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Ancient China. The Shang Dynasty In power from 1766- 1050 BC In power from 1766- 1050 BC  First dynasty to have archeological evidence of Greatly influenced.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient China. The Shang Dynasty In power from 1766- 1050 BC In power from 1766- 1050 BC  First dynasty to have archeological evidence of Greatly influenced."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient China

2 The Shang Dynasty In power from 1766- 1050 BC In power from 1766- 1050 BC  First dynasty to have archeological evidence of Greatly influenced Chinese history Greatly influenced Chinese history

3 Shang Government Created strong central government Created strong central government If rulers benefit people, their power grows If rulers benefit people, their power grows  Irrigation  Flood Control

4 Shang Religion The king was the high priest and the link between heaven and earth. The king was the high priest and the link between heaven and earth. The King needed to perform rituals to please gods The King needed to perform rituals to please gods  If pleased, the gods bring good harvests and victory in war  If not, floods and famine occurred

5 Mandate of Heaven Heaven granted rulers the right to rule which means people owed loyalty to them Heaven granted rulers the right to rule which means people owed loyalty to them War, Floods, and Famine were all signs that the Mandate of Heaven had been lost War, Floods, and Famine were all signs that the Mandate of Heaven had been lost

6 Shang Achievements Developed a system of writing. Developed a system of writing.  Used pictographs  Pictures and symbols that represent objects and ideas  Started with 3,000 characters  Later people had to learn 10,000 to even be considered literate Priests developed advanced calendars Priests developed advanced calendars  Used by Farmers


8 End of the Shang Dynasty The Zhou (joh) invade and overthrow the Shang dynasty The Zhou (joh) invade and overthrow the Shang dynasty The Zhou claim the Mandate of Heaven The Zhou claim the Mandate of Heaven

9 Dynastic Cycle in China an old dynasty

10 Chinese Philosophies and Religion

11 Confucius Teachings Based on the 5 Relationships: Based on the 5 Relationships:  Ruler and Ruled  Father and son (Filial Piety)  The duty and respect that children owe their parents  Older brother and younger brother  Husband and wife  Friend and Friend

12 Confucius The superior person should set an example for the inferior one and is responsible for the inferior. The superior person should set an example for the inferior one and is responsible for the inferior. Confucius’s teachings are collected in the Analects Confucius’s teachings are collected in the Analects

13 Daoism/Taoism Created by Lao Zi Created by Lao Zi  Thoughts collected in The Way of Virtue A society with rules is an artificial creation that disturbed the natural order. A society with rules is an artificial creation that disturbed the natural order. Best government was the one with the fewest laws and rules. Best government was the one with the fewest laws and rules. Philosophy – “The best action is inaction.” Philosophy – “The best action is inaction.”

14 Taoist Influence Believed to have invented the magnetic compass (for graves) and gunpowder (scare ghosts) Believed to have invented the magnetic compass (for graves) and gunpowder (scare ghosts)

15 Example of Taoist Philosophy “The duck’s legs are short, but if we try to lengthen them, the duck will feel pain. The Crane’s legs are long, but if we try to shorten them, the crane will feel grief. Therefore we are not to cut off what is by nature long, nor to lengthen what is by nature short.”

16 Legalism Based on teachings of Han Feizi Based on teachings of Han Feizi  Collected in book called Han Feizi People act on self-interest. People act on self-interest.  Therefore they respond to rewards and punishments, not good examples.

17 Buddhism Developed in India, but reaches China in the 1 st century AD Developed in India, but reaches China in the 1 st century AD Preaches reincarnation Preaches reincarnation  Based on Karma (good or bad)  Constantly reborn until you reach enlightenment Appealed to Chinese because it offered an escape from earthy sufferings, and meshed with Chinese ideas and values Appealed to Chinese because it offered an escape from earthy sufferings, and meshed with Chinese ideas and values

18 Buddhism Buddhism can be summarized by the 4 Noble Truths Buddhism can be summarized by the 4 Noble Truths  Life is suffering  The cause of suffering is desire and attachment  It is possible to end suffering  The way to end it is through the Noble Eightfold Path

19 Chinese Empires

20 First Empire (221 – 202 BC) After the Zhou, China breaks into several smaller warring nations After the Zhou, China breaks into several smaller warring nations Shi Huangdi (sher hwang-dee) takes over neighboring states and re-centralized power Shi Huangdi (sher hwang-dee) takes over neighboring states and re-centralized power  Called the Qin Dynasty  Used legalist tactics

21 Great Wall of China The Qin dynasty is most remembered for the Great Wall of China The Qin dynasty is most remembered for the Great Wall of China Constructed to keep nomads (Mongols) from the North out Constructed to keep nomads (Mongols) from the North out Entire Great Wall is 13,171 miles today and 1,500 miles long Entire Great Wall is 13,171 miles today and 1,500 miles long

22 Great Wall of China Used forced labor to build Used forced labor to build Estimated that 1 million people died during the construction of the wall Estimated that 1 million people died during the construction of the wall  “Every stone cost a human life.” – Chinese historian Did not stop invaders from attacking Did not stop invaders from attacking  Did become a symbol to Chinese  South = Civilized farming people  North = Nomadic Barbarians


24 Start of the Wall at Shanhaiguan




28 Great Wall of China Clip Great Wall of China Great Wall of China Great Wall of China Great Wall of China Modern Marvels – The Great Wall Modern Marvels – The Great Wall Modern Marvels – The Great Wall Modern Marvels – The Great Wall

29 The Han Dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD) The Chinese people are unhappy under Qin The Chinese people are unhappy under Qin Established by Liu Bang (lyoh bong) who led peasants and overthrew the Qin Established by Liu Bang (lyoh bong) who led peasants and overthrew the Qin China greatly expands under Han China greatly expands under Han


31 Silk Road The Silk Road becomes prominent under the Han The Silk Road becomes prominent under the Han  Increases Trade  Increases spread of ideas Silk Road greatly increases cultural diffusion: Gunpowder, Wheel, Religions, Silk, Foods

32 Fall of the Han Dynasty After 400 years of rule, the Han Dynasty is eventually ended by invaders. After 400 years of rule, the Han Dynasty is eventually ended by invaders.

33 Achievements of the Han Developed Acupuncture as a medical treatment Developed Acupuncture as a medical treatment  Qi Invented wheelbarrow and sundial Invented wheelbarrow and sundial Discovered how to make paper Discovered how to make paper

34 Mongol Conquest (Yuan Dynasty) China begins to experience prosperity again in the 1 st and early 2 nd century AD. China begins to experience prosperity again in the 1 st and early 2 nd century AD. Empire created by Genghis Khan Empire created by Genghis Khan  Grandson Kubilai Khan took over China in 1279 Under Mongol control, China makes contact with Marco Polo Under Mongol control, China makes contact with Marco Polo  Described the effective transportation system set up by the Mongols.


36 End of Mongol Rule By 1368 the Mongols are kicked out from power and the Ming Dynasty is established (1368-1644) By 1368 the Mongols are kicked out from power and the Ming Dynasty is established (1368-1644)

37 Ming Dynasty Chinese begin to regain their glory Chinese begin to regain their glory  Built impressive Navy and Forbidden City  Majority of Great Wall today is from them Mysteriously go into isolation though and remain that way until the 1800s Mysteriously go into isolation though and remain that way until the 1800s

38 Forbidden Palace

39 ShangQinHanMongolMing Begin of Reign Interesting Fact Achievements End of Reign Conquered

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