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Chemigating with Confidence Tom Hoffmann Technical Assistance Specialist Byron Fitch Chemigation Compliance Specialist Tom Hoffmann Technical Assistance.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemigating with Confidence Tom Hoffmann Technical Assistance Specialist Byron Fitch Chemigation Compliance Specialist Tom Hoffmann Technical Assistance."— Presentation transcript:


2 Chemigating with Confidence Tom Hoffmann Technical Assistance Specialist Byron Fitch Chemigation Compliance Specialist Tom Hoffmann Technical Assistance Specialist Byron Fitch Chemigation Compliance Specialist Injection System Calibration


4 Topics New Training Program Chemigation & Fertigation Guidelines Label Interpretation Calibration of Injection System Questions New Training Program Chemigation & Fertigation Guidelines Label Interpretation Calibration of Injection System Questions

5 New Training Program... and Concept



8 Chemigation Regulations  Federal Label Improvement Program ( LIP )  Pesticide Regulation Notice 87-1 ( Label Improvement Program for Pesticides Applied Through Irrigation Systems ) Provisions effective in April 1988  Washington State  Chemigation Rule ( WAC 16-202-1001 ) Effective date: October 31, 1989  Fertigation Rule ( WAC 16-202-2001 ) Effective Date: January 7, 1991  Federal Label Improvement Program ( LIP )  Pesticide Regulation Notice 87-1 ( Label Improvement Program for Pesticides Applied Through Irrigation Systems ) Provisions effective in April 1988  Washington State  Chemigation Rule ( WAC 16-202-1001 ) Effective date: October 31, 1989  Fertigation Rule ( WAC 16-202-2001 ) Effective Date: January 7, 1991  


10 Chemigation and Fertigation An applicator must demonstrate that an operation will not result in reasonably foreseeable harm to humans, surface water or ground water, or desirable plants or animals. Safety devices and injection equipment must be installed, operated, and maintained according to manufacturer’s specifications or established industry standards. Equipment must be operated and maintained in a manner to prevent misapplication and off-site application. Applicator must verify that source water contamination will not occur Alternative devices must be authorized by WSDA staff. Principal applicator is ultimately responsible. Irrigation & injection systems are deemed an apparatus. An applicator must demonstrate that an operation will not result in reasonably foreseeable harm to humans, surface water or ground water, or desirable plants or animals. Safety devices and injection equipment must be installed, operated, and maintained according to manufacturer’s specifications or established industry standards. Equipment must be operated and maintained in a manner to prevent misapplication and off-site application. Applicator must verify that source water contamination will not occur Alternative devices must be authorized by WSDA staff. Principal applicator is ultimately responsible. Irrigation & injection systems are deemed an apparatus.



13 Antipollution Devices Irrigation System ► Check valve ► Vacuum relief valve ► Low pressure drain ► Inspection port Irrigation System ► Check valve ► Vacuum relief valve ► Low pressure drain ► Inspection port “Substituted alternative technology not otherwise specified... must be evaluated by the department....” WAC 16-202-1003 ( 3 ) & WAC 15-202-2003 ( 4 ) “Substituted alternative technology not otherwise specified... must be evaluated by the department....” WAC 16-202-1003 ( 3 ) & WAC 15-202-2003 ( 4 )

14 Antipollution Devices Irrigation System ► Check valve ► Vacuum relief valve ► Low pressure drain ► Inspection port Irrigation System ► Check valve ► Vacuum relief valve ► Low pressure drain ► Inspection port Until alternative technology is approved, devices are required.

15 Vacuum Relief Valve Inspection Port Low Pressure Drain Check Valve Antipollution Device Requirements


17 Antipollution Devices Irrigation System ► Check valve ► Vacuum relief valve ► Low pressure drain ► Inspection port Irrigation System ► Check valve ► Vacuum relief valve ► Low pressure drain ► Inspection port Injection System ► Interlock ► Injection Line Check valve Injection System ► Interlock ► Injection Line Check valve




21 Minimum: 10 psi opening pressure



24 < 15 % of systems were compliant at initial inspection.

25 Tank Identification  Contact Name  Phone Number  Identifier   Volume   Pesticide Label Tank Identification  Contact Name  Phone Number  Identifier   Volume   Pesticide Label State Requirements Federal & State Requirements

26 Full Pesticide Label Chemigation

27 Fertigation




31 Farm maps to identify location and direction of sensitive sites





36 Contact Information Contact Name Phone Number Contact Information Contact Name Phone Number General Information Phone number Contact name Product name Start time & date End time & date Health hazards Symptomology Practical treatment General Information Phone number Contact name Product name Start time & date End time & date Health hazards Symptomology Practical treatment


38 Contact Log Contact InformationNotification Process Area Map Reference Name of ContactAddressPhone/Email Date IssuedMethod Used Permission Waiver on File  Phone  Mail  Email  In-Person   Yes  No  Phone  Mail  Email  In-Person   Yes  No  Phone  Mail  Email  In-Person   Yes  No  Phone  Mail  Email  In-Person   Yes  No  Phone  Mail  Email  In-Person   Yes  No  Phone  Mail  Email  In-Person   Yes  No  Phone  Mail  Email  In-Person   Yes  No  Phone  Mail  Email  In-Person   Yes  No





43 Reasons to Assess Uniformity Economic ► Excessive product ► Additional irrigation water ► Compromised yield and quality Environmental ► Deep leaching ► Surface runoff Regulatory Economic ►E►Excessive product ►A►Additional irrigation water ►C►Compromised yield and quality Environmental ►D►Deep leaching ►S►Surface runoff Regulatory



46 Off On


48 Seasonal Application Depth vs. Field Area  CU = 90% CU = 70%



51 Total Potato Yield as Influenced by the Difference Between Irrigation and Season Evaporation in Southern Idaho, 1995.

52 Cost of Inefficiency Swing Span ► 25 acres ► Calibrate for ½ rate on 25 acres ► Over apply by 10 % on 125 acres Production Cost ► Pesticide: $340 / acre ► Fertilizer: $404 / acre 10 % Over application ► Pesticide: $4,257 ► Fertilizer: $5,044 Total: $9,301 Swing Span ►2►25 acres ►C►Calibrate for ½ rate on 25 acres ►O►Over apply by 10 % on 125 acres Production Cost ►P►Pesticide: $340 / acre ►F►Fertilizer: $404 / acre 10 % Over application ►P►Pesticide: $4,257 ►F►Fertilizer: $5,044 Total: $9,301 Processing Potatoes

53 Cost of Inefficiency System with 70 % versus 90 % DU lq Irrigation water: 28 inches ► Additional water: 5 inches Irrigation system expense ► Variable cost only  Electrical, labor, repair  $132.72 / acre ► Increase by $33.17 per acre or $4,146 for pivot. ► No penalty charged for overage of water allotment. System with 70 % versus 90 % DU lq Irrigation water: 28 inches ► Additional water: 5 inches Irrigation system expense ► Variable cost only  Electrical, labor, repair  $132.72 / acre ► Increase by $33.17 per acre or $4,146 for pivot. ► No penalty charged for overage of water allotment.

54 Cost of Inefficiency Variation in pumping rate due to change in air temperature and solar radiation. ► 3 to 12 percent. Variation in pumping rate due to change in air temperature and solar radiation. ► 3 to 12 percent.

55 Cost of Inefficiency 3 to 12 % variation in pumping rate from change in air temperature & solar radiation ► 5 percent on 125 pivot. ► Production cost ( Acre )  Chemical: $340  Fertilizer: $404 ► Additional cost  $37.20 per acre  $4,650 for pivot. 3 to 12 % variation in pumping rate from change in air temperature & solar radiation ►5►5 percent on 125 pivot. ►P►Production cost ( Acre ) CChemical: $340 FFertilizer: $404 ►A►Additional cost $$37.20 per acre $$4,650 for pivot.

56 Cost of Inefficiency Distribution Uniformity Pump Calibration ( 5 % ) Total:$8,796 Distribution Uniformity Pump Calibration ( 5 % ) Total:$8,796 $4,650 $4,146

57 Quiz... Is the pesticide label a legal document ?

58 Label Provisions Advisory statements ► Do not direct or require a user to perform or refrain from an action.  Unenforceable. ► Use words such as “suggested,” “recommended,” or “should.” ► “Treatment Guidelines: For optimum results, certain procedures should be observed....” Advisory statements ► Do not direct or require a user to perform or refrain from an action.  Unenforceable. ► Use words such as “suggested,” “recommended,” or “should.” ► “Treatment Guidelines: For optimum results, certain procedures should be observed....”


60 100 % - 145 acres 10 % - 1.5 acres 50 % - 36 acres 75 % - 82 acres 70.6 % - 72.5 acres 25 % - 9.1 acres 80’ 0.5 acre



63 Percentage of rotten tubers in relation to distance from center of pivot when cv Ranger was stored and sampled at various times, Bruce WA, 1999.


65 Label Provisions Mandatory statements ► Directives or commands ► Require or prohibit certain actions by user ► Binding and enforceable ► Often ( not always ) use imperative verbs:  must, shall or shall not, do not, etc.  “Mechanically incorporate this product within 24 hours after application.”




69 SPRINKLER CHEMIGATION ●End guns must be turned off during the application, if they irrigate nontarget areas. ●It is recommended that nozzles in the immediate area of control panels, chemical supply tanks and system safety devices be plugged to prevent contamination of these areas. ●Do not apply when wind speed favors drift beyond the area intended for treatment. ●Do not apply when system connections or fittings leak or when nozzles do not provide uniform distribution.

70 Application Uniformity





75 WAC 16-202-1003 ( 13 ) “Equipment must be calibrated and maintained in a manner to prevent misapplication or off-site application....” WAC 16-202-1003 ( 13 ) “Equipment must be calibrated and maintained in a manner to prevent misapplication or off-site application....”






81 Calibration – Seven Basic Steps Determine the: 1.Size of the treated area, in acres. 2.Pivot circumference, in feet. 3.Pivot travel speed, in feet per minute. 4.Product used and application rate. 5.Total amount of product required. 6.The injection rate in gallons per hour. 7.Injection pump setting. Determine the: 1.Size of the treated area, in acres. 2.Pivot circumference, in feet. 3.Pivot travel speed, in feet per minute. 4.Product used and application rate. 5.Total amount of product required. 6.The injection rate in gallons per hour. 7.Injection pump setting.


83 Chemigation Assumptions A grower will apply Bravo WeatherStik to manage late blight. Center pivot with drop nozzles. Pivot to last tower is 1,248 feet. Wetted radius is 1,290 feet. There is no swing span. Endgun will be disabled. Target irrigation depth is 0.25-inch water. Maximum rate selected for late blight control. DU lq is 89 percent. A grower will apply Bravo WeatherStik to manage late blight. Center pivot with drop nozzles. Pivot to last tower is 1,248 feet. Wetted radius is 1,290 feet. There is no swing span. Endgun will be disabled. Target irrigation depth is 0.25-inch water. Maximum rate selected for late blight control. DU lq is 89 percent.

84 Chemigation Calibration  Determine size of treatment area.

85 Chemigation Calibration 1,248 feet Area =  r 2 Field Size = 3.1416 x 1,290 feet x 1,290 feet Field Size = 5,227,937 feet 2 or 120 acres 1,290 feet Value for r ( Radius ) ► Treated area ► 80% of throw distance for outermost sprayhead / nozzle Value for r ( Radius ) ► Treated area ► 80% of throw distance for outermost sprayhead / nozzle

86 Chemigation Calibration  Calculate the pivot circumference.

87 Chemigation Calibration 1,248 feet C = 2r  Circumference = 2 x 1,248 feet x 3.1416 Circumference = 7,841 feet 1,290 feet Measured at outer most tower track

88 Chemigation Calibration  Product application rate.




92 A.I. versus Product Converting from A.I. to product. ► 1.125 lbs. a.i. / acre Where do you find the information ? What do you need to know ? ► Percent A.I. ► Weight of material ► Pounds A.I. / gallon Converting from A.I. to product. ► 1.125 lbs. a.i. / acre Where do you find the information ? What do you need to know ? ► Percent A.I. ► Weight of material ► Pounds A.I. / gallon

93 A.I. versus Product Converting from A.I. to product. ► 1.125 lbs. a.i. / acre Where do you find the information ? What do you need to know ? ► Percent A.I. ► Weight of material ( lbs. / gallon ) ► Pounds A.I. per gallon Converting from A.I. to product. ► 1.125 lbs. a.i. / acre Where do you find the information ? What do you need to know ? ► Percent A.I. ► Weight of material ( lbs. / gallon ) ► Pounds A.I. per gallon 54.0 % ? ? 6 lbs. __ pints / acre =

94 A.I. versus Product Converting from A.I. to product. ► 1.125 lbs. a.i. / acre Where do you find the information ? What do you need to know ? ► Percent A.I. ► Weight of material ( lbs. / gallon ) ► Pounds A.I. per gallon Converting from A.I. to product. ► 1.125 lbs. a.i. / acre Where do you find the information ? What do you need to know ? ► Percent A.I. ► Weight of material ( lbs. / gallon ) ► Pounds A.I. per gallon 54.0 % ? ? 6 lbs. __ pints / acre = 1.125 lbs. a.i. acre

95 A.I. versus Product Converting from A.I. to product. ► 1.125 lbs. a.i. / acre Where do you find the information ? What do you need to know ? ► Percent A.I. ► Weight of material ( lbs. / gallon ) ► Pounds A.I. per gallon Converting from A.I. to product. ► 1.125 lbs. a.i. / acre Where do you find the information ? What do you need to know ? ► Percent A.I. ► Weight of material ( lbs. / gallon ) ► Pounds A.I. per gallon 54.0 % ? ? 6 lbs. __ pints / acre = 1.125 lbs. a.i. gallon acre 6 lbs. a.i.

96 A.I. versus Product Converting from A.I. to product. ► 1.125 lbs. a.i. / acre Where do you find the information ? What do you need to know ? ► Percent A.I. ► Weight of material ( lbs. / gallon ) ► Pounds A.I. per gallon Converting from A.I. to product. ► 1.125 lbs. a.i. / acre Where do you find the information ? What do you need to know ? ► Percent A.I. ► Weight of material ( lbs. / gallon ) ► Pounds A.I. per gallon 54.0 % ? ? 6 lbs. __ pints / acre = 1.125 lbs. a.i. gallon 8 pints acre 6 lbs. a.i. gallon 1.5 pints

97 Chemigation Calibration  Labeled rate of product. ► 1.25 pints.  Labeled rate of product. ► 1.25 pints.

98 Chemigation Calibration  Total amount of product required. ► 1.25 pints / acre x 120 acres = 150 fl. oz.  Total amount of product required. ► 1.25 pints / acre x 120 acres = 150 fl. oz. Gallons= 150 pintsgallon field8 pints or 18.75 gallons

99 Chemigation Calibration  Total amount of product required. ► 18.75 gallons  aCarrier  Total amount of product required. ► 18.75 gallons  aCarrier



102 Chemigation Calibration TTotal amount of product required. ►1►18.75 gallons a Carrier ►1►15:1 MaterialGallons Bravo 18.75 Water Total ( 14 gallons water to 1 gallon Bravo ) 281.25 300.00 300-Gallon Batch

103 Chemigation Calibration SSet center pivot speed. ►A►Adjust irrigation depth for DU lq = 89 % ►A►Adjusted Depth 0.25-inch /.89 = 0.28-inch

104 Settings and Application Rate Speed, % Feet / Minute Hours / Rev Inch(es) / Pass 5.0168.02.53 7.5112.01.69 12.567.21.01 17.548.00.72 100.015.568.4 0.126 0.126

105 Settings and Application Rate Speed, % Feet / Minute Hours / Rev Inch(es) / Pass 5.0168.02.53 7.5112.01.69 12.567.21.01 17.548.00.72 45.06.9918.70.28 100.015.568.4 0.126 0.126

106 Chemigation Calibration  Set center pivot speed for 0.28-inch. ► Pivot timer = 45 % Percent Timer Setting = Irrigation Depth at 100% Irrigation Depth Desired Settings and Application Rate Speed, % Feet / Minute Hours / Rev Inch(es) / Pass 45.06.9918.70.28 100.015.568.4 0.126 0.126

107 Chemigation Calibration VVerify pivot speed ►S►Set the desired pivot speed ( 45% ). ►R►Run system “wet” at operating pressure. ►T►Take start and stop measures at the same points in the move / stop cycle. ►I►If terrain is rolling, check speed at several locations in rotation. ►T►Travel speed will change during the season. Variation in wheel track resistance due to soil surface cover, soil compaction, & track depth.

108 Travel Speed: 67.8 feet in 10 minutes General Rule – Minimum of:  10 minutes  50 feet General Rule – Minimum of:  10 minutes  50 feet

109 Chemigation Calibration  Revolution Speed Minutes / revolution = 10 minutes 67.8 feet

110 Chemigation Calibration  Revolution Speed 1,156.5 min.  60 min. / hour = 19.3 hours Pivot Speed Settings and Application Rate Speed, % Feet / Minute Hours / Rev Inch(es) / Pass 40 6.22 6.2221.00.32 45adj 6.78 6.7819.3? 45 6.99 6.9918.70.28 10015.568.4 0.126 0.126 Minutes / revolution = 10 minutes7,841 feet 67.8 feetrevolution

111 Pivot Speed Settings and Application Rate Speed, % Feet / Minute Hours / Rev Inch(es) / Pass 300.2728.00.42 351.0924.00.36 402.1721.00.32 ?0.30 453.2618.70.28 504.3416.80.25 1005.438.40.126 Ratio:45.28?.30 12.6 : 0.30? Or, ? = 42 %

112 Chemigation Calibration  Determine application injection rate. ► Quantity 300 gallons ► Length of irrigation set 19.3 hours ► Injection rate per hour 300 gallons 19.3 hours Gallons / Hour = 15.54 gallons / hour

113 Chemigation Calibration  Determine application injection rate. ► Quantity 300 gallons ► Length of irrigation set 19.3 hours ► Injection rate per hour 15.54 gallons ► Pump capacity Rated: 30 gallons per hour Actual: 27 gallons per hour

114 Injection Pump Setting Injection Rate = 16.04 gallons / hour Pump capacity = 27 gallons per hour % Setting of Pump= 15.54 gallons per hour 27 gallons per hour % Pump Setting = 58 % % Setting of Pump= Desired Injection Rate Pump Capacity


116 Factors Affecting Pump Output Factory-based specific drive shaft speed. Pump wear. ► Tolerances ► Bypass or leakage Pesticide formulation. ► Wettable powder v. emulsifiable concentrate Temperature ► Viscosity ► Thermo expansion / contraction

117 Fine Tuning Calibration Pump adjustments ► 30-second time checks ► 5-minute final time check.

118 Wind Air Temperature Application Rate DateTimeSpeedDirectionObservations Application Monitoring Record

119 Questions

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