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Green Words and Thesis Development August 21, 2013.

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1 Green Words and Thesis Development August 21, 2013

2 Warm-Up *Turn in “Show and Tell” Article to class bin*  YOU HAVE THE “I HAVE A DREAM” SPEECH IN FRONT OF YOU. YOU ARE ABOUT TO WATCH A RECORDING OF MLK JR. DELIVERING THIS SPEECH.  Please listen carefully for the author’s purpose and message.  mlkihaveadream.htm S:\Senior English\I have a dream...[Martin Luther King].flv mlkihaveadream.htmS:\Senior English\I have a dream...[Martin Luther King].flv

3 Thesis development  AFTER YOU WATCH THE VIDEO, DEVELOP A COHESIVE THESIS STATEMENT ON WHY THIS SPEECH IS STILL SO IMPACTFUL TO AMERICAN SOCIETY TODAY.  Write this thesis down. Use the same piece of paper to take notes on this powerpoint- -you will turn it in later  Set the speech aside

4 What is a “GREEN” word?  A “GREEN” word is  ABSTRACT (broad)  HIGHLY CONNOTATIVE (multiple meanings/interpretations)  VALUE-DRIVEN ( influenced by personal beliefs, values, morals, etc.)

5 EXAMPLE:  "Wealth"  Is "wealth" an abstract idea?  Does wealth have connotative significance?  Does your definition of "wealth" say anything about what you value?

6 YOUR TURN  Make a list of 10 words that represent "green" concepts

7 So how does this help me write a better thesis?  Your thesis should be driven by a combination of strong green words  Because of their connotative, value-driven nature, a “green” word based thesis will automatically drive your paper toward persuasion.

8 Try this:  Look at your list of green words. Create a sentence utilizing three of these words. It can be about anything (school appropriate, of course!).

9 STOP!  Did you just write a three-prong thesis?  If you did CROSS IT OUT!

10 Round 2:  Write another sentence using three of your green words, BUT this time follow this formula:  Create and “although” statement using ONE green word in the dependent clause (at the beginning) and TWO in the independent clause (back half).  Example for The Glass Castle: Although the Wells children grow up in deprivation, their determination and intelligence drive them to become successfu l human beings.  deprivation = counterargument  Intelligence/successful= arguable point to prove in essay

11 Rewind  Go back to the “I Have A Dream” speech  Highlight (preferably in GREEN) the GREEN concepts in his speech. This is an INDIVIDUAL activity.  AFTER you have highlighted, pair up with someone at your table to debate the accuracy of your highlighted words Are they: 1. Abstract 2. Strongly Connotative 3. Value Driven

12 On your original paper:  List 3-5 strong green concepts from the speech  REWRITE your original thesis on the following:  DEVELOP A COHESIVE THESIS STATEMENT ON WHY THIS SPEECH IS STILL SO IMPACTFUL TO AMERICAN SOCIETY TODAY. Use your green words and formula this time.

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