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Part 5: Franchising THE EARLY CHURCH. RECAP Jesus the Founder – Who Jesus is and what his mission was while here on earth. We learned that Jesus came.

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Presentation on theme: "Part 5: Franchising THE EARLY CHURCH. RECAP Jesus the Founder – Who Jesus is and what his mission was while here on earth. We learned that Jesus came."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part 5: Franchising THE EARLY CHURCH

2 RECAP Jesus the Founder – Who Jesus is and what his mission was while here on earth. We learned that Jesus came to earth to bring salvation to all people. Jesus’ Business Plan – Jesus told the Early Church to wait in Jerusalem until they had received the promised gift of the Holy Spirit. We learned that Jesus had a specific plan for Christians to bring the Gospel to non-believers but they needed to be equipped to do their job effectively.

3 The Grand Opening - The Early Church received the expected gift on Pentecost. We learned that the same gift of the Holy Spirit that empowered the first believers to share the Gospel is still available to us today. Expanding Our Territory - The Early Church learned that the Gospel is for everyone; not just the Jews. Today, we understand that salvation, the Gospel story does not discriminate; Jesus has called us to reach all people groups.

4 Today: Franchising – The Early Church Expands Through Evangelism We will be looking at how the Early Church expanded through evangelism and how today, we are to be doing the same.

5 Acts 13:1 – 4a (NLT) (1) Among the prophets and teachers of the church at Antioch of Syria were Barnabas, Simeon (called “the black man”[a]), Lucius (from Cyrene), Manaen (the childhood companion of King Herod Antipas[b]), and Saul. (2) One day as these men were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Dedicate Barnabas and Saul for the special work to which I have called them.” (3) So after more fasting and prayer, the men laid their hands on them and sent them on their way. (4) So Barnabas and Saul were sent out by the Holy Spirit.

6 Now that the Christians were meeting regularly and expanding, they needed to spread the Good News throughout the world The Early Church was a living organism. Growing and Changing Mobile: met in various places throughout communities

7 There are four things we can learn from the early church using our text today: 1.The Early Church had prophets and teachers among them (v. 1) The Holy Spirit gifted some believers as teachers and others as prophets The Holy Spirit does not distinguish among status or race

8 Take Away: The Holy Spirit has gifted all kinds of Christians for the work of the ministry. He has called men, women, children, elderly, poor, wealthy, black, and white. Today the church is full of believers that have been given spiritual gifts such as giving, preaching, encouraging, and mercy. Each one of us has a specific part to play in the body of Christ.

9 PAUSE VIDEO AND DISCUSS Can you identify the gifts the Holy Spirit has given you? Can you identify the gifts he has given to those around you?

10 2. Worshiping and Fasting were exercised corporately This most likely wasn’t an exception as they continued after the Holy Spirit spoke to them Worshiping, praying, and fasting can be done individually, however, there is power when we seek the Lord together as a group. “Where two or more are gathered, I am among them.” (Matthew 18:19)

11 Take Away: The Holy Spirit speaks when believers come together and corporately pray and fast. It’s easy as Christians to come together as a group once a week and corporately worship God. However, are we fasting together? Are we together giving up something of value to us to devote ourselves to God?

12 3. The Holy Spirit spoke to the Early Church The group of believers were given specific instructions about specific people among them The Lord can speak to us in a still, quiet voice but he can also speak to us through others in a small or large gathering of people.

13 Take Away: The Lord has given us each a purpose on earth. It is the exact same for everyone: Share the Good News to all creation. However, He has also given specific instructions to individuals.

14 PAUSE VIDEO AND DISCUSS What has the Holy Spirit specifically called you to do?

15 Sometimes the Lord tells us to do something for a season or a defined time and other times he has given us a specific calling that will last our lifetime. Example: Teach a small group Short term mission trip Specific job or Employment Lifetime calling: showing mercy to the forgotten, evangelism

16 Each individual has specific gifts so that as a group we can fulfill the Great Commission of going out and sharing the Gospel will everyone. Just like a business who franchises. The business owner has to pay a franchise fee so that they can bear the name of the business and sell the product or perform the service that the corporation has. However, the franchisee can reach their target customer using whatever means necessary as long as they do not violate their contract.

17 McDonalds: snow board theme, kayak theme, lodge theme In the same way, as the church, we have different styles of worship, different ways of reaching people that will not appeal to all people. However, the message is the same; Jesus Christ saves.

18 PAUSE VIDEO AND DISCUSS Can you name franchises that you are familiar with that have a different look but provide the same product or service?

19 4. The Early Church obeyed the Holy Spirit by commissioning Barnabas and Saul. After hearing specific instructions concerning two of their own, the prophets and teachers continued to pray and fast. After praying and fasting, they laid their hands on the two to commission them or send them off.

20 Take Away: When the Lord speaks, continue to worship Him and pray. Be thankful for this communication and be mindful to obey.

21 PAUSE VIDEO AND DISCUSS Have you witnessed or been a recipient of believers laying hands on you and sending you off to complete a task the Holy Spirit has called you to do?

22 As we continue to read Acts we learn about the several countries and people groups that Paul and Barnabas bring the Gospel to. What if the early church wasn’t faithful in meeting together to pray, worship, and fast? What If they had not been obedient to send out Paul and Barnabas?

23 Today, do you regularly come together with other believers to pray, fast, and worship? When the Holy Spirit speaks, are you quick to obey or do you question? The Early Church was made of people just like you and me. We too, are commissioned to spread the Gospel. Some of you it’s through finances; enabling someone else go. Others it’s through housing or giving other needs to those who are going. And some of you may be goers.

24 If the Holy Spirit has dedicated you for a special work but you have not gone, why not? Allow the Lord to lead you, step out in faith and obey. Next time Jessica will answer the question “Now what?” Today, we still are obeying Jesus’ instructions to bring the Gospel to the world. Will you join us?

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