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School Culture and Climate Chris Martinez, Kristine Lara, Melinda Coleman, Amy Peterman.

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Presentation on theme: "School Culture and Climate Chris Martinez, Kristine Lara, Melinda Coleman, Amy Peterman."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Culture and Climate Chris Martinez, Kristine Lara, Melinda Coleman, Amy Peterman

2 Survey Questions What is your definition of school culture? What is your definition of school climate? How were your first opinions of the school culture when you began? What strategies did you keep or implement to maintain or improve your school culture? Who was involved in your development & planning of strategies? How long did it take to implement your strategies to strengthen your school culture? Do you believe you have reached your goal or do you have more work to do? And, if so, what is it? What are some of your strengths and weaknesses in regards to your school culture? How do you feel about the school culture at this moment? How do you think teachers view the school culture in your building? How do you think the community views the school culture in your building? How do you think the rest of your school division views your school culture? What are the characteristics of an ideal school culture in your eyes? Give me a couple of examples of positive aspects of your school’s culture. Give me a couple of examples of negative aspects of your school’s culture. What can you do as the principal to reinforce the positive aspects while trying to eliminate the negative?

3 Data Administrators: 8 Teachers: 7 BREAK DOWN: High school Administrators: 4 Middle school administrators: 2 Elementary administrators: 2 High school teachers: 3 Middle school teachers: 0 Elementary school teachers: 4

4 Where did our data come from? Hanover County: Atlee High School Henrico County: Harvie Elementary, Holladay Elementary, Moody Middle School, Highland Springs High School, Fairfield Middle School

5 Positive Trends Strong school staff: caring, longevity, stability, and team work. Parental Involvement School Spirit Communication: flow of information to and from administration to staff and vice versa Forward looking Safety Adaptability of staff

6 Negative Trends Testing: AMO’s, data, accountability Low school spirit Parental Involvement Safety Turnover: administration and teachers (knowing and understanding expectations) Adaptability of staff Lack of communication Complacency

7 Strategies To Improve and Maintain Positive Culture Shout outs Personal relationships Social Committees and events ABCD awards Volunteers Employees of the Month Parent Advocate Special Passes Raffle Incentives Pep Rallies

8 Implementation Transformational Leadership: an administrator who is collaborative, ensures a positive atmosphere, serves the mission and values of the organization Ethic of Profession: an administrator who promotes the success of every student by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner. Principle of Equal Respect: each person should always be treated as if there is nothing of greater value than they are. It implies that all persons have equal worth and should be treated equitably and in ways that we ourselves would want to be treated.

9 Recommendations Thoughts and conclusions

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