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Exceptional Caring Role of the School Nurse in Special Education The Nuts and Bolts of Special Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Exceptional Caring Role of the School Nurse in Special Education The Nuts and Bolts of Special Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exceptional Caring Role of the School Nurse in Special Education The Nuts and Bolts of Special Education

2 A. History Definition-specifically designed instruction to meet the needs of a child with a disability. 1. Instituted,1972 (Public Law 94-142) 2. Amended,1990, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, (IDEA) 3. Applies to children, ages 2-21, inclusive 4. Federal regulations-broad, State regulations-may expand on federal regulations

3 B. Purpose and Services Laws require all schools to ensure that identified children with disabilities receive a : Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) ____________________________________________ SERVICES--Individualized Educational Program (IEP)

4 C. Special Education Process 1. Identification and referral 2. Evaluation 3. Determination of Eligibility 4. Development of IEP 5. Re-evaluation

5 I. Identification and Referral 1. Child Find-screenings-preschool/school 2. Individual-parent, physician, therapist, etc. 3. School Based Team a. person referring child b. administrator c. teacher d. specialist e. person who knows of alternative interventions

6 II. Child Study/School Based Review Team 1. Must meet within ten business days 2. Recommendations a. refer for full evaluation b. classroom interventions (RTI, VTSS) c. family interventions-medical/mental health/other agency involvement

7 III. Evaluation 1. Parent must given written permission to test 2. Testing must be completed within 65 business days 3. Includes: a. Psychological testing -intelligence b. Educational testing-academic performance c. Social History-social/emotional status, adaptive skills d. Hearing screening, vision screening (if requested) e. Medical records if appropriate

8 IV. Determination of Eligibility 1. Reports reviewed by Eligibility Team ( School Based Team plus testing staff) 2. Parent input 3. Student found eligible for : autism, deafness/hearing impairment, blindness/visual impairment, developmental delay(optional), emotional disability, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, specific learning disability, speech/language impairment, traumatic brain injury

9 IV. Development of Individualized Education Program (IEP) Definition-a written plan designed to meet a student’s academic and/or behavioral needs. Legally binding. Procedural safeguards. ______________________________________________ Timeline--meeting held thirty calendar days following eligibility determination

10 IV. Development of Individualized Educational Program (IEP) cont. See separate slide

11 V. Re-evaluation Mandatory every three years May be conducted sooner if recommended by IEP Team

12 IEP - Individualized Education Program Definition-a written plan designed to address any needs based on a student’s identified disability. LEGALLY BINDING. Procedural safeguards must be offered. _____________________________________________ Timeline--meeting held thirty calendar days following eligibility determination.

13 IEP Meeting Attendees: a. parent b. student, if appropriate c. general education teacher d. administrator or designee e. other people invited at parent/school discretion

14 IEP Plan 1. Binding for 364 days-must be rewritten prior to anniversary date 2. May be amended at any time during year 3. Requires parent written permission to implement 4. Includes: a. Present Level of Performance b. strengths of student c. most recent evaluation results

15 IEP Plan (cont.) d. student’s academic, developmental, functional needs e. intervention strategies and supports for classroom f. language needs, if limited English g. instruction in Braille, if necessary h. communication needs i. benchmarks and short-term objectives j. language/communication needs if hearing impaired/deaf k. assistive technology needs

16 504 Eligibility and Plan A. Overview--falls under Americans with Disabilities Act B. Purpose-protects any person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. C. Services -504 Plan

17 504 Eligibility Determination Process 1. Identification and referral 2. Evaluation 3. Determination of Eligibility 4. Development of 504 Plan 5. Re-evaluation

18 1. Identification and Referral 1. Child Find-screenings-preschool/school 2. Individual-parent, physician, therapist, etc 3. School Based Team a. person referring child/reports from referring source b. administrator c. teacher d. specialist e. school nurse

19 Child Study/School Based Review Team 1. Must meet within ten business days 2. Recommendations a. refer for evaluation b. classroom interventions c. family interventions-medical/mental health services d. parent permission recommended e. Procedural safeguards

20 2. Evaluation Process for gathering data to support medical/mental health impairment must be completed within 65 business days.

21 3. Determination of Eligibility 1. Reports review by Eligibility Team ( includes School Based Team plus testing staff) 2. Parent input 3. Student found eligible a. walking, bending, lifting, major body functions b. concentrating, learning, thinking c. reading, breathing, manual tasks d. hearing, seeing, communicating

22 4. Re-evaluation Mandatory every three years May be conducted sooner if recommended by 504 Team

23 504 Plan Meeting Meeting attendees: 1. Parent 2. Student, if appropriate 3. Administrator 4. Teacher 5. School Nurse 6. Other people invited at parent/school discretion

24 504 Plan Definition--written plan designed to reflect unique needs of student. Purpose--to “Level the Playing Field” Timeline-written within thirty days of eligibility determination. Must: a. be directly related to impairment, b. address necessary accommodations to access school programs and activities

25 504 Plan 1. Binding for 364 days-needs to be reviewed/revised prior to anniversary date. 2. May be amended at any time during year. 3. Needs to address detailed specific accommodations 4. Needs to clearly and in detail, indicate when and where accommodations are provided throughout the school day.

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