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Socrates (470-399 BCE) and Plato (428-354 BCE). The Philosophy of Socrates “ The unexamined life is not worth living. ” Wisdom: knowing that you know.

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Presentation on theme: "Socrates (470-399 BCE) and Plato (428-354 BCE). The Philosophy of Socrates “ The unexamined life is not worth living. ” Wisdom: knowing that you know."— Presentation transcript:

1 Socrates (470-399 BCE) and Plato (428-354 BCE)

2 The Philosophy of Socrates “ The unexamined life is not worth living. ” Wisdom: knowing that you know nothing o “ None is wiser than Socrates ” o Virtue A “Midwife to Truth” a “ gadfly ” To know the good is to do the good Ignorance causes evil Morality…where is it based? The Socratic Method

3 Plato (428-354 BCE) Learned from Socrates and taught Aristotle Created the Academy in Athens Perfection only exists in our mind o Only the idea is real o We can ’ t depend on our senses o Platonic Forms

4 Plato ’ s Theory of Ideas and Forms Plato ’ s answer to the “ Problem of the One and the Many ” True knowledge must be: o Unchanging o About what is real Perfection and knowledge only exist in our mind o Only the idea is real o We can ’ t depend on our senses o Platonic Forms Eternal and immutable, absolutely true definitions of concepts Exist only in the intelligible world

5 SPIRIT MATTER Earth The Material World The Visible World Perfect Forms Ideas Essence Know Good Know Why (Reason) Know How (Understanding) Know That (Belief) Guess (Imagining) The Hierarchy of Knowledge Knowledge is an ascent from matter to spirit TRUTH and “ THE GOOD ” Love of Truth



8 Plato ’ s Allegory of the Cave What does each of the following represent? o The cave itself o The fire o The Light of the sun o Chains o The prisoner/escapee o The false objects o Those holding false objects


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