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2 IMAGISTS Imagism was a movement in early 20th- century Anglo-American poetry that favored precision of imagery and clear, sharp language.

3 IMAGISTS Poets presented the essence of objects, people, or incidents; without providing an explanation. Poets carefully chose each word.

4 IMAGISTS Japanese and Chinese poets influenced American poets.
Many Imagist poems are similar to the haiku form of poetry.

5 IMAGISTS Short-lived; , During WWI

6 IMAGISTS e.e.cummings Ezra Pound Amy Lowell William Carlos Williams

7 E.E.CUMMINGS 1894-1962 Edward Estlin Cummings
American poet, painter, author and playwright 2,900 poems

8 E.E.CUMMINGS One of the most popular 20th century poets.
Themes: love and nature Known for syntax.

9 E.E.CUMMINGS Influenced by other Imagist poets – Pound and Lowell
Also influenced by surrealist painters


11 i carry your heart

12 "Unless you love someone, nothing else makes any sense. " - e. e
"Unless you love someone, nothing else makes any sense." - e.e. cummings

13 Amy lowell 1874-1925 Won Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1926.
Her brother was the president of Harvard.

14 Amy lowell Lowell was not allowed to go to college because her family did not think that was proper behavior for a female.

15 Amy lowell One of the first to use “free verse” Smoked cigars
Had a weight problem Pound called her the”hippopoetess”

16 William carlos williams
A pediatrician and a poet! A child of immigrants, he spoke Spanish, French, and British English.

17 William carlos williams
Won the Pulitzer Prize in 1963.

18 William carlos williams
Focused on capturing the essence of modern American life by depicting ordinary people, objects, and experiences using everyday language.

19 This is Just to Say By William Carlos Williams
I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox and which you were probably saving for breakfast. Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold. 1. What is the intention of the speaker? 2. Why is the incident in this poem important to the speaker? 3. How do lines 10–12 reveal its importance? 4. How would you describe the philosophy of life suggested by this poem?

20 Ezra pound 1885-1972 Inspired dramatic changes
Insisted that writers “make it new”

21 Ezra pound Contains fourteen words Not one is a verb
economy of language, precision of imagery experimenting with non- traditional verse forms.

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