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To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.

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Presentation on theme: "To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs."— Presentation transcript:

1 To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.

2 District 27-B2 Vision Screening Mission: To provide vision screening to the youth of our community for those who do not have access to pediatric eye screening programs. Our goal is to identify vision issues early enough in a child’s life to assist in correcting vision for life.

3 Catch it Early, Treat it Early… In a recent study by the Department of Health and Behavioral studies at Columbia University, early detection and treatment of vision disability needs to be priority number one. Experts say that roughly 80 percent of what a child learns in school is information that is presented visually. So good vision is essential for students of all ages to reach their full academic potential. Also, a child with an undetected or untreated vision problem is more likely to develop social or emotional problems and fall behind in academic achievement. A child's vision problems can affect not only their own learning, but also, that of their peers. Fifty percent of behavior problems in schools are due to vision issues.

4 Catch it Early, Treat it Early… Early detection and treatment can lead to a lifetime vision changing experience. After the age 8 there are a number of vision issues which cannot be corrected. The earlier a vision problem is detected and treated the more successful the treatment.

5 Snellen Eye Chart For years, and continuing to this day, the Snellen Eye Chart has been used to measure visual acuity; how "sharply" we see letters from 20 feet away. This is only one of a battery of test utilized by eye care professionals, and the primary chart used in child vision screening

6 The Snellen Eye Chart doesn’t do it While the test is helpful, it does not address many important aspects of vision and how we use our eyes. And it is very difficult to administer to small children The vision screening administered at our schools using the Snellen Eye Chart does not adequately test refractive error or lazy eye, items that would interfere with a Childs performance in the classroom.

7 There is a better way… … The vision screening camera. This device represents a breakthrough update to vision screening.

8 SPOT Vision Screening Camera

9 How Does it Work? Spot is a computer assisted Photorefractor / (autorefractor) which uses low level infrared light to the retina, taking 23 camera shots of the eye in 1 second. The measuring principle is based on photo-retinoscopy. From a distance of three feet (the camera lets the screener know if the distance is too far away or too close), an infrared light is projected through the pupils onto the retina. Depending on the refractive error, the reflected light forms a specific brightness pattern within the pupil. The assessment is non-invasive and the student feels nothing.

10 How is the Spot Used? The child simply sits down and look into the front of the camera, focusing their vision on its blinking red, amber and blue lights - a "chirping bird" auditory cue can also be used, to attract the attention of young children. It then takes the series of photos of the child’s eyes using infrared light, all within no more than one second. By analyzing those images, it is able to determine if their vision is "in range" or "out of range." Should a child fall into the "out" category, a screen on the device will instantaneously display the name of any likely problems.

11 Have the child look at flashing lights

12 What can it detect? Spot’s sophisticated technology can quickly detect the indication of the following vision issues: Near-sightedness (myopia) Far-sightedness (hyperopia) Unequal refractive power (anisometropia) Blurred vision, eye structure problem (astigmatism) Pupil size deviations (anisocoria) Eye misalignment (strabismus)

13 In Seconds! In just seconds, Spot provides immediate, comprehensive, and reliable screening results. A one-page summary can be printed, allowing for further analysis and informed decision making about the need for a follow-up examination and treatment by an eye care professional

14 View Results Child is IN RANGE Child is OUT OF Range Child In Range Tell the child or parent that child passed the screening (However this does not replace a comprehensive eye exam by a eye care professional.) Child is Out of Range – tell the Parent that the child should have a comprehensive eye exam by an eye care professional. Spot failed to complete screening – (for other than child behavior problems) – tell the parent that the child should have a comprehensive eye exam by an eye care professional (note this is another form of out of range result for SPOT)

15 This Child passed the screening. All readings are within range, the smaller the deviations the better.

16 Child has Astigmatism in both eyes. The right eye is severe enough that over time the brain could start to ignore the eye, which could result in lazy eye.

17 Same child with glasses, the correction is bringing the astigmatism correction within range for both eyes. And there is additional correction for hyperopia.

18 Spot Design If you can take a picture, you can use Spot. Spot looks and feels like a camera. The touch- screen display intuitively guides the screener and automatically captures the vision data at a rate of about 60 individuals per hour. Everything you need is contained within the device. WiFi Wirelessly print and transfer data when you’re ready. Data storage Data can be easily stored and transferred to support various electronic records protocols. On-the-go Spot goes where you go with a battery that powers a full day of screening in one charge. Light by design Spot weighs about 2 ½ pounds, making it comfortable to screen groups of any size. Facilitates a large-scale data analysis A meaningful analytical can be printed to give information when a group of children is screened.

19 Target Audience Primary Focus is on Children ages 6 mo. to 8yrs – Early Childhood, Daycare Pre- school 4-K, 5-K Secondary Focus is School age children from 9 to 18 years old who do not have access to vision screening. Third – any individual who could benefit from a vision screening

20 Vision Screening School Superintendent Nurse Daycare – New method of vision screening Requirements – Parental Permission Completed 1 week before scheduled Vision Screening Name, Age, Sex of Child – Vision Screening Agreement with The School/Day Care etc. Physical Requirements – Dimly Lit room – Straight Chair – Wheeled Chair – Desk Lamp 2-3 Lions or Volunteers – Screener – Child coordinator Seating Name, permission slip etc. Make children comfortable School Representative to help with the children

21 A Live Demonstration of the Spot Camera is the best way to experience a new way to do vision screening Who wants to be screened?

22 A leading developer of vision Screening technology, dedicated to solving the critical problem of undiagnosed vision problems and transforming the lives of children each day.

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