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Healthcare Leadership Model 360° Feedback Facilitator Training Organisational Offer.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthcare Leadership Model 360° Feedback Facilitator Training Organisational Offer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthcare Leadership Model 360° Feedback Facilitator Training Organisational Offer

2 The HLM is designed to support the development of leadership in care services. The model is relevant to leadership at every level from board to ward. A supporting 360° feedback instrument generates assessment on what leaders do on a day to day basis along with the strength and importance of an individual’s leadership contribution. Our offer seeks to enable organisations to establish or increase their capacity to deliver leadership 360° feedback as part of its wider approach to leadership development. Training is subsidised by YHLA and costs £500 for 6 facilitators (next slide) The following slides summarise our offer and show examples of feedback generated by the HLM 360° feedback instrument. The NHS Healthcare Leadership Model (HLM)

3 1.Locally delivered training for up to six 360° feedback facilitators. 2.Credits to enable up to 18 leaders to access HLM 360° feedback. 3.Support to raise engagement and alignment with organisational leadership development approaches. 4.Access to support and professional development for 360° feedback facilitators 1.A proposal outlining how facilitator capacity will support leadership and organisational development. 2.Facilitators deliver 3 feedback reports in their organisation by March 2016. 3.Commitment to support the ongoing leadership development of those accessing HLM 360° feedback 4.Facilitators commit to deliver 360° feedback as part of a wider regional facilitator network YHLA Offer & Request

4 Healthcare Leadership Model The Healthcare Leadership Model is made up of nine behavioural dimensions: Inspiring shared purpose Leading with care Evaluating information Connecting our service Sharing the vision Engaging the team Holding to account Developing capability Influencing for results


6 6 Healthcare Leadership Model – Assessment reports

7 7 360° feedback report

8 8 Performance ratings: Summary performance against all dimensions. Rated as: Exemplary, Strong, Proficient, Essential or Insufficient Importance ratings: Raters assess importance of each dimension to leaders role. Shows average score for each rater group Performance and Importance ratings

9 9 Allows participants to view a summary of performance and importance ratings Provides development direction to Dimensions where performance may be low, and importance to role is high Performance and Importance summary

10 10 Provides an overview of how participant has rated self against each Healthcare Leadership Model dimension Average rating across all raters presented Allows participant to immediately see any gaps in awareness 360 overview

11 11 Each Healthcare Leadership Model dimension is presented Individual rater group scores are shown for comparison Allows participant to understand differences between rater groups Rater group scores

12 12 “Your highest rated behaviours” – top five rated behaviours “Your lowest rated behaviours” – bottom five rated behaviours “Your hidden strengths” – up to five behaviours where raters scored participant higher than self “Your blind spots” – up to five behaviours where participant scored themselves higher than raters Behaviour summary scores

13 13 Breakdown of each dimension showing how individual raters have scored across the behaviours If only 1 rater in any particular group (except LM) their scores are ‘rolled up’ with others Allows participant to view and understand the spread/ range of scores across individual behaviours Item analysis

14 Facilitator Training Route Training Delivery Method Accreditation Method Time Commitment Cost E-learning Face-to-face workshop Observed feedback facilitation session E-learning: 60 – 90 minutes Workshop: 1 day £500 for 6 facilitators (JCA Global cost is £495 per person)

15 Intuitive, interactive, engaging, user-friendly Multi-platform availability (just need a web browser) Provides introduction to Model, system, process eLearning

16 eLearning - illustrative content ModuleContent Introducing the Healthcare Leadership Model Welcome / introduction / how to use What is 360° Context, research and design underpinning HLM Healthcare Leadership Model – the model Nuances / differences from LF Knowledge test 360 Feedback – System, Report, Process Facilitator role 360° system – the mechanics / user experience New 360 report How to guides – before/during/after feedback session Accreditation Assessment Continuing Professional Development Good practice facilitation guides Case studies Implementing 360 into organisations Resource library

17 HEYH Organisational Offer Organisational Proposal (500 words) Organisational Context Proposed use of this offer. Fit with wider leadership development intentions 360 Feedback Facilitator Training Up to 6 Facilitators per organisation E-learning Completion of 360° feedback prior to training 1 Day organisationally based training 360 Feedback Delivery Facilitators deliver 3 360° feedback reports by March 2016 Commitment to deliver 360° feedback in wider region Review Organisational Proposal (March 2016) Share learning Identify future priorities To find out more contact Anthony Owens ( )

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