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What is Global Warming? Tomohiro TOYODA The sun light heats the ground → The ground reflects the heat → Greenhouse Gas(GHG) absorbs the heat → Global Warming.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Global Warming? Tomohiro TOYODA The sun light heats the ground → The ground reflects the heat → Greenhouse Gas(GHG) absorbs the heat → Global Warming."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Global Warming? Tomohiro TOYODA The sun light heats the ground → The ground reflects the heat → Greenhouse Gas(GHG) absorbs the heat → Global Warming About 200 years ago Now GHGs Sun Lights Heat

2 Will Tuvalu Island sink into the ocean? Because of the Global Warming, the average temperature of the world will rise 3 ℃. And then, the sea surface will elevate 1m, and many islands on the sea will sink to the ocean. Beach Erosion Now, The village sometimes sink into the sea.

3 Islands in Indonesia Past : 17504 islands ↓ (-24) Now : 17480 islands ↓ (-2000) Future(2030) : 15480 islands

4 What Country emits the large amount of GHGs Ranking (Amount of CO2 Emission) 1. United States of America 2. EU 3. China 4. Russia 5. Japan

5 Many Worldwide effects occur NOW Desertification Drought Sea Surface Elevation Abnormal Climate (concentrated heavy rain) Melt the Ice in pole legions Forest Fire

6 Where are the GHGs emitted Aspiration To Burn something Exhaust Gas from the Cars Exhaust Gas from the Factory

7 How to prevent Global Warming Solar PowerWind Power Geothermal Heat Power Turn off the TV! When the fuel is burned, CO2 is emitted. → Many Energy Conservation methods are introduced in Japan. Turn off the light because to generate energy uses fuel.

8 Compare two picture of the places Japanese RoadIndonesian Road We can see big piles of garbage The garbage cannot be seen on the street Many people segregate the garbage, and then, trash them into the can

9 Introduction of the concept of 3R Reduce: we should decrease the amount of garbage Reuse: we should use used Recycle: Turn many things into material, and Make products with this material again. Input Natural Resources Production Consumption Rejection Processing Final Disposal

10 You have to throw the garbage into the can! Japanese Garbage Bucket A Can in Indonesia This is a first step to solve the garbage problem…

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