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State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting “Strengthening National Infrastructures for the Control of Radiation.

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Presentation on theme: "State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting “Strengthening National Infrastructures for the Control of Radiation."— Presentation transcript:

1 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting “Strengthening National Infrastructures for the Control of Radiation Sources” (TSA-1), (Phase II) Country: UKRAINE Olga Makarovska Deputy Head of SNRC

2 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 2 WWER – 440 WWER – 1000 RBMK – 1000 RR RW Uranium Nuclear Applications in Ukraine 3804 users of RS 2837 - medical use 967 - non medical 549 use sealed RS.

3 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 3 The nuclear legislative framework is governed by a set of laws; The main one is the Law on Use of Nuclear Energy and Radiation Safety (Nuclear Law); The Nuclear Law sets out the main principles for nuclear safety and radiation protection as in IAEA Safety Fundamentals. Nuclear law specify the main responsibilities of a regulatory authority to ensure nuclear and radiation safety. Strength – comprehensive nuclear legislation Opportunities in the framework of RER9096 project – Ukraine is ready to be host country to exchange experience in the field of nuclear law preparation and improvement Legislation. Regulations and Guidance occupational protection, public protection, medical exposure, radioactive waste, and the transport of radioactive materials

4 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 4 – Law on Physical Protection of Nuclear Facilities, Nuclear Material, Radioactive Waste, and Other Sources of Ionizing Radiation – Law on Authorization Activity in Nuclear Energy Use – Law on Human Protection against Impact of Ionizing Radiation – Law on Radioactive Waste Management – Law on Decision Making Procedure on Siting, Design, Construction of Nuclear and RAW Facilities of National Importance – Law on Uranium Mining and Milling – Law on State Supervision – Law on Environmental Protection, etc. Legislation. Regulations and Guidance occupational protection, public protection, medical exposure, radioactive waste, and the transport of radioactive materials

5 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 5 Ukrainian regulations and guidance are prepared in compliance with IAEA standards and the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources During 2007-2009 For each field of regulation (including RS usage) logical systematic analysis of regulations was provided: Legislation pyramid was built identifying gaps Strategic plan for regulations development was produced (for RS usage plan includes development of activity specific regulations review/development) Priorities for regulations elaboration were established Legislation. Regulations and Guidance occupational protection, public protection, medical exposure, radioactive waste, and the transport of radioactive materials

6 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 6 Updates of 2008 – laws amendments, new regulations (e.g. regulations for safety and security for radiotherapy and for quality assurance for medical application of RS were established). Legislation. Regulations and Guidance occupational protection, public protection, medical exposure, radioactive waste, and the transport of radioactive materials

7 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 7 Strength – comprehensive strategic planning, stable R&D financing from state budget, plans are under implementation Challenges: to prepare complete set of activity specific guides to review national regulations according with forthcoming new BSS Opportunities in the framework of RER9096 project: expert advice in preparation of RS activity specific guides is needed involvement of national experts in BSS preparation training after new BSS approval is needed Legislation. Regulations and Guidance occupational protection, public protection, medical exposure, radioactive waste, and the transport of radioactive materials

8 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 8 Legislation. Regulations and Guidance occupational protection, public protection, medical exposure, radioactive waste, and the transport of radioactive materials A complete list of the current regulations that cover: - General issues– mainly procedural in development and establishment of regulatory requirements – 15; - General nuclear safety - 18; - Safety of nuclear installations – 71; - Safety of sources of ionizing radiation – 30; - Safety in transport – 16; - Safety of RAW management – 22; - Safety in mining and milling – 15; - Non-proliferation and safeguards – 17; - Physical protection – 12; - Emergency preparedness and response – 23.

9 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 9 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine is Ukrainian regulatory authority that is competent, in particular, for radioactive sources safety and security regulation SNRCU is reporting to the Cabinet of Ministers SNRCU is responsible for coordination of all executive authorities and institutions of local governing that have competence in radiation safety and radiation protection SNRCU has memorandums with executive authorities that have competence in radiation safety and radiation protection (including MOH) Legislation. Regulations and Guidance occupational protection, public protection, medical exposure, radioactive waste, and the transport of radioactive materials

10 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 10 SNRCU STRUCTURE CHAIRPERSON of the State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine Physical Protection Regulation Department Safeguards Division Administrative Service Sector International Cooperation and European Integration Division Nuclear Installations Safety Assessment Directorate Information Emergency Department Organizational – Analytical Support Division Economics, Finance and Accounting Department Personal and Occupation Safety Division Legal Division Radiation Technology Safety Department Central Inspection Department State Inspections on Nuclear Safety at NPPs: Khmelnitsky Rivno South Ukraine Zaporizhya Chornobyl RW Management and Decom- missioning Department Performance Control Division First Deputy Chairperson Deputy Chairperson Deputy Chairperson – Chief State Inspector on Nuclear and Radiation Safety Internal Audit Sector State Inspections on Nuclear and Radiation Safety: Western Crimean Southern South-Eastern North North-Western Eastern Central Diplomatic Adviser

11 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 11 State Inspections on Nuclear and Radiation Safety: 1.Western 2.Crimean 3.Southern 4.South-Eastern 5.Northern 6.North-Western 7.Eastern 8.Central 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SNRCU STRUCTURE. State Inspections on Nuclear and Radiation Safety

12 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 12 Regulatory Body Staffing and Training - SNRCU Staff (1) List of staff members: 292 positions, including 189 state inspectors: 161 positions in the headquarter, 35 positions on the NPP sites, 96 positions in regional inspections. 2007 - 2008: Recruited 131 state inspectors Age / gender composition:

13 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 13 SNRCU Technical Support Organizations SNRCU has established three Technical Support Organizations: –The State Scientific and Technical Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SSTC NRS); –The State Centre for Quality Regulation of Supplies and Services (CERTATOM); –The State Enterprise Information Technologies Center for Use of Nuclear Energy (INFOATOM).

14 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 14 Regulatory Body Staffing and Training - SNRCU Staff (2) Strength – comprehensive system for training and professional and special knowledge assessment of employees (initial and periodical qualification attestation) Challenges: –many newcomers that need additional training –budget reducing of for training needs Opportunities in the framework of RER9096 project: –Training courses for newcomers in radiation safety regulation

15 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 15 Funding from State Budget steadily increased up to 2008 In 2009 Budget is cut significantly, but there is a decision to recover SNRCU Budget

16 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 16 SNRCU operates all main regulatory instruments: establishment of regulatory requirements permissive activity, inspections and enforcement; Permissive activity includes registration in State Register of Ionizing Radiation Sources and licensing of radioactive sources; Procedures for regulatory activities are established by legislation; Example - inspections for RS in 2008 – 1003 inspections. Notification - Authorization – Licensing - Inspections

17 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 17 Registration of RS is obligatory for all RS that are under regulatory control. State Register of Ionizing Radiation Sources is unified tracing computerized system of registration, accounting and control of RS commissioned at 29.03.2007. The Register files data of all radiation sources in electronic form and trace RS starting from the moment of their appearance at the territory of Ukraine and till their removal from Ukraine or transfer to special enterprise on radioactive waste management (disposal). About 10 000 radioactive sources and 14000 radiation generators are registered and controlled. An enhanced version of the IAEA Regulatory Authority Information System (RAIS) is used. Notification - Authorization – Licensing – Inspections. State Register of Ionizing Radiation Sources

18 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 18 Notification - Authorization – Licensing – Inspections. Quality management Quality management system of SNRCU is certified for the compliance with ISO-9000 Quality management documents include: –General Quality Management Manual (incorporates Policy Statement); – 3 quality management system Manuals for regulatory activities (licensing, supervision and rule-making); – 16 procedures for main processes of SNRCU functioning (including planning and monitoring, corrective measures, continues improvement, quantitative and qualitative indicators to assess regulatory effectiveness); –Detailed internal procedures and standards for reviewing and assessing applications for authorization; –Templates and checklists.

19 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 19 State policy. Programs for vulnerable sources Preventive measures exist for spent RS and orphan sources –State Program “For Ensuring Safe and Secure Storage of Spent Highly Active Ionizing Radiation Sources”. –Special campaign is now under realization for users of spent radioactive sources that are bankrupt or insolvent.

20 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 20 State policy. RS Safety Improvement In 2008 SNRCU prepared State Policy for improvement of radioactive sources safety in the form of White and Green Books This Policy is under implementation now

21 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 21 Strength: comprehensive system of licensing and supervision in the sphere of radioactive material use, state system for inventory, registration and control of radiation sources - State Register, State programs for gaining and regaining control over vulnerable and orphan radioactive sources Challenges: new technologies especially in medical use of RS, lack of experience in the supervision of medical applications Opportunities in the framework of RER9096 project: Fellowships for inspectors for safety regulation of modern medical applications of RS (TC, accelerators, PET etc); Ukraine is ready to host events to exchange experience (fellowships and scientific visits) in the field of safety regulation of RS use. Notification - Authorization – Licensing - Inspections

22 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 22 Strength – Action Plan approved by the Government for 2008-2012 based on IRRS2008 mission recommendations Opportunities in the framework of RER9096 project: Promoting self-assessment and independent peer reviews (including IRRS missions) International cooperation

23 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 23 Information management - communication with public and media ANNUAL REPORT (printed publications are available in Ukrainian, Russian and English, electronic version placed on the SNRCU web-site) WEB-SITE (created in 2001, last upgrading in 2007) PUBLIC COUNCIL (created in August 2005) TELEPHONE LINES PERSONAL RECEPTION HOURS WORKSHOPS FOR PUBLIC EXHIBITIONS, PRESS-CONFERENCES, INTERVIEW, TV

24 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 24 What does SNRCU wish to achieve through RER9096? –Training for newcomers based on IAEA safety standards and best international practice; –Regulatory experience exchange through workshops, visits and on-job training; –Further development of Codes of practice for specific activities with radioactive sources (especially for new technologies); –Additional IAEA guidance and experience exchange for prevention of accidents with spent and orphan sources. SNRCU is ready to host visits and fellowships to share experience in appropriate form

25 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 25 Thanks Thanks for Lithuanian RPC and personally for Mr. Albinas Mastauskas and his staff members for their long lasting since 1996 assistance in Ukrainian inspectors training Thanks for Czech Republic Regulatory Body SUJB for the assistance in Ukrainian inspectors training Thanks for the IAEA officers for the assistance in Ukrainian inspectors training

26 State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting 26 WAITING FOR YOU IN UKRAINE!

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