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Principles of Computer Engineering EEC_4_402: Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Principles of Computer Engineering EEC_4_402: Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles of Computer Engineering EEC_4_402: Introduction

2 Introduction  Mr Ya Bao (Semester 1)  Room T-701, Tower Block  email:  Tel: 020 7815 7588  Office Hours  Mondays 15:00 – 16:00  Lecture notes , or from your mylsbu

3 VLE training DayDateTimeSession TitleRoom Monday22/09/201411:00 - 12:00Moodle and IT EssentialsLRC002 Monday22/09/201415:00 - 16:00Moodle and IT EssentialsLRC002 Tuesday23/09/201415:00 - 16:00Moodle and IT EssentialsLRC002 Wednesday24/09/201415:00 - 16:00Moodle and IT EssentialsLRC002 Thursday25/09/201411:00 - 12:00Moodle and IT EssentialsLRC002 Thursday25/09/201415:00 - 16:00Moodle and IT EssentialsLRC002 Tuesday30/09/201411:00 - 12:00Moodle and IT EssentialsLRC002 Tuesday30/09/201415:00 - 16:00Moodle and IT EssentialsLRC002 Wednesday01/10/201415:00 - 16:00Moodle and IT EssentialsLRC002 Thursday02/10/201411:00 - 12:00Moodle and IT EssentialsLRC002 Thursday02/10/201415:00 - 16:00Moodle and IT EssentialsLRC002 Friday03/10/201411:00 - 12:00Moodle and IT EssentialsLRC002 Friday03/10/201415:00 - 16:00Moodle and IT EssentialsLRC002

4 Text books (semester 1)  Electric Circuits, Nilsson & Riedel, Prentice-Hall, 10E. 2015; ISBN:978- 1-292-06054-5  Digital Electronics, Roger L. Tokheim, Mcgraw hill, 8E, 2014; ISBN:978-1-259-06092-2

5 Overview  Module Overview  Assessment Methods  Log books  Good practice in labs  Theory for Labs wk 2  Summary

6 Learning Outcomes  Develop an understanding of the principles of circuit theory and basic analogue electronics  Introduce the concept of digital systems  To develop your ability to manage and perform the successive steps involved in typical practical engineering experiments  To develop your ability to work as a member of a team  To develop your ability to communicate technical information (report writing)

7 Assessment Methods  Course split 50% Semester 1 & 50% Semester 2  Phase Test: 20%  Scheduled for Week 8 in T-807  Formal report: 20%  Due by Week 13, submit to Faculty Office by 7 th Jan 2015  Logbooks: 10%  Submit with reports to Faculty Office by 7 th Jan 2015

8 Lab & Lecture Schedule 1. Introduction to Lab Equipment 2. Voltage, Current, Power & Ohm’s Law 3. Kirchoff’s Laws of Current and Voltage (*) 4. Source Transformations 5. Wheatstone Bridge 6. Electric Fields and Capacitors 7. Transformers and Rectifiers 8. Phase Test 9. Logic Circuits 10. Timing Circuits and Counters 11. Revision

9 RULES: While you are in the lab  No drinking  No eating  No smoking  No dangerous activity  Take care with electrical devices  Switch off your mobile phone and ipod, distractions waste time

10 Log Books (p7 of your lab manual)  You MUST keep a log book! Do not use loose paper for intermediate recording before transfer to the log book.  You must use the log book to document your procedure and results AS YOU GO ALONG  Draw graphs only on graph paper, use pencil where needed  Answer all questions from the script in your log  Add ideas/points of interest too  Conclude each experiment with the key points  You MUST get your LOGBOOK stamped at the end of session  You MUST leave your logbook in the lab

11  Go to stores J205 or good stationers and buy a suitable book with lined paper and add graph paper as needed  Best logbooks are Chartwell Laboratory Books A4-641C

12  Page number  Date  Names of the group members  Title of the experiment  Brief description of the procedure  Carefully record your results  Do NOT use ‘Tipp-Ex’

13  Graphs should have a caption  Make maximum use of the graph paper  Choose an easy scale  Label the axes  Units  Error margins/bars

14 Error Margins  You MUST estimate error margins for any reading you make  You should propagate these errors for any calculations you make  Common measurement devices  Oscilloscope ±3%  Digital Multimeter ±1%  Analogue Meter ±5%

15 The Breadboard Close-Up Horizontally Connected Vertically Connected Break Vertically Connected

16 Error Margins  Common components  E12 Resistor ±5%  Electrolytic Capacitor ±20%  Digital Timer ±0.001%  Example logbook notation  1.00kΩ ±5%  56.2 s ±0.3s  Avoid quoting too many significant figures  3 is usually about right

17 Resistor E series tables of values

18 Finally  Please keep your Laboratory Manual safe!  Lab and lecture schedule on VLE  All related materials will be posted on VLE – check often  Please arrive promptly at 17:00 so we can start the lab on time  Any questions?

19 Principles of Computer Engineering: Experiment 1 Introduction to test equipment

20 Experiment 1  Introduction to Breadboard  Build simple electrical circuits  Develop familiarity with Digital and Analogue Multimeters  Introduction to Oscilloscopes and Signal Generators

21 Building a Circuit on the Breadboard  Push the component legs into suitably located sockets on breadboard with care  Try to layout circuit neatly to look like that of the circuit diagram  Double check circuit before connecting power (check polarity!)  Use colour coded wires where possible; red = +V, black = 0V, blue = -V

22 Example Circuits to be Built  The Lamp Circuit

23 Digital and Analogue Multimeters  Can be used to accurately measure voltage and current in a circuit  Have different characteristics – simple experiment to compare them  DMM has an accuracy of around ±1%  Analogue MM accurate to around ±5%  Ideally have infinite internal resistance as acting as a voltmeter

24 Digital and Analogue Multimeters  Use 1M  resistors in series with both Voltmeters to estimate their input resistances

25 The Oscilloscope  Used to display time varying waveforms  Apply sinusoidal signal from generator at 1kHz (Alternating current)  Measure frequency and voltage with ‘scope facilities  Peak-to-Peak Voltage can be measured

26 The Oscilloscope

27 Summary  Become familiar with use of a breadboard  Build elementary circuits and test them  Use standard test bench equipment and appreciate their accuracy  Introduce the use of oscilloscopes

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