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By: Harley Burcker. SS.5.H.CL5.2 – Identify prominent inventors and scientists of the period and summarize their inventions or discoveries, (e.g., Thomas.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Harley Burcker. SS.5.H.CL5.2 – Identify prominent inventors and scientists of the period and summarize their inventions or discoveries, (e.g., Thomas."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Harley Burcker

2 SS.5.H.CL5.2 – Identify prominent inventors and scientists of the period and summarize their inventions or discoveries, (e.g., Thomas Edison, Alexandar Graham Bell, the Wright Brothers, Henry Ford and Albert Einstein, etc M.O.5.5.1 - Construct a sample space and make a hypothesis as to the probability of a real life situation overtime, test the prediction with experimentation, and present conclusions (with or without technology). SC.O.5.3.3 - Compare and contrast changes that occur in an object or a system to its original state. CCSS W.5.1 - Write opinion pieces on topics or texts; supporting a point of view with reasons and information. ELA.5.W.C9.2 - write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.

3 Students will be able to identify Nicolas Appert and his invention of the canning process. Students will be able to formulate and test a hypothesis. Students will be able to make observations over time to test their hypothesis. Students will be able to identify Henry ford and his invention of the assembly line. Students will be able to work together in an assembly line to see how effective it is. Students will write a summery in their own opinion, explaining why they think an assembly line is important. Students will be able to identify Sir Hans Sloane and his invention of chocolate milk Students will be able to follow directions and make chocolate milk. Students will write an informative text explaining the directions of how to make chocolate milk.

4 Website Glogster Smart Board Elmo Video Sources Exploration Digital Video

5 Creativity and Innovation- Students provide concrete examples of science as a way of thinking that involves both systematic and creative processes that anyone can apply as they ask questions, solve problems, invent things, and develop ideas about the world around them. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving-Students construct their own scientific understanding and develop their scientific process skills by asking scientific questions, designing and conducting investigations, constructing explanations from their observations, and discussing their explanations with others. Communication- Students prepare and interpret a variety of methods for demonstrating understanding and explaining the results of investigations including charts and graphs, diagrams and illustrations, photographic images, and informational and procedural text. Collaboration- Students work collaboratively with others, both in small and large groups, in their science classroom. Initiative and self-direction- Students are able to design an investigation based on a question they have generated from their own curiosity.

6 Social Studies Notebook (summative and formative): 5 W’s (Who, What, When, Where and Why) Making a hypothesis Testing the hypothesis Performing in an assembly line Demonstration of how to make chocolate milk Two writing prompts

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