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MAT153 Web Design 1 A Brief Overview of the Web Design Process.

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Presentation on theme: "MAT153 Web Design 1 A Brief Overview of the Web Design Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAT153 Web Design 1 A Brief Overview of the Web Design Process

2  Information Gathering  Planning the Site  Interface and Site Design  Development of the Site  Testing and Launch  Site Maintenance

3  All sites start as an idea  Something to be accomplished  Something to promote  Something to share  Someone to entertain  Some news to broadcast  Something to sell

4  What is the goal of your web site?  Sell stuff  Sell yourself  Tell a story  Persuade people

5  Who will be your site visitor?  What do these visitors expect?  Does your target audience have certain common characters?  Income  Age  Interests  Computer abilities

6  Content is the stuff of the site  What do other sites in the same genre offer?  What do you have to offer?  Start grouping your stuff into categories

7  Like anything you build, you need a plan  Structure  3 to 7 Top-level categories  Content is the stuff that goes into each category  Content can be words, images, sound, multimedia

8  Design is the pretty stuff that happens in Photoshop after all the initial planning is done  Shapes  Colors  Proximity  Form  Typography

9  Move from a pretty picture to an interactive web page using Dreamweaver  Slice  Export  HTML  Technologies

10  Fill the site with content  Words  Image  Multimedia  Is it working?  What is working  What is not  Fix it!

11  What is the benchmark for launch  Not all content is necessary for launch  Determine what is necessary  What will be added later  Determine launch date  Open the site to the public – Launch!

12  Change is all  Eliminate that which is not working  Make what is working more prominent and easier to get to  Fresh content is a must  Targeted content is better  Always be eager to reinvent your site

13  Information Gathering and Site Planning  Microsoft Office Word  Microsoft Office Excel  Interface Design  Adobe Photoshop  Adobe Bridge  Development of the Site  Adobe Dreamweaver  Adobe Flash  Adobe Photoshop  Adobe Bridge  Testing and Launch  Web Browsers  Adobe Device Central  Dreamweaver Browser Lab  Site Maintenance  Analytics and Statistics  Adobe Dreamweaver  Adobe Photoshop  Adobe Flash  Adobe Bridge  Adobe Contribute

14 Thank you for your attention!

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