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International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP)  Established by PSC in 1979  20 Participants from 9 countries.  33 buoys currently reporting  Data are available.

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Presentation on theme: "International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP)  Established by PSC in 1979  20 Participants from 9 countries.  33 buoys currently reporting  Data are available."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP)  Established by PSC in 1979  20 Participants from 9 countries.  33 buoys currently reporting  Data are available in near real-time  Research data are available through IABP web server: Alaska Canada Russia NOAA Affiliation (17 of 33 buoys) 4 Fully funded (purchase, deployment, & Argos costs) 3 NIC purchase and Argos costs funded by OGP 7 NIC Argos covered by OGP 3 NOAA/PMEL (NSF)

2 ACRONYNMS: AARI:Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Russia ADS: Automated Drifting Station AWI: Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany EC: Environment Canada IABP: International Arctic Buoy Programme IARC: International Arctic Research Center, USA/Japan IMB: Ice Mass Balance Buoy IOS: Institute of Ocean Sciences, Canada JAMSTEC: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology JCAD: JAMSTEC Compact Arctic Drifter – Ocean Buoy NIC: National Ice Center NPEO:North Pole Environmental Observatory ( PSC: Polar Science Center, USA SMHI:Swedish Meteorological and Hydrographic Institute, Sweden WHOI: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, USA Ocean Buoy IMB 25737 (NOAA) [PSC NPEO] IMB 7413 (NOAA) [IOS] IMB 25752 (NOAA) [PSC NPEO] IMB 25753 (NOAA) [PSC NPEO] CRREL Ice Mass Balance Buoy (IMB) ADS IMB 7100 (NOAA/NSF) & NPEO buoys [PSC NPEO] ADS IMB 7100 (NOAA/NSF) & JAMSTEC Ocean Buoy [PSC NPEO] JAMSTEC Ocean Buoy (JCAD) IABP – NOAA IMB Buoys & ADS’ Mooring (IOS)

3 IMB (NIC) [EC] IMBs (NOAA) [IARC/AARI NABOS Cruise] IMB (NOAA) [SMHI] ACRONYNMS: AARI:Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Russia ADS: Automated Drifting Station AWI: Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany EC: Environment Canada IABP: International Arctic Buoy Programme IARC: International Arctic Research Center, USA/Japan IMB: Ice Mass Balance Buoy IOS: Institute of Ocean Sciences, Canada JAMSTEC: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology JCAD: JAMSTEC Compact Arctic Drifter – Ocean Buoy NIC: National Ice Center NPEO:North Pole Environmental Observatory ( PSC: Polar Science Center, USA SMHI:Swedish Meteorological and Hydrographic Institute, Sweden WHOI: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, USA Ocean Buoy CRREL Ice Mass Balance Buoy (IMB)JAMSTEC Ocean Buoy (JCAD) IABP Deployment Plans for 2005 ADS IMB (NOAA) & JAMSTEC Ocean Buoy [AWI] ADS IMB (NOAA) & WHOI Ocean Buoy [IOS] ADS IMBs (NOAA/NSF) JAMSTEC Ocean Buoys & NPEO buoys [PSC NPEO] Mooring (IOS)

4 Enhancement of the International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP) CRREL Ice Mass Balance Buoy (IMB) JAMSTEC Ocean Buoy (JCAD) Uses of IABP Observations: 1.Weather and ice forecasting 2.Validation of satellite data 3.Forcing, validation, and assimilation into numerical models 4.Climate Research  Longest, continuing record over Arctic Ocean  Over 500 papers have been written using observations from the IABP! Maintaining the IABP array is a challenge! AWI - Germany, JAMSTEC - Japan, PSC & CRREL - USA Collaboration and coordination has been the key to the IABP’s success!

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