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Sixth Meeting of the Heads of SAARC Statistical Organizations (SAARCSTAT) 12 – 13 June 2014 Kathmandu, Nepal 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Sixth Meeting of the Heads of SAARC Statistical Organizations (SAARCSTAT) 12 – 13 June 2014 Kathmandu, Nepal 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sixth Meeting of the Heads of SAARC Statistical Organizations (SAARCSTAT) 12 – 13 June 2014 Kathmandu, Nepal 1

2 ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE OF THE STATISTICAL SYSTEM  Total Area  9 provinces  25 districts  331 Divisional Secretariats  14,022 grama Niladhari Divisions  DCS staff available upto 331 DSS level 2

3 FUNTIONAL PROCEEDURE OF THE NATIONAL STATISTICS SYSTEM  Centralized system  DCS is the authority for collection, compilation and dissemination of all types of socio - economic statistics in the country  DCS is responsible for conducting all national censuses and surveys in the country  Staff is attached to their own sections in all ministries and departments by DCS to assist and coordinate the statistical activities  National Data Committee is formed to get decisions on statistical issues when come up 3

4 MAIN AREAS OF THE AGRICULTURE STATISTICS  Paddy  Highland Crops  Livestock  Special Surveys for some crops  Cost of Production  Food Balance Sheet  Volume Index 4

5 PADDY STATISTICS  Collect the Extent of Paddy sown and harvested for two seasons (Maha and Yala)  Complete enumeration of all paddy growing parcels  Data collect by Agricultural Research and Production Assistants (ARPA) at Grama Niladharee (GN) Level (PI form)  Prepare PII form with the summary of PI forms by Statistical Officers at DS level  Submit PII Summary to DCS with the approval of District Secretary/GA 5

6 PADDY STATISTICS Estimate Average Yield per acre of paddy  Crop Cutting Experiments conducted bi-annual basis  6,000 experiments in Maha Season  4,000 experiments in Yala Season  1/3 rd conducted by Statistical Officers of DCS  2/3 rd conducted by the assistance of other Field Officers related to Agriculture field (AI and DO) 6

7 OTHER INFORMATION ON PADDY  Collect other information in parallel with the Crop Cutting Surveys  System of Tenure  Variety of Seed  Method of Land Preparation  Method of Sowing  Application of fertilizer  Use of Fungicides  Method of weeding 7

8 HIGHLAND CROP STATISTICS  Extent under Crops  Cultivated extent report in HL Register (Green book) by ARPAs under the supervision of DOs  Categories of Crops  Seasonal crops (around 40 crops including Coarse grain, Grain legume, Vegetables etc) for Maha and Yala  Perennial crops (around 20 crops including Minor export crops, Fruits) 8

9 ESTIMATION OF HIGHLAND CROP EXTENT AND PRODUCTION  Estimating the Average Yield  No crop cutting surveys  Depending on the inputs weather conditions, expecting yield by the farmers, AI and DO attached to respective Agrarian Service Centers compute the production  In estimating the Average Yield, crop conditions prevailed during the season in the area also taken in to consideration 9

10 LIVESTOCK STATISTCS  Livestock Population  Numbers are reported in HL Register (Green book) by ARPAs under the supervision of DOs  Slaughter Statistics  Collect data from Local Authorities based on the reports provided by Public Health Inspectors (PHI)  Coverage from Licensed Slaughter houses only 10

11 SPECIAL SURVEYS FOR BIG ONION  Conducted by SOs in following districts only − Anuradhapura − Mahaweli “H” − Matale − Polonnaruwa  Collect Information from sample of farmers depending on the crop outlook and expected production  2-3 weeks prior to harvesting  Results available to the users by end of August before the harvest come to the market 11

12 SPECIAL SURVEYS FOR POTATOES  Conducted by SOs in following districts − Nuwaraeliya − Badulla  Prepare forecast on extent and production by each month from beginning of the harvest 12

13 COST OF PRODUCTION (COP)‏  Conduct COP Surveys annually  Collect data from the sample of Tea Factories operate under the Sri Lanka Tea Board  Collect data from the sample of Rubber Estates operate under Rubber Development Department  Collect data from the a sample of coconut Estates operate under the Coconut Development Board 13

14 PREPARATION OF FOOD BALANCE SHEET  Provides an idea about the availability of the quantities of Processed and Unprocessed food for human consumption during a specific period.  Available Supply = Production + Changes in Stocks + Net Imports  Food Gross =Available Supply- Animal feed – seed – manufacture – waste  Food Net = Food gross*Extraction Rate  Derives Nutrient contents of these supplies expressed per person per day by applying Nutrient conversion Factors. 14

15 FOOD BALANCE SHEET Main Components Supply Production Change in stocks Gross exports Gross imports Available supply Distribution Animal feed Seed Manufacture Waste Food gross Extraction rate Food net Per capita Availability Kgs. Per Year Grams per day Calories per day Protein per day Fat per day 15

16 VOLUME INDEX  Volume index of agriculture production is presented in relation to the analysis of volume change and their effect of agriculture products  Major Crops  Coarse Grain  Other Food Crops  Vegetables  Livestock & Livstock Products  Minor Export Crops  Fruits 16

17 IMPORTANT FUNTIONS CURRENTLY IN OPERATION 1. Agriculture Census - 2014  Conducted decennially  Unit of Enumeration - Agriculture Holding  Coverage – Whole Island  Reference Period – One cultivation Year  According to FAO guidelines  Divided into two sectors - small holdings and estates 17

18 IDENTIFICATION OF SECTORS IN THE CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE  Expected outcome of holdings  Small Holding Sector Less than ¼ acres –2.5 mn holdings  Holdings above ¼ acre –2.2 mn holdings  Estate Sector Holdings greater than 20 acres - 7,700 units 18

19 Initiation of the Global Strategy for improving agricultural and rural statistics in Sri Lanka  Started the project at the end of 2013  Under consultation of FAO Regional Office for Asia & Pacific  Main objectives - 1. Improving national accounts for agricultural sector 2. Developing an integrated system of agricultural statistics 3. Developing an effective data collection operation for agricultural statistics 19

20 Main objectives Con..d 4. Improving building capacity in agricultural statistics 5. Improving the quality of statistics on extent and production of rice 6. Improving the quality of statistics on seasonal and permanent crops 7. Improving the quality of statistics on livestock 8. Improving fisheries statistics 9. Improving forestry statistics 20

21 Main objectives Con..d 10. Improving cost of production statistics 11. Developing agro-environmental statistics 12.Rationalizing agricultural price statistics 21

22 Current situation of the project  Second Meeting with the national stakeholders is going on from 09.06.2014 to 20.06.2014 For 1. Confirmation of national minimum dataset 2. Further assessment to complete missing information 3. Identification of priorities for future work 4. Collection of information for drafting a country proposal 5. Collection of information for drafting a roadmap for the strategic plan for agricultural and rural statistics 22

23 23 K.A.D.Susantha Ranadheera Director Prices and Wages division Department of Census and Statistics

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