some one was lonely I would call one of their friends and give them a gift and watch TV and a movie. And give them cookies. my plan If they were away from a homeland I would get them to write them letters. And send presents to their family. Table of contents forwardBack

21 Green card 1 (interview) Me: how did you become Santa clause? Santa: I was 12 when I started to grow a beard and about 15 when I started to get fat. I've lived at the north pole ever since I was 2. Me: what do you like about your job? Santa: the thing I really like about my jobs is that all the elves are so nice and ever body has fun in my work shop. Me: do you ever get to help out with rapping the gifts? Santa: well some times I don’t really like to because I am not that go of a rapper and Mrs. Clause thinks I am bad at rapping too. Me: how long does it take you to go all around the world in one night? Santa: well it took us about 12 hours I know it seems a really fast time but we do it all in 12 hours. Table of contents forwardBack

22 Green card 1 (interview) continue Me: how did you become Mrs. Clause in the first place? Mrs. Clause: well I married Santa or should I say Nickolas his real name and when he married me we meet at a Christmas party for our friends. Me: do you ever go with Santa to deliver presents on the night of? Mrs. Clause: yes, only once it was the every first day of Christmas for me and I went but I did not want to go again so …. Yah. Me: what do you like about living at the north pole? Mrs. Clause: What I like about living in the north pole is that all the elves and the people living there are all happy and nice it is so peace and quiet. Me: what are your Christmas traditions? Mrs. Clause: well all of the village comes together on Christmas eve and we make a circle around the BIG Christmas tree in the middle of the village and we sing Christmas carols around. Me: who is your favorite reindeer and why? Mrs. Clause: well my favorite reindeer is Rudolph because he is always left out and he is so cute. Table of contents forwardBack

23 Green card 1 (interview) continue Me: how do you like working in the work shop 24/7? Elf: well yes I love rapping the gifts and all the toys to see and give. Me: what do you like best about working with Santa? Elf: my favorite part about working with Santa is that I get to ride in his sleigh. Me: why is that your favorite part about working with Santa? Elf: because you get to fly over all the pretty houses and lights and decorations. Me: do you like about the work shop and the other elves? Elf: well I do like to rap all the gifts and all the other elves are so so nice and friendly. Me: what do like best about the north pole and every thing around you? Elf: well I think that it all depends if I am having a good day but yah, but I do love the north pole and every thing about the north pole because it is quiet most of the time and mostly loud when it comes to Christmas time but every thing is going really good. Table of contents forwardBack

24 green card 1 continue green card 1 continue Me: what do you like best about the north pole? Rudolph : well I love all the elves and Santa and Mrs. Clause and some of the reindeer. Me: how does it feel to be left out of all the reindeer games? Rudolph: well I do feel sad and mad but I have got used to it so I a ok for now. Me: how do you feel about being the leader when you go to deliver the presents? Rudolph: well it feels good to something that some one would like for and still I personally think that they are jealous of me being the leader for once. Me: do you think that they will be your friend? Rudolph: yes, I think one day they will like me for who I really am. Me: do the names they call you hurt you? Rudolph: yes they do hurt but you know the old saying “ sticks and rocks can you hurt you so much but words can’t hurt you at all. Table of contents forwardBack

25 Green card 2 my favorite holiday is Christmas and new years because it is so beautiful and pretty lights and you get to spend time with your family. I love all of the presents and all the little kids faces when they open there gifts. They are so many great things about Christmas you get 2 weeks off school and celebrate new years too. On new years you can stay up late and have fun all night. Christmas is fun to because you can set up your Christmas tree and put up pretty decoration in and out side of your house. You can driver down the streets and see everybody else's lights and pretty decorations. and on Christmas you can stay up and have egg nog and eat cookies and on Christmas day you can open presents and you stockings. Then you can visits all your family and friends and give them gifts too. Table of contents forwardBack

26 Green card 3 if a old lady was at home and had no one to visit and she was going to see her grandchildren on the 26 th I would send her flowers and help her get through it all and get her grandchildren make a surprise for her at the their house or her house and make her cookies. I would help her make lunch and dinner and anything else. I would ask mom and dad if they can get her a gift with me and help her through out the evening. Table of contents forwardBack

27 Purple card 1 Mom: I am getting my mom a hair dressers cape for when she is cutting our hair it won’t get on us because she ask for it from my dad and he said shear but he never got it for her. Dad: I am going to get my dad a socks and underwear because he wants them. Grandpa: a new Christmas ornamented because I just saw one in the store and I wanted to get on for her. Grandma: a new toy car for his decoration for his little toy town the set up because his wants one more. Table of contents forwardBack

28 Purple card 2 the colors are RED and GREEN and GOLD and WHITE because: RED because Santa clause wears red on his sot. GREEN because it is the color of a Christmas tree. GOLD because it is pretty like the lights and just because. WHITE because it is always on the lights and the snowflakes. Table of contents forwardBack

29 Purple card 3 IPod touch: because it is cool and my old one is ok. If I got something else I won’t be mad I will be disappointed but next year I will ask for some thing different. Laptop: because I have always wanted one and I can us it for lots of things. If I did not get it I will understand because my mom will not want to spend the money. Cell phone: because I will need one for when I go places with my friends and to walk so were and walk to school and form school. If I don’t get one I will be disappointed but I get that my mom does not want to pay for it all the time. Table of contents forwardBack

30 Purple card 4 A symbol that I think belongs to Christmas is Christmas tree because it is pretty and it comes in many different sizes and you can put presents under it and you decorate it with beautiful ornaments. You can get the trees in 3 different colors you can get them in white, black, and green and it is like the lights on the houses. Table of contents forwardBack

31 About the author my name is Cooper Jane Miller and I am 11 years old and I love Christmas eve and Christmas day too! My birthday is on December, 16/1999. I have a mom, a dad, 3 brothers, 1 sister, 2 cats and 1 dog, I have a big family. I love to talk and have fun and be crazy but there is a time when you have to settle down. Plays soccer, lacrosse and basketball. I love to go and hang out with friends and family. I love animals and helping them I love my cat Miley, Sanjaya and her dog named Oliver, I love to spend time with my best friends Lindsey, Rylee, and Kirstin. My favorite thing to do are play soccer on a nice day, do art and drawings, play with my pets and hang out with my friends. When I get older I would like to be a teacher, vet or a police officer. Table of contents forwardBack

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