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CS 470/570:Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Computing.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 470/570:Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Computing."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 470/570:Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Computing

2 Lecture 1 Outline Course Details General Issues in Parallel Software Development Parallel Architectures Parallel Programming Models

3 General Information Instructor: Thomas Gendreau Office: 211 Wing Office Phone: 785-6813 Office Hours: – Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2:15-3:15 – Thursday 1:00-3:00 – Feel free to see me at times other than my office hours email: web: Textbook: Introduction to Parallel Programming by Peter S. Pacheco

4 Grading 240 points: 12 quizzes (best 12 out of 14) 100 points: Assignments 100 points Cumulative final exam – 4:45-6:45 Wednesday December 17 440 total points A quiz will be given in class every Friday and on Wednesday November 21st. No makeup quizzes will be given. Unusual situations such as multi-week illness will be handled on an individual basis.

5 General Issues/Terminology Identify possible parallelism Match amount of parallelism to the architecture Scalability Synchronization – Mutual exclusion Choose a parallel programming model Performance – Speedup – Amdahl’s law Data distribution

6 General Issues/Terminology Why study parallel programming now? – Evolution of computer architecture – Computer networks as potential parallel computers – Manage large data sets – Solve computationally difficult problems

7 General Issues/Terminology Parallelism in computer systems – Multiprogrammed OS – Instruction level parallelism (pipelines) – Vector processing – Multiprocessor machines Multicores – Networks of processors

8 Parallel Architectures Classics Taxonomy (Flynn) – Single Instruction Single Data Stream: SISD – Single Instruction Multiple Data Streams: SIMD – Multiple Instructions Multiple Data Streams: MIMD

9 SIMD Single control Unit Multiple ALUs All ALUs execute the same instruction on local data

10 MIMD Multiple control units and ALUs Separate stream of control on each processor Possible organization – Shared Physical Address Space Uniform or Non-uniform Memory Access Cache Coherance issues – Distributed Physical Address Space Network of Computers

11 Parallel Programming Models How is parallelism expressed? – Process – Task – Thread – Implicitly How is information accurately shared among parallel actions? How are parallel actions synchronized?

12 Parallel Programming Models Shared Address Space Programming – Shared variables Message Based Programming – Send/receive values among cooperating processes Programming models are independent of the underlying architecture SPMD – Single Program Multiple Data

13 Shared Address Space Programming Processes Threads Directive Model

14 Unix Processes Heavyweight processes – Requires the creation of a copy of the parent’s data space – Process creation has high overhead Example functions – fork – waitpid

15 Threads Lightweight process – Does not require the creation of a copy of the parent’s data space Example pthread functions – pthread_create – pthread_join

16 Directive Based Parallel Programming Directives in source code tell compiler where parallelism should be used Threads are implicitly created OpenMP – Compiler directives – #pragma omp contruct clause – #pragma omp parallel for

17 Message Based Parallel Programming Send/Receive messages to share values Synchronous communication Asynchronous communication Blocking Non-blocking

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