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Click to edit Master title styleCareer and counseling services Monika Sutrop Career Counselor Career and Counselling Office

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2 Click to edit Master title styleCareer and counseling services Monika Sutrop Career Counselor Career and Counselling Office

3 Career and Counseling Office 29/08/2014Career and Counseling Office3

4 We help: make conscious decisions be more successful in studies and work life after University 29/08/2014Career and Counseling Office4

5 Peer counseling Tutors - Peer support program> Sutdent life-> Student Support Services->Tutors 29/08/2014Career and Counseling Office5

6 Counseling  Career counseling (individual and groups)  Psychological counseling  Counseling concerning special needs 29/08/2014Career and Counseling Office6

7 Career counseling -> in English -> in English -> Student life -> Career & internship 29/08/2014Karjääri- ja nõustamistalitus7

8 Topics for Career Counseling Student candidates Skills and abilities (awareness, tests) Change of study programs Career planning Job search CV and job interview Combining work and studies 29/08/2014Career and Counseling Office8

9 Psychological Counseling Common problems are: feeling isolated missing what is familiar (being home- sick) cultural differences compared to the local culture different climate language barriers difficulties in communication lowered academic performance due to these stressful factors lowered self-esteem 29/08/2014Career and Counseling Office9

10 Student Counselor sessions are individual confidential Languages spoken: English, Spanish, Estonian Contact: Kadri Kiiskmann E-mail: 29/08/2014Career and Counseling Office10

11 Career seminars, Job offers Career seminars Job offers stand Central Job and internship database with 9 biggest Universieties in Estonia: 29/08/2014Career and Counseling Office11

12 Thank You! More information and contact info:  (choose in english)  Room U01-221, Ehitajate tee 5, Tallinn 29/08/2014Career and Counseling Office12

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