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Music Mentors Network 14 November 2012. De-brief, following observation should occur within 24 hours, including written feedback (commentary & summary)

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Presentation on theme: "Music Mentors Network 14 November 2012. De-brief, following observation should occur within 24 hours, including written feedback (commentary & summary)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Music Mentors Network 14 November 2012

2 De-brief, following observation should occur within 24 hours, including written feedback (commentary & summary) grades need only be included for those Standards where there is sufficient evidence try not to cover too many points make sure comments are balanced avoid global statements of praise (or criticism!) refer to Profiles and Standards wherever possible set clear targets for the future work with the trainee, not on him/her


4 Co-analysis of practice Key points: co-analysis of practice supports the professional development of student teachers through:  helping the student teacher to analyse their own practice, including both those areas where good progress has been achieved and those where further development is needed  providing constructive feedback on the areas where the student teacher is making progress and those which need further development  exploring values and views about teaching and learning  helping the student teacher to carry out action planning  providing formative assessment of the student teacher  helping the student teacher as they carry out self- assessment source: The Open University ©

5 Training Activities – may include: observations of experienced teachers shadowing of pupils and/or colleagues (eg. TA) participation in joint planning / assessment moderation team teaching / teaching parts of lessons investigating resources pairing of teachers for informal support visits to other schools and sites school-based training (eg. INSET, Professional Studies) external conferences, seminars, workshops and training courses active research / reading / studying

6 Training Activities will be informed by…. GTP Training Plans from UEL Lesson observation feedback and targets lessons observed by the trainee professional studies programmes anything else which has arisen and outlined in… Weekly Training Plan (WTP) – every week ensure the Standards for QTS are referenced

7 A Personalised Training Plan Weekly mentor meetings w/bCore activityAdditional activity 05/11/12collaborative planningmodelling planning 12/11/12““subject knowledge review 19/11/12““monitoring & assessment 26/11/12““differentiation: SEN/G&T 03/12/12““event planning 10/12/12““developing SoW 17/12/12““Summary Report No.1 Additional activities On-goingForm tutor role, Y8 ObservePSHE (w/b 12/11/12); Citizenship (w/b 3/12/12) Meeting with SENCo (w/b/ 26/11/12) Professional Studies (each week)

8 Guidance from Ofsted development-materials-music-schools-promoting-good-practice partnerships-eight-effective-music-education-partnerships PLUS Case Studies and-wider PLUS case studies ry_subject-specific_guidance_for_music%20Oct2012.pdf

9 Future meetings Spring: Moving from Good to Outstanding Summer: Career Entry Development Profile / Preparing for Induction

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