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Program Overview Master of Science Degree in Emergency Services Administration California State university, long beach School of Criminology, Criminal.

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Presentation on theme: "Program Overview Master of Science Degree in Emergency Services Administration California State university, long beach School of Criminology, Criminal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Program Overview Master of Science Degree in Emergency Services Administration California State university, long beach School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, & Emergency Management We welcome you to this presentation, a brief program overview of the Master of Science Degree in Emergency Services Administration at California State University Long Beach.

2 “We live in the midst of alarms; anxiety beclouds the future.
We expect some new disaster with each newspaper we read.” - Abraham Lincoln To quote Abraham Lincoln ”We live in…

3 Program Description Exclusively online delivery Interdisciplinary
Advising Curriculum Student research presentations Utilize up-to-date instructional technologies Interdisciplinary Developed & supported by experts across academic & practitioner communities Program provides foundations to build Analytical skills Critical thinking Leadership Integration of research into practice The program provides students with the conceptual foundation, communication, managerial, and analytical skills required for designing, testing, and implementing an effective response to workplace and community emergencies. The program is exclusively online in delivery, and has a strong interdisciplinary influence from both faculty and students.

4 Program Objectives Support the advanced education of all those interested in disasters. Critically apply the principles of emergency management. Increase disaster resilience within the communities we serve. It is important to highlight the overarching program objectives, which are: Support the advanced education of all those interested in disasters. Critically apply the principles of emergency management. Increase disaster resilience within the communities we serve.

5 Program Distinction Provides a supportive learning community
Builds critical thinking Advances leadership Translates academic evidence into “real world” practice All students complete a Signature Project or Thesis Student projects may be endorsed by student’s sponsoring department Delivers convenient online courses Interactive content Asynchronous meeting The CSULB EMER program distinguishes itself in several unique ways. Creates and promotes a supportive learning community environment Builds critical thinking Advances leadership The content is interactive and the meetings are online asynchronously, which means it is not at one specific time. Rather, students and instructors go in and out of the course platform as the time matches their schedules. Translates academic evidence into real world practice with student completion of signature project or thesis. These projects may be endorsed by your sponsoring organization.

6 EMER Students Emergency Management Fire Law Enforcement Military Homeland Security Emergency Medical Services Personnel Public Health Public Administrators NGO Administrators Humanitarian Workers Private Business Disaster Planners Transportation security Agriculture / food security Information technology / cybersecurity The interdisciplinary nature of this degree draws faculty and students from a wide range of backgrounds. Some examples are listed here, but they are not limited to these. Emergency Management Fire Law Enforcement Military Homeland Security Emergency Medical Services Personnel Public Health Public Administrators NGO Administrators Humanitarian Workers Private Business Disaster Planners Transportation security Agriculture / food security Information technology / cybersecurity The degree’s interdisciplinary nature draws students from a wide range of backgrounds.

7 Student Learning Areas
Program prepares students for leadership roles through: Writing skills Communications Exposure to experts Theoretical foundations Systems understanding for leadership Independent research & analysis Integration of research into practice Some of the learning areas that contribute to leadership development include: Development of writing skills Exposure to experts Building communications capabilities Exploring theoretical concepts Understanding systems approaches Undertaking independent research and analysis Integrating research into practice

8 For Further Information…
Website: University Catalog (click on Academics from main menu) Program Director: Dr. Steven Jensen Graduate Advisor: Dr. Peter Kreysa Program Lecturer: Professor Shirley Feldman-Jensen For any further information, please feel free to contact us.

9 Links of Interest University Website:
EMER video link: EMER Web page: MyCSULB: About CSULB: University Library: CSULB History: Visiting: Links of Interest Highlights of links to visit on CSULB web pages are given here. We do want to draw your attention to the following in particular: Video link Link to CCPE EMER web page Graduation begins today!

10 Thanks for your Interest
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Thank you for visiting the CSULB MS Emergency Services Administration Program Overview presentation. End Part 1


12 Program Structure & Course Requirements
Master of Science Degree in Emergency Services Administration California State university, long beach School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, & Emergency Management We welcome you to this presentation, a brief presentation on the program structure and course requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Emergency Services Administration at California State University Long Beach.

13 EMER Program Overview Structure Course Requirements
Students admitted twice a year Fall semester Spring semester Progress through program with a learning community Time to completion 9 units /semester = 2 years 6 units / semester = 3 years 33 units graduate level courses Signature project at program completion Option A – Capstone Project Option B - Thesis The program is now admitting students two times a year: a fall semester start in late August and a spring semester start in late January. You progress through the program with a learning community which makes learning together dynamic and supportive. The time it takes to complete the degree is dependent on the number or units taken each semester. Approximately 2-3 years to complete the 33 Total units.

14 Summary of Unit Requirements
10 Core Required Courses (23 units) (Some classes are one or two units each) + 2 Elective Courses (6 units) Signature Project (4 Units) Option A: Capstone Project EMER-694A (3 units) and EMER-694B (1 unit) Option B: Thesis EMER 698 (4 units) ______________________________________ TOTAL = 33 Units Of the 33 total units required to complete a MS degree in the program, 10 units are core required course units 6 units are elective courses 4 units of a signature project (capstone project or thesis)

15 Sample: 6 Unit EMER Academic Plan
Semester 1 (7 units) EMER Information Literacy for Emergency Services Admin. (1 unit) EMER Practical Writing Applications (2 units) EMER E-learning Applications for Emergency Services Admin. (1 unit) EMER Principles of Emergency Management (3 units) Semester 2 (5 units) EMER Risk, Crisis and Interagency Communication (3 units) EMER Emergency Management Organizations: Constructs (3 units) Semester 3 (6 units) ELECTIVE (3 units) Semester 4 (4 units) EMER Research Methods & Analytical Techniques for Decision Support (4 units) Semester 5 (6 units) EMER Emergency Management Leadership across the Megacommunity (3 units) EMER Strategic Planning and Interactive Practices (3 units) Semester 6 (3 units) – Second to Last Semester EMER-694A - Project: Strategic Planning and Integrative Practices in Emergency Services Administration (3 units) Semester 7 (1 unit) – Last Semester at CSULB EMER-694B - Strategic Planning and Integrative Practices in Emergency Services Administration (1 unit) This is an example of what a program would look like for someone taking 6 units per semester. Please note that the courses should flow in a particular sequence for maximum benefit in learning. If there are any questions about course sequence at any point in the program, the Program Graduate Adviser is always available for guidance.

16 “One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.” - Arnold Glason Arnold Glason stated, ”One of the tests of leadership… To recognize the problem before it becomes an emergency and undertake measures to improve community resilience is the hallmark of the independent signature projects at the end of the program.

17 Signature Project Options
The Difference Between a Thesis & a Project These signature projects are a demonstration that you gained the skills to independently conduct a project. There are two type of project options available: a thesis or a capstone project. So what is the difference between these options?

18 Culminating Demonstration Projects
THESIS CAPSTONE PROJECT Demonstration of the skills/knowledge gained in the program. Ability to conduct independent research Contributes to body of knowledge Demonstration of the skills / knowledge gained in the program Ability to independently apply research to practice Contributes to field of practice A thesis contributes to the body of knowledge & demonstrates an ability to conduct independent research A capstone project contributes to the field of practice & demonstrates the ability to independently apply research to practice in any phase from proposal through implementation to evaluation.

19 Thesis Contribution to the body of knowledge through conducting independent research Explore the topic of interest in a question format Select research design Study the literature Analyze the data Discuss the findings More specifically, during a thesis the following elements are evidenced: Explore the topic of interest in a question format Selection of a research design Study the supportive literature Analyze the data Discuss the findings

20 brings all your learning & skills
Capstone Project Advances the practice of emergency management through applying independent research into a ‘real world’ setting. Explore the topic of interest with a practical idea for changing practice. Study the literature Engage a community organization support Analyze the feasibility Apply the findings to the desired product. It is the piece that brings all your learning & skills together. In a Capstone Project, the following specific elements are evidenced: A topic is explored with a practical idea for changing practice The supportive literature is studied and integrated into the application The feasibility of the project is analyzed A community organization support for the project is engaged The findings are applied to the desired end product.

21 Project Design Possibilities
Design a community outreach system Develop a grant proposal Implement a project with a local organization Develop a proposal to present to organizational leadership Conduct a policy analysis Develop specialized curriculum Create a Hazard plan Create a movie Some project design possibilities can include: Design a community outreach system Develop a grant proposal Implement a project with a local organization Develop a proposal to present to organizational leadership Conduct a policy analysis Develop specialized curriculum Create a Hazard plan Create a movie

22 Examples of Successful Past Projects
Created a… Collaborative Interagency Training Center Created a.. Police Suicide Prevention Center Designed a.. Local Critical Infrastructure Assessment Process pathway for Community Clinic Integration in Emergency Risk Communications Designed a… Comprehensive Disaster Management Plan for Severe Flooding of Local Jurisdictions Generated… Procedures for Electronic Medical Records in Hospital Evacuations Examples of some past projects include: Created a… Collaborative Interagency Training Center Created a.. Police Suicide Prevention Center Designed a.. Local Critical Infrastructure Assessment Process pathway for Community Clinic Integration in Emergency Risk Communications Designed a… Comprehensive Disaster Management Plan for Severe Flooding of Local Jurisdictions Generated… Procedures for Electronic Medical Records in Hospital Evacuations

23 Thanks for your Interest
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Thank you for exploring the CSULB MS degree program in Emergency Services Administration. Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions you may have. End Part 2


25 Applying to the EMER Program
Master of Science Degree in Emergency Services Administration California State university, long beach School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, & Emergency Management We welcome you to this presentation, applying to the Master of Science Degree in Emergency Services Administration at California State University Long Beach.

26 Applying to the EMER Program
Application qualifications to highlight are: A undergraduate GPA of 2.5 or higher is preferred GRE is NOT required to apply to this program GRE is NOT required Tuition Costs Application Process Admission Requirements Organizational situation

27 About CSULB The CSU system is one of the largest 4-year universities in nation >35,000 students 4th Best Public Regional University in the West US News & World Report ranking U.S. President’s “Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll” recipient More: Walter Pyramid A few highlights on the value of an education at CSULB. The CSU system is one of the largest 4-year universities in nation >35,000 students 4th Best Public Regional University in the West US News & World Report ranking U.S. President’s “Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll” recipient Earl Burns Miller Japanese Garden

28 Among Princeton Review’s 50 “Best Value” public colleges
Tuition Costs Among Princeton Review’s 50 “Best Value” public colleges Out-of-state/out of country costs the same as in-state 33 units total $475 per unit $1425 per 3-unit class ~$15,600 = approximate total tuition Textbooks may be required most course materials available via library electronic reserve While the cost of a program is often a significant consideration, it may be helpful to know that CSULB is ranked among the 50 “Best Value” public colleges in the country. Additionally, out of stat/out of country costs the same as in-state tuition in this program. Overall, the price is by unit with 33 units total required in the program. $475 per unit $1425 per 3-unit class ~$15,600 = approximate total tuition Textbooks may be required most course materials available via library electronic reserve

29 Application Information
1. Apply online using CSU Mentor Note: select Special Sessions as the Campus $55 application fee Application Deadline: June 1st 2. Submit all materials by June 1st Official transcripts To CSULB Enrollment Services Office GPA of 3.0 GPA preferred Minimum GPA is 2.5 Exceptions may be made for compelling situations Statement of Intent To EMER Program Office 3 letters of recommendation Resume Application Information The application process is also online using CSU Mentor at When you are in the CSU Mentor platform, please note that you must select Special Sessions as the campus in this process. The application deadline is June 1st Other materials that need to also be submitted by June 1st include: Official transcripts – which must be sent to CSULB Enrollment Services Office A statement of intent – sent to the MS program in Emergency Services Administration (EMER) program office 3 letters of recommendation – sent to the EMER program office Resume – sent the EMER program office Graduation begins today!

30 Organizational Situation
Once admitted… You are a California State University Long Beach student! The degree you are pursuing is… Master of Science degree in Emergency Services Administration The program is housed in… The School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Emergency Management within the College of Health & Human Services A partnership exists with… The College of Continuing and Professional Education (CCPE) Registration & course scheduling occur through CCPE Organizational Situation Once you are admitted, you are indeed a CSULB graduate student! The degree you are pursuing is the Master of Science degree in Emergency Services Administration The MS Emergency Services Administration program is in the School of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Emergency Management, which is in the College of Health and Human Services at CSULB. The program also has a partnership with the College of Continuing and Professional Education (CCPE). You will register and schedule your courses through CCPE.

31 For Questions or Further Information Contact:
Dr. Steven Jensen Program Director (562) Dr. Peter Kreysa Graduate Advisor (562) (office) (213) (mobile) Professor Shirley Feldmann-Jensen Lecturer (562) For Questions or Further Information Contact: Please feel free to contact us for any further questions you may have. Graduation begins today!

32 University Website:
CSU Mentor: EMER video link: EMER Web page: MyCSULB: About CSULB: University Library: CSULB History: Visiting: Links of Interest Student Union Highlights of links to visit on CSULB web pages are given here. We do want to draw your attention to the following in particular: Video link Link to CCPE EMER web page

33 Thanks for your Interest
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Thank you for your interest in the application information regarding the Master of Science degree program in Emergency Services Administration. End Part 3

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