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 Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an educational simulation and/or academic competition in which students learn about diplomacy,

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3  Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an educational simulation and/or academic competition in which students learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations.  MUN involves and teaches research, public speaking, debating, and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities.


5  Participants in Model UN conferences, referred to as delegates, are placed in committees and assigned countries, or occasionally other organizations or political figures, to represent.  They are presented with their assignments in advance, along with a topic or topics that their committee will discuss. Delegates conduct research before conferences and formulate positions that they will then debate with their fellow delegates in committee.  At the end of a conference, the best- performing delegates in each committee are sometimes recognized with awards.

6  Committees at Model UN conferences can simulate a variety of bodies.  General Assembly committees (such as DISEC, SPECPOL, and ECOFIN)  Other UN bodies (such as the Security Council, the ICJ, and ECOSOC).  You will be provided with a booklet that contains information and guidelines which will help you through the MUN conference esp. if you are a first-timer.  Moreover, you will be explained all the procedures in detail by your committee Chair in a pre-conference meet.

7  Model UN motivates students to learn. On an emotional level, Model UN is a motivational experience. It’s fun to pretend being a world leader solving the world’s most important problems in 48 hours or less.  Model UN reinforces what students learn in the classroom. In the classroom, students learn from their teacher. At conferences, students learn from each other.  Model UN teaches students about the world. In this era of globalization, learning about the world is more important than ever. No matter what field or profession students enter, they will interact with people from different countries and diverse backgrounds.  Model UN builds confidence and leadership skills. Students develop confidence and leadership skills through experience. Model UN conferences are opportunities to practice research, public speaking, teamwork, negotiation, and writing skills in a safe and structured environment.  Model UN helps students get into college. Model UN provides students with the learning and leadership experiences that admissions officers look for. The depth of these experiences serves as possible material for personal essays and interviews.

8  Roll Call -This when the chairperson will announce each country’s name and the delegate must reply with either ‘Present’ or ‘Present and voting’.  Motion to Open the Speakers List -This motion is used to open the general speakers list. The general speaker list last till the end of the conference and is only closed before the committee is adjourned.  Motion to Set the Agenda- As most conferences have two agendas, this motion is required to decide which topic shall the committee be debating upon first. Once the motion has been made, two delegations must speak in favour of the motion, and two other delegations will speak against it. These speeches should alternate between those in favour and those opposed. Once these four speeches have been given, a vote is taken. Setting the agenda requires a simple majority vote.

9  Below are a few websites and resources to help you with your procedure and other formalities.  -For the flow of the debate: to-participate/model-un-preparation/flow-of-debate  -For position papers: classrooms-model-un/how-to-participate/model-un- preparation/position-papers  -For resolutions: model-un/how-to-participate/model-un- preparation/resolutions/preambulatory-and-operative- clauses  -Sample resolution: classrooms-model-un/how-to-participate/model-un- preparation/resolutions/sample-resolution

10 I was reluctant at first to join the MUN. After days of brain-storming, I agreed. The MUN conference was held at Hyatt Regency. Three days of continuous debating and passing resolutions gave me the feel of an actual UN conference. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The MUN is helpful in many ways:-

11 1. The most important thing it taught me was how to research. It is not just copy-paste from Wikipedia. There is more to it than just that. 2. It gave me an idea of how the UN as a whole functions, how a delegate should present himself, etc. 3. I got exposed to an array of things and ideas which I would have otherwise never seen in my life. The confidence of other delegates, their personality, speaking skills really taught me something new.

12 MUN was really something unique and a never-before experience. At last, I would like to say, “The MUN may seem very unpromising at first but you’ll be proved wrong once you go for it.” And remember, it is MUN FUN.


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