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USAID LEAF Regional Climate Change Curriculum Development Module: Basic Climate Change (BCC) Section 3. Responses and adaptation to climate change 3.6.

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Presentation on theme: "USAID LEAF Regional Climate Change Curriculum Development Module: Basic Climate Change (BCC) Section 3. Responses and adaptation to climate change 3.6."— Presentation transcript:

1 USAID LEAF Regional Climate Change Curriculum Development Module: Basic Climate Change (BCC) Section 3. Responses and adaptation to climate change 3.6. Introduction to REDD+

2 Basic Climate Change (BCC) Module Team

3 I.HOW AND WHY THE CLIMATE IS CHANGING 1.1.Introduction to Climate Science and Climate Change 1.2.The Causes of Climate Change 1.3.Climate Intensification: Floods and Droughts 1.4.Climate Modeling II.THE EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON PEOPLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2.1.Introduction to Climate Change Impacts 2.2.Sea Level Rise 2.3.Climate Change and Water Resources: Effects 2.4.Climate Change and Food Security 2.5.Climate Change and Human Health 2.6.Climate Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems III.REPONSES AND ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE 3.1.Climate Change and Forest Management 3.2.Climate Change and Water Resources: Response and Adaptation 3.3.Principles and Practice of Climate Vulnerability Assessment 3.4.Dealing with Uncertainties in Climate Change 3.5.Introduction to Ecosystem Services 3.6.Introduction to REDD+ 3.7.Bioenergy and the Forest 3.8.Communications and Engagement IV.CURRICULUM MODUL RESOURCES AND TOOLS 4.1.Curated Video Collection 4.2.Literature – Annotated Bibliography 4.3.Climate Change Glossary 4.4.Reading and Video Assignments and Problem Sets

4 At the end of this session, learners will be able to:  Explain forest loss trends globally and how it contributes to GHG emissions  Explain REDD+ and how it addresses climate change mitigation  Describe the history of REDD+ and key definitions related to its implementation

5  The role of forest lost in climate change  Important definition  REDD+ definition  Principle implementation  Benefits of REDD +  Prospects


7  What does REDD+ mean?  Why is the forest sector important in emissions control?  What are the 3 main issue areas with REDD+  What are the primary drivers of deforestation in SE Asia? In the Amazon basin? What is the most basic reason that deforestation occurs?  Describe how forested countries transition over time in terms of deforestation and reforestation.  What is “business as usual”?  When and where was the global REDD+ agreement written and approved?  What is the starting point for REDD+ in a particular place?  What are the 3 “big lessons” so far in developing REDD+?  Are you hopeful that REDD+ will contribute a substantial long-term solution to global carbon emissions?

8 Cannot ignore the forestry sector, even though it is complex IPCC ~ 17% of global GHG emissions 2007 Fossil fuels Forests 12% 17% Van der Werf et al. ~ 12% of global emissions 2009 Nature Geoscience | VOL 2 | NOVEMBER 2009 | IPCC, 2007 Fourth Assessment Report Global forest loss = Significant GHG emission source

9 FAO 2010 Annual change in Forest area by region 1990-2010 Accelerated Rate of Forest Loss Primarily in Developing Countries “..Carbon stocks in forest biomass decreased ~ 0.5 Gt annually between 2005–2010, mainly because of reduction in global forest area…” FAO Forest Resource Assessment 2010

10  REDD & REDD+  Carbon Pool  PES  Baseline & Reference line  Leakage & Reverse Leakage  Tropical deforestation & Degradation

11 REDD: Reducing Emission from Deforestation and forest Degradation REDD Plus: Sustainable management of forests, conservation of forest carbon stocks and enhancement of carbon stocks.




15 Traditional development path: Depletion of primary forests  Later transition to second-growth management STAGES OF TRANSITION High Forest Cover Low Deforestation High Deforestation Low Stabilized Forest Cover Increasing Forest Cover Developing Country


17 BRAZIL INDONESIA, MALAYSIA US, EUROPE Why Focus on the Tropics Now? Developing Countries Tropical and Sub-Tropical Forests

18 BRAZIL INDONESIA, MALAYSIA US, EUROPE Developing Countries Tropical and Sub-Tropical Forests Why Focus on the Tropics Now? Developed Countries Temperate Forests

19 Bring Forests into Conservation and Sustainable Management Earlier BAU path Alt. REDD paths Developing Country

20 Link: (3:33 min video)

21 Source: National Forest Monitoring Systems: M&MRV in the context of REDD+ activities. 2013.

22 Decisions adopted (UNFCCC, COP 19, Warsaw 2013)  Guidance for the technical assessment of reference levels (RLs)  Modalities for measurement, reporting and verification (MRV)  Drivers, safeguard national forest monitoring system  Joint SBSTA/SBI process  Result-based finance

23 UN-REDD WORLD BANK FCPF  The idea of reducing deforestation in tropical countries was originally focused on reducing carbon emissions only  As the international negotiations have progressed, other social, environmental and sustainability goals have been added  Pilot REDD+ programs have been developed throughout the tropics to test different approaches and methods

24 REDD + NOW INCLUDES A full REDD-Plus Definition “Policy approaches and positive incentives on issues relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries” 2. Elements for developing countries to prepare: A National Strategy or Action Plan A Reference Emission Level (REL) -at the National level (and at Subnational levels (states, provinces) as interim measures) to define historic and projected deforestation trends MRV: Robust Monitoring, Reporting and Verification systems A System for Tracking Social Safeguards: Information on how the safeguards for people and livelihoods are being addressed and respected REDD + NOW INCLUDES A full REDD-Plus Definition “Policy approaches and positive incentives on issues relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries” 2. Elements for developing countries to prepare: A National Strategy or Action Plan A Reference Emission Level (REL) -at the National level (and at Subnational levels (states, provinces) as interim measures) to define historic and projected deforestation trends MRV: Robust Monitoring, Reporting and Verification systems A System for Tracking Social Safeguards: Information on how the safeguards for people and livelihoods are being addressed and respected d.System for Tracking Safeguards: Information on how the safeguards for people and livelihoods are being addressed and respected… e.National strategy must address: Drivers of deforestation and forest degradation Land tenure issues: Carbon rights Forest governance issues Gender considerations Ensuring the full and effective participation of relevant stakeholders including indigenous peoples and local communities… Still Pending: Decision on carbon markets and guidance, if authorized

25 REDD + NOW INCLUDES (cont’d) The National strategy must address: Drivers of deforestation and forest degradation Land tenure issues: Carbon rights Forest governance issues Gender considerations Ensuring the full and effective participation of relevant stakeholders including indigenous peoples and local communities… Still Pending: Decisions on carbon markets and guidance REDD + NOW INCLUDES (cont’d) The National strategy must address: Drivers of deforestation and forest degradation Land tenure issues: Carbon rights Forest governance issues Gender considerations Ensuring the full and effective participation of relevant stakeholders including indigenous peoples and local communities… Still Pending: Decisions on carbon markets and guidance d.System for Tracking Safeguards: Information on how the safeguards for people and livelihoods are being addressed and respected… e.National strategy must address: Drivers of deforestation and forest degradation Land tenure issues: Carbon rights Forest governance issues Gender considerations Ensuring the full and effective participation of relevant stakeholders including indigenous peoples and local communities… Still Pending: Decision on carbon markets and guidance, if authorized

26  Ghost forest of Thai ethnic  Indigenous cultivation method  Agroforestry models

27  Does your country need to apply REDD +? Why?  Why does REDD+ mechanism have a multil – approach?  What ways are necessary public support policies?

28 Mitigation  Reducing greenhouse gas emissions  Climate change Mitigation Adaptation  Sustainable forest management  Biodiversity and provide ecosystem services  Livelihood improve How did REDD+ develop to get co-benefits?

29 Challenges  Financial  Who own carbon of forest?  Livelihoods of indigenous and local people citizens who now depend of the forest

30 Solutions to make REDD+ work Approach:  Nested approach  Landscape approach Implement:  Coordination mechanisms  Co-benefits  Technical Requirements  Monitoring and maintenance  Communication, Teaching, Learning…

31  Applying the Project-based Learning to teach REDD+ in “Environment and human” subject  Class: 50 students  Divide the class into 5 groups (10 person in each group)  Assigning tasks: They have to conduct their topic on REDD + that they had learnt, requiring with fact/local  Time conducting: from January to May, 15th 2014.  Check with Dr. Vinh to see if there is outcome to report

32 d.System for Tracking Safeguards: Information on how the safeguards for people and livelihoods are being addressed and respected… e.National strategy must address: Drivers of deforestation and forest degradation Land tenure issues: Carbon rights Forest governance issues Gender considerations Ensuring the full and effective participation of relevant stakeholders including indigenous peoples and local communities… Still Pending: Decision on carbon markets and guidance, if authorized United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) decisions on REDD+ UN-REDD: WORLD BANK FOREST CARBON PARTNERSHIP FACILITY (FCPF): WORLD WILDLIFE FUND: What is REDD+: / / Forest and Climate Negotiations

33 1. Ecosystem Marketplace: Unpacking Warsaw – Parts 1,2,3: on=news_articles&eod=1 on=home on=home Links below go directly to COP text: “… The “Rulebook” is actually a collection of seven decisions that together provide guidance on how countries can harvest available data to create reliable snapshots of their forests over time and to use these snapshots to create deforestation reference levels that will be recognized by the UNFCCC. The decisions govern, among other things, modalities for monitoring national forests, addressing the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, and measuring, reporting and verifying activities designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

34 WWF Forest and Climate Program summary: Josefina Brana-Varela is the former REDD+ negotiator for Mexico and now forest and climate program director for R+ at WWF. She’s an excellent negotiator and reporter who understands the intricacies of negotiation dynamics. See:

35   dp/application/pdf/adp_cfrn_workstream_1_and_2_20130915.pdf dp/application/pdf/adp_cfrn_workstream_1_and_2_20130915.pdf 

36  What was useful?  What is missing?  How did you, or would you, modify the materials to make them better fit your instructional context?  Please share your experience and modifications here:

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