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Published byRodger White Modified over 9 years ago
KHEDS Update Presented by Marti Leisinger Team Leader for Data Collections Data, Research and Planning 2014 KBOR Webinar April 2, 2014
2 Verify participation We want to make sure that all participants have successfully logged in to webinar. Please make sure phone is not muted and just respond with “yes” as your institution is called.
Before we get started… Please mute your phone to avoid background noise during the webinar. We will have time at the end of the presentation to take questions. If we have questions come in through the “chat” portion of the webinar that we don’t get to during this call, we will send those answers out to participants shortly after the webinar. 3
4 Data Research and Planning Organization Chart
Agenda KHEDS Collections and KBOR Updates New fields and changes to existing data fields Clarifications and reminders New warnings and errors Review of certification process Student Financing Module Update and FAQs Workforce Development Reminders Data collection dates for other collections Licensure/Credentialing Project Update Project Calendar Update NEW Data Book Project KHERS IPEDS Update June Conference Preview 5
Kansas Higher Education Data System (KHEDS) Data collections are integral to maintaining a database system that supports informed decision-making by the Kansas Board of Regents through collection, analysis, and reporting of education data in Kansas as required by the Kansas Higher Education Coordination Act. KSPSD including new SFM files and SB155 collection Business, Training and Enrichment (BTE) - Community Colleges and Technical Colleges Program Inventory Course Inventory and Courses within Programs (CWP’s) - Community Colleges and Technical Colleges Program Review – Universities 6
FERPA Privacy Reminder Institutions should NEVER e-mail personally identifying student data to KBOR. Examples - SSN, name information, institution assigned id Any e-mail received by KBOR with such information will be immediately deleted KBOR has an upload function on the web that is secure. (File exchange under the KSPSD Reports tab). Please contact KBOR if you wish to use this process 7
New For AY 2014 All KSPSD Collections All Files Eliminated the option of uploading files with no decimals There will no longer be a question on the upload page to select decimal/no decimal Why? In the past, some data was submitted incorrectly when utilizing the no decimal option 8
New for AY 2014 All KSPSD Collections All Files Only submit federally assigned SSN’s in student identification number field (SSN) In the past, institutions have used college assigned numbers if the SSN was unknown Social Security Administration expanded their range of numbers and there is overlap between federal SSNs and some college assigned numbers SSN is used for matching to labor data and labor data could be matched to wrong students If an SSN is unknown, enter all zeros 9
New for AY 2014 KSPSD AY Collection Enrolled Flags Adding Student Level Field Student level will be collected for each term the student is enrolled in at your institution Why? Needed for Student Financing Module tuition analysis 10
New For AY 2014 KSPSD AY Collection Registrations New Values to KIT/KIR Funding Field OUTSVC – to be used by institutions offering courses outside the service area that have not been approved by KBOR and the institution that is authorized for that service area. These hours will not receive state funding WKFAID – to be used by institutions if the course is being funded by workforce aid contract 11
New For AY 2014 PI/CI Process for Workforce Aid* Add program (SAPP) and PO course; tie course to program Create BI course which is the same as PO course and link to program and flag as workforce aid course (new flag in CI) Submit contract with Commerce as paperwork required for BI course Enroll participating students in the BI course Contact KBOR Workforce Development Unit for complete documentation on the process. * Companies work with Commerce to provide free training to potential applicants. Commerce contracts with institutions to provide the training. Currently only WIT has a contract, but others are being negotiated. 12
New For AY 2014 KSPSD AY Collection New Undergrads Warning – Student Type – First-Time Freshman “Student has been previously reported as a First- Time Freshman at another institution” Error *– Student Type – First-Time Freshman “In prior years student has been reported as a First- Time Freshman at your institution” * Errors must be fixed to submit collection! 13
New For AY 2014 KSPSD AY Collection New Undergrads Error* – Student Type – Transfer “In prior years student has been reported as a Transfer at your institution” * Errors must be fixed to submit collection! 14
New For AY 2014 KSPSD AY Collection Completions (University Certificates) All completions must have a program, award and award level (PALA) that matches a program in program inventory Although some university certificate programs may not require KBOR approval, they will need to be reviewed as appropriate for collection purposes and use in Foresight 2020 KBOR is looking at aligning with IPEDS definitions Academic Affairs is reviewing and final policy decision will be made prior to conference 15
Reminder KHEDS Collections Students Information File Date of Birth is NOT an optional field. Match data is critical to success. o Matching within KBOR system for Student Success Index o Matching students to KSDE data for P20 database o Matching licensure/credentialing data for outcome metrics, Foresight 2020 and research initiatives It should only be left blank or populated with zeros if the DOB is truly not known. Note : BTE exception – Business & Industry section that is reporting enrollment counts only 16
Reminder KSPSD AY Collections Transfers File Include any undergraduate who is in the new undergrads file that has transferred to your institution for the first time Do not include students who start at your institution, transfer to another and then come back New edit (error) in place for AY collection 17
Reminder KSPSD AY Collection New Undergrads File Student Type (Match EF, TR) Transfer student o Students indicated as transfers should be students transferring to institution for the first time. Students that attend your institution, leave to attend another institution and then come back, should not be included. Note: This definition is different from QA definition because fields are used for different purposes. 18
Reminder KSPSD AY Collection New Undergrads File Student Type (Match EF, TR) First-time Entering o A current high school student is not considered first-time entering o First- time entering postsecondary regardless of classification (Example – Could come in as a sophomore due to credit obtained while in HS) o If entering in Summer and then again in Fall, count first-time for both o A student may be a first-time entering student even if they are classified as a transfer in qualified admissions ( Example - High School graduate entering postsecondary with at least 24 hours of college credit obtained while in high school.) 19
Reminder KSPSD AY Collection New Undergrads File Qualified Admissions Type (Universities only) Match QA Survey Collection Definitions were clarified last year to eliminate confusion Legislative Requests and reporting to the Board necessitate use of KHEDS QA data, not just QA Collection 20
Reminder KSPSD AY Collection New Undergrads File Qualified Admissions Type (Universities only) TRNS = o Kansas resident or nonresident o student completed 24 hours of transferable college level work o with at least a 2.00 GPA ***Also Use for First-Time Entering with 24 Hours 21
Reminder KSPSD AY Collection New Undergrads File Critical fields for P20 Database Field: High School Grad Date o Matching students between systems, defining cohort Field: First Term Enrolled o Measuring cohort progress (For semester based institutions, please use 08 for the month for fall, 01 for spring and 06 for summer) Field: Student Type o For matching between systems, it is critical to know if they are first-time entering or transfer 22
Reminder KSPSD AY Collection Completions file (SAPPS) All completers, including SAPP completers, should be submitted All SAPP completers will be included in Follow Up file Although SAPPs are not eligible for Perkins, the data is needed for outcome metrics, performance agreements, and KTIP reporting 23
Reminder KHEDS AY Collection 20 th Day Definition Students enrolled on 20 th day (Even if they withdrew after 20 th day) Students who are enrolled in a course that begins and ends before the 20 th day Students enrolled in a course that starts after the 20 th day provided that they are still enrolled as of the course’s census day Do not include students that enrolled after 20 th day and dropped before course started Exception – “Completers only” that are in the student info and completions files 24
Reminder KHEDS AY Collection BTE must be completed and Locked before the AY Collection can be Locked 25
Reminder KHEDS Fall Collection 20 th Day Definition Students enrolled on 20 th day (Even if they withdrew after 20 th day) Students who are enrolled in a course that begins and ends before the 20 th day 26
Optional but Preferred KSPSD AY & Fall Collections Enrolled Flags, Enrollments, and Campus Files Prefer to identify students attending branch campuses Insert Branch Code for student in Enrolled Flags and Enrollments Enter corresponding Campus Code and description in Campus File Enables KBOR to exclude students based on campus (Example – FHSU’s China campus) 27
Data Issues/FAQs Declared Majors - How to handle students who audit classes Enter the number of credit hours of the course even though the student is getting zero credits. The Outcome will be “AUDIT”. New Undergrads – How to handle multiple placement tests If more than one test is used, use the placement test used to place the student in a suitable course. If numerous test are used to place the student, pick the test that has the highest weight. If they all are weighted the same, pick the test with the best score. 28
Student Financing Module Now integrated into the AY Collection Data will be made available to the Board and will be used for reporting purposes after certification period No corrections/changes will be made after the certification period 29 New for AY 2014 Student Financing Module
New Warnings for AY 2014 Student Financing Module Student Costs Warning - No Students Reported as SB 155 Students Financing File Student is in Enrolled Flags (EF) and not Students Financing (FN) Warning – “Would expect each student to have at least one FN record for each term enrolled unless they are 100% self-pay.” 30
New Fatal Error for AY 2014 Student Financing Module Students Financing File Student is in Students Financing (FN) and not Enrolled Flags (EF) Fatal – “For each FN record, there must be an EF record. Reporting Periods must match.” 31
SFM Data Issues and Clarifications SFM data collection covers the same timeframe as AY – Summer 2013, Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 In the Student Costs file tuition charges should be reported before adjustments are made Tuition should NOT include required fees Required fees are reported separately in student costs file 32
SFM Data Issues and Clarifications All records in Enrolled Flags (EF) must have a Student Costs record (SC) All records in Students Financing (FN) must also have a record in Enrolled Flags (EF) SSN and Student ID must match in all files or system will generate errors 33
SFM Data Issues and Clarifications Students Cost File Reported EFC Months cannot exceed 12 Example: If a student is enrolled full-time in SU, FA, SP reported months would be 3.0, 4.5, 4.5 respectively. Each Reporting Period must have a Primary Cost record If a student has multiple tuition rates within a single reporting period suggested guidance is to report the largest number of credit hours as Primary and all others as Subsequent. 34
SFM Data Issues and Clarifications Students Financing File Only 1 record per student per reporting period enrolled per STAN (Funding Source/Funding Type/Award Type/Award Need) If a student has more than one institutional scholarship with same STAN the system will error this out o These must be rolled-up into a single total per STAN per Student per Reporting Period 35
SFM Data Issues and Clarifications Students Financing File Midwest Student Exchange Program (MSEP) MSEP students are Waivers 529 funds are an award These should be treated like cash and not reported in the FN file 36
SFM Data Issues and Clarifications Students Financing Warning “Would expect each student at least one FN record for each term that student is enrolled.” This will continue to be a warning Students who pay out-of-pocket will not have an FN record We want institutions to be aware of how many students they are reporting as self-pay to help ensure data is correct 37
SFM Data Issues and Clarifications Basic Counts Report It is very important that all parties involved in providing the SFM data review the Basic Counts report for accuracy. We will be reporting on the data provided to us in the AY 2014 collection. Unlike this past year, we will not be allowing schools to go back and correct the SFM data once it has been certified. 38
SFM FAQs Will I need to certify my SFM collection? SFM is part of the AY collection and will be certified as part of AY. What do I do if I don’t see a code (tuition type, tuition waiver, etc.) that fits what my institution does? Contact IR Help at Provide as much information about the code as 39
SFM FAQs I don’t understand the difference between a primary cost record and a subsequent cost record? Every student in Enrolled Flags must have a primary cost record for each term enrolled. Some students will have subsequent cost records if they have multiple tuition types. Which one you mark as primary or subsequent does not matter! Other costs (ex. Room & board, book & supplies, etc.) are only included with the primary cost record. (These costs must be reported as zero on subsequent cost records for that student for that reporting term to avoid duplicating costs). 40
SFM FAQs What do I do if a student and/or family pays for all education costs? Record all periods in which the student is enrolled in the Students Costs file. Do not report anything in the Students Financing file. What students should be submitted in the collection? All students that are reported in the Enrolled Flags file should also be reported in the Students Costs file and probably the Students Financing file unless 100% self pay. 41
SFM FAQs Why does KBOR need this information? NCHEMS & SHEEO list Financing Module as one of 15 Essential Characteristics of data system They conclude “…including financial aid data in a postsecondary longitudinal database is a wise investment.” To answer questions such as… Are we pricing students out of higher education? Is there a correlation between aid received, debt incurred and retention? As costs / aid availability change, how does composition of students change? What does student debt look like? 42
KHEDS certification certifies: KSPSD AY and Fall (Includes SFM starting with AY 2014) BTE Program Inventory/Course Inventory, Courses Within Program (CWP) Program Review NOTE: Includes KHEDS data used for Perkins allocations. 43 Reminder KHEDS Certification
2014 AY and Fall KHEDS Certification / Review Period Certifying the completeness and accuracy of KHEDS data submission – very important - institutions will not be allowed to go back and make corrections after the data has been certified unless a special circumstance exists. President will certify at 2-year institutions Chief Academic Officer will certify at Universities 44
2014 AY and Fall KHEDS Certification / Review Period Last date to lock KHEDS AY 2014 – September 15 Fall Census– December 1 Please review all reports before locking After lock date, KBOR will run standard quality assurance reports during the one week Review Period and institutions should review submission. Institutions will not be allowed to certify their data during this time. After the Review Period, institutions will have one week to certify data during the Certification Period. 45
2014 AY and Fall KHEDS Certification / Review Period (cont’d) Re-open (unlock) for corrections are allowed during the Review Period. All re-open requests can be accommodated during the certification period if data has not been certified. If the data has been certified and a correction needs to made during this time period, only the President/CAO can request it to be reopened and special circumstances must exist to support the request. 46
2014 AY and Fall KHEDS Certification / Review Period (cont’d ) Each institution is ultimately responsible for the accuracy and completeness of its submission. 47
Timing of BTE Collection BTE collection will lock/certify on same schedule as KSPSD AY 2014 collection Collection period does not change - July 1, 2013 to July 15, 2014 Lock by September 15, 2014 Certify by September 30, 2014 48 2014 AY and Fall KHEDS Certification / Review Period (cont’d )
KHEDS Summary No major layout changes “No decimal point” option for file upload process has been eliminated for all files Additional errors added for New Undergrads file Term collection delayed, but will be discussed at the conference in June SFM will be included in certification of KHEDS AY 49
Workforce Development Update Review the Secondary Tuition Verification Reports (SB155) Review Program Inventory now for “Broken Programs” Utilize 2013 certification reports to verify CI/PI accuracy User guide to accompany KHEDS data manual – will review at KBOR Conference 50
KHEER Data Issues Fall enrollment data should match across collections (Fall Prelim, Fall Census, KHEER) 20 th Day definitions are the same Transfer student definitions differ Slight discrepancies between collections may occur as data becomes more accurate during the semester Discrepancies may also occur between KHEER and KSPSD if your institution has students enrolled only in credit BTE courses and no KSPSD 51
KHEER Data Issues Reporting of students taking off-campus courses Students enrolled in only off-campus courses should be included in off-campus enrollment If mixed enrollment, report students as on- campus and classify credit hours in the appropriate areas for on-campus and off- campus hours 52
Project Calendar Update Institutional project calendars may be viewed online: ic/project_calendar_inst_view.jsp ic/project_calendar_inst_view.jsp Calendar now includes most significant reporting requirements from all KBOR units 53
54 Project Calendar Update
Status updated as projects are turned in May take a few days in some instances since receipt of documents must be communicated to DRP staff by other units. Continuing to work on additional updates to add more information and functionality Please provide comments, feedback, ideas to 55
Other Data Collection Dates University Qualified Admissions – Summer 2014 Tuition & Fees – July 2014 Fall KHEER – October 2014 K.S. A. 76-731a – October 2014 Data Book Collections - Fall University CEO Salary - Winter 2014 NOTE: University Tuition Waivers and Foster Child Assistance collections will be replaced with data from KHEDS (SFM) starting in AY 2014. 56
Credentialing Data Project Collection of licensure and credentialing data for KBOR students Important to KBOR strategic goals such as Foresight Assists in evaluation of programs and student success Building database of available licensure and credential information KDHE files are currently being loaded to the database. These include: Board of Nursing Board of Healing Arts Kansas Dental Board Board of Emergency Medical Services 57
Credentialing Data Project KBOR is working to match credential records with system student records Accurate name and date of birth data - extremely important Possible uses for credential data Foresight 2020 (2015 Progress Report) Outcome Metrics Follow-Up Reporting*/KTIP report Other reports as requested beginning in late 2014/early 2015 * Collection will NOT replace KHEDS Follow-Up Collection since KBOR is not able to collect data from all agencies/states, but data can be used to supplement Follow-Up. 58
Data Book Project History of Data Book KBOR State University Data Book Sections for finances, tuition, enrollment, faculty, facility data, institutional profiles Published annually since 1993. Recent versions can be found at Other Data Documents KBOR System Profiles (2002-2005) Kansas Higher Education Reporting System (KHERS) KACCBO Community College Enrollment and Financial Statistics Book 59
Data Book Project Timeline for Enhancements Future of the Data Book State Universities- January 2015 (slight alterations), full changes in January 2016 Washburn- January 2016 Community colleges- January 2016 Technical Colleges- January 2015 (abbreviated version), full version in January 2016 60
Data Book Project Advisory Committee Will consist of representatives from budget/administrative offices, institutional research offices, a governmental relations representative and KBOR staff Discussion topics : Appropriate data sources and measures Challenges associated with supplying timely data Alignment of definitions Inclusion of finance data from all sectors By late May, the committee is to provide recommendations to KBOR staff 61
Data Book Project Why? Consistent measures and presentation of the data Convenient resource for institutional leadership, KBOR Board and staff More efficient way to respond to legislative requests 62
The Business Intelligence (BI) Tool: KHERS Kansas Higher Education Reporting System (KHERS) Graphical representation of data submitted though KBOR collections Public Site available through Select KHERS found on left banner 63
The BI Tool: KHERS Spotlight-KHEER Reports 69 1 2 3
The BI Tool: KHERS Spotlight-KHEER Reports 70 Drill Down Links are Underlined Select Fall or Spring Semester
The BI Tool: KHERS Spotlight-KHEER Reports 71 Drill Down Links are Underlined
The BI Tool: KHERS Spotlight-KHEER Reports 72 1 2 3
KBOR Reporting/Uses of Collected Data Calculations for Technical Funding (SB 143 and SB 155) Perkins Allocations Data Books Tuition & Fees reports Transfer reports Press Releases Performance Agreements P20 Database and other Grants Initiatives Annual Enrollment Report to the Board Distance Education Report to the Board Legislative Requests Research Scholars and other Research Efforts Foresight 2020 Outcome Metrics KTIP KHERS Board Data Driven Decision- making 73
IPEDS 2014-2015 Data Collection Calendar Fall: Institutional Characteristics, Completion, 12-month Enrollment Opens: Early SeptemberKH Close: Mid-October Winter: Student Financial Aid, Graduation Rate, 200% Graduation Rate, Admissions (new) Opens: DecemberKH Close: February Spring: Fall Enrollment, Finance, Human Resources, Academic Libraries (new) Opens: DecemberKH Close: Early April Prior Year Revision System: Components will be open for revision during their regular data collection period. 74
IPEDS 2014-15 Change Institutional Characteristics Survey Adding survey questions regarding Veterans Add screening question for degree-granting institutions to determine level of reporting on new Academic Libraries Component Delete estimated enrollment items Move some Admissions Information from the IC Survey to a separate component in the Winter Collection (Admissions) 75
Admissions Information Moving to New Admissions Survey in the Winter Collection Admissions Requirements Example: Secondary School GPA, Completion of College- Preparatory Program, Admission Test Scores (SAT/ACT), etc. Provide the number of first-time, degree/certificate- seeking students who applied, who were admitted, and who enrolled (either full- or part-time) for the most recent fall period If test scores are required for Admission for first-time, degree/certificate-seeking Undergraduate students, provide the number and percentage of enrolled students submitting SAT and/or ACT scores, and the 25 th and 75 th percentile scores for each test listed 76
IPEDS 2014-15 Change Student Financial Aid Survey Add the following items: Number of Undergraduate and Graduate students receiving Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits and the total dollar amount of tuition and fee benefits awarded to them through the institution. Number of Undergraduate and Graduate students receiving DoD Tuition Assistance and the total dollar amount of DoD Tuition Assistance awarded to them through the institution. Department of Defense Tuition Assistance. 77
IPEDS 2014-15 Change Academic Libraries Survey Add items for degree-granting institutions if expenditures > 0 Is the library collection entirely electronic? (Y/N) Collect library collections counts, physical and digital/electronic, as applicable Circulation, physical and digital/electronic, as applicable Add items for degree-granting institutions if expenditures are > $100,000 Total Salaries and Wages Fringe benefit expenditures if paid by the library budget Preservation services Total interlibrary loans and documents provided to other libraries or received 78
The Future of IPEDS 2015-16 New Outcomes Measures Survey will be added to the Winter Collection Collect outcome measures data from degree-granting institutions on four degree/certificate-seeking student cohorts Full-time, first-time students Part-time, first-time students Full-time, non-first-time entering students Part-time, non-first-time entering students 79
Outcome Measures (OM) 2015-16 Status updates will be collected from both 2-year and 4-year institutions eight years after the cohort enters the institution. For each of the four cohorts, institutions will provide a status update using the following categories: Received award Did not receive award, still enrolled at institution Did not receive award, subsequently enrolled at another institution Did not receive award, subsequent enrollment status unknown A total of students who did not receive an award will be calculated. 80
IPEDS 2014-15, 2015-16 Data Collection Changes Major changes coming! New Collections! IPEDS Session at June conference will include details on changes and new collections. (Preview forms) (Background and summary of changes) 81
2014 Kansas Board of Regents Data Quality and Planning Conference June 25-26, 2014 Capitol Plaza Hotel, Topeka Online registration will be open later this week. Agenda available in 2 weeks. (Will be posted in KHEDS News) 82
2014 Kansas Board of Regents Data Quality and Planning Conference Wednesday, June 25 th - Tentative Newcomers Training IPEDS Update KHEDS including Student Financing Module (SFM) Developmental Education Legislative Update 83
2014 Kansas Board of Regents Data Quality and Planning Conference Thursday, June 26 th - Tentative Brustein - EDGAR Perkins Update Funding Update PI/CI/CWP Academic Affairs Update KHERS Overview Term Collection Discussion 84
2014 Kansas Board of Regents Data Quality and Planning Conference Other Topics Special KBOR Initiatives Data Book Credentialing Project Prior Learning Assessments Updates from researchers 85
2014 Kansas Board of Regents Data Quality and Planning Conference Michael Brustein Presentation Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) New Super Circular Cash Management Inventory Management & Controls Procurement Record Retention Auditing and Monitoring Responsibilities Required and Permitted Uses of Perkins Funds 86
Questions? (Please take phone off mute.) 87
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