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 Provide you with strategies so you can support your reader at home.

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2  Provide you with strategies so you can support your reader at home.


4  Let them:  Choose the book  Choose the place


6  Do you know what Halloween is?  What is the boy wearing?  What is on the girls head?  Why are they wearing costumes?  What is this (point to the Pumpkin).  What did they do to make the face or the letters?


8  Read at a slower pace and articulate clearly.  Track the words (with your finger) as you read.  Model reading behavior (holding the book, tracking, turning pages etc.)  Point out words that repeat.  Talk about vocabulary words. Try to relate it to something they already know.



11  Take more time to read.  Review what was read the previous time.  Stop at times to clarify, explain, and predict.  Ask open ended questions.. What do you think about, how did you feel when etc.  Show pictures (if any).  Talk about what they visualize.





16  Memorizing is part of pre-reading, its okay.  Don’t be alarmed if they confuse p,d,b,q. Point out the letter, name it, tell the sound. Repeat often.  If they stop often to chat about the book or something the book reminds them of, let them. They are making connections.  Stop when it becomes frustrating for you or the child.



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