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 Layout – refers to the design and orderly formation of the various elements of an advertisement.  It is where & how you place the various elements.

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Presentation on theme: " Layout – refers to the design and orderly formation of the various elements of an advertisement.  It is where & how you place the various elements."— Presentation transcript:


2  Layout – refers to the design and orderly formation of the various elements of an advertisement.  It is where & how you place the various elements of an advertisement on a page.  Full-page print ad falls under 5 general layout types:horizontal split, vertical split, poster, multiple illustration, long copy.

3  Layout – refers to the design and orderly formation of the various elements of an advertisement.  It is where & how you place the various elements of an advertisement on a page.  Full-page print ad falls under 5 general layout types:horizontal split, vertical split, poster, muliple illustration, long copy.



6 1. Focus – what are you going to use to attract the readers attention? Dominate image or graphic? When you look at the ad, what do you see first? 2. White Space – Clutter = confusion. Empty space enhances the central objects. “Less is More” 3. Legibility – How easy is it to read the text? Use no more than 3 different fonts/ page. The fonts need to be easy to read to communicate your message.

7 4. Graphic Elements – A picture is worth a thousand words 5. Balance – Equal distribution of design on a page? Symmetrical (balanced) or asymmetrical (unbalanced) 6. Proportion – the elements sized in relation to one another. The larger elements tend to be viewed as more important. If it’s all the same size, then s/he won’t know what to focus on.

8 7. Contrast – varying degrees of lightness and darkness to add depth and texture to your designs. 8. Directional Flow – How does the design direct the readers eye down the page. Typically an ad is Z- shaped, since in NA we read from top to bottom, left to right. 9. Consistency or Unity – Remain consistent in look and feel. IE mix clip art & real photos. 10. Colour – use to enhance your publication & attract viewers.



11 The art of print. Typeface – a design for a set of characters. Focus on three typefaces: serif, sans serif, script Font – includes characteristics such as size, weight, and character formatting of a typeface. IE. “Times New Roman, 12 pt, Bold”

12 StyleUsed For FeaturesExamples of a Specific Types Sample Sans Serif Titles SHOUTS out to the reader Crisper, bolder, informal Straight edges No hooks or feet Arial Tahoma THE Serif Body of documents Formal & serious Help guide readers eye Hooks and feet on the letters (called serif) what guide the eye Times New Roman Courier New THE Script Emphasis Good size to be readable Use sparingly Looks somewhat handwritten Brush Script Monotype Corsiva THE

13 1. Choose a typeface that helps convey the message or tone you are typing to communicate.  IE Wedding invitations use script, formal, elegant, romantic 2. Use contrasting typefaces if using more than 1 font. If they look similar, they can create a conflict.  Sans Serif (Tahoma) for body + Serif (Book Antiqua) for body

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