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Automatically E-mail, fax, print and archive documents from Baan such as purchase orders, sales invoices, reminders, acknowledgments and much more! Baan.

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Presentation on theme: "Automatically E-mail, fax, print and archive documents from Baan such as purchase orders, sales invoices, reminders, acknowledgments and much more! Baan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Automatically E-mail, fax, print and archive documents from Baan such as purchase orders, sales invoices, reminders, acknowledgments and much more! Baan Mail-Merge 6.4

2 The Problem: Delivery of Documents Every day your company creates lots documents such as purchase orders, invoices and reminders. These documents need to be sent to suppliers, customers, subcontractors or internal employees. You may wish to attach other documents like AutoCAD drawings, pictures or work instructions together with these Baan documents. The challenge is to do this in a process that is reliable, speedy and cost effective.

3 Baan Mail-Merge is an enterprise-wide e-commerce system, tightly integrated with Baan, allowing it to automatically E-mail, fax, print and archive documents like purchase orders and invoices – and produce dramatic time and money savings. The Purchase Approval Extension comes to cover the area where Baan Mail-Merge is used for purchase orders and more than one person must sign certain orders, based on the amount. The Solution: Baan Mail-Merge

4 1)Cut postage costs 2)Cut stationary costs 3)Cut phone costs (telephone tag or waiting for a fax) 4)Improve cash flow 5)Reduce lead time 6)Improve company image Baan Mail-Merge - Benefits

5 1)Address books (To, Cc, Bcc) 2)Personal message to go along with every document 3)Define layout of document 1)logo, footer 2)background letterhead 3)user signatures 4)Define attachments that need to go along with the document 1)terms and conditions 2)AutoCAD drawings, pictures or work instructions Baan Mail-Merge - Features

6 5)Different run options: 1)cover page (For faxes) 2)compression 3)Logging 4)What if recipient is not found 6)Action: Email, Fax, Print or Archive 7)Sending method: Automatic or One-By-One 8)Purchase Approval Process (for Purchase Orders only) 9)Secure PDF: Produce PDF files that cannot be printed, edited (even with Acrobat Writer), disable Copy & Paste of text. You can produce password protected files. 10)Email priority. Baan Mail-Merge - Features

7 For every supplier and customer, we define: 1. E-mail address, fax number 2. Delivery method: E-mail, fax, printer (one or a combination) 3. Every document can sent to one or more address books (To, CC, BCC). 100 address books supported for every supplier and customer (in add- on System) 3 Address books supported for every supplier and customer (in Baan supplier/customer table) 1. Address Books

8 You can write a personalized message to go alone the email being sent. You can use free text, variables and labels. The message can be in the language of the document 2. Personal Message

9 You can design your reports by adding your company’s logo, background 3. Layout You can also sign your documents electronically

10 The purchase order it self The same file can always be sent together with the Baan document (As an example, the terms and conditions with the PO). You can also attach files depending on certain values in the document (As an example, an AutoCAD drawing for every item in the PO). 4. Attachments

11 1)If recipient data does not exist: Send document to sender or print it 2)Logging: While every move in the system is logged, you can activate a notification system to notify users of what has happened and what is waiting for them to process. 3)Cover Pages: Use a cover page if you prefer to use one while faxing. 4)Compression: While some companies prefer sending all attachments as-is, you can use different compression methods to deliver documents in a secure and compact way. 5. Different Run Options Define your own run options to best fit your process:

12 - Documents are E-mailed as PDF files 6. Sending: E-mail

13 - In addition to E-mail, you can fax, print and archive documents in the same run (one of them or a combination) 6. Sending: Fax, Print and Archive - Documents can be printed on Windows or UNIX printers - Documents can be archived on an NT network drive or on the Baan server - Faxing uses supplier fax data and an option for 100 additional address books

14 As an example, “Print Purchase Orders” to the mail-merge device. ( The purchase order run has 700 purchase orders) In few moments… 400 purchase orders will be emailed 100 purchase orders will be emailed and faxed 180 purchase orders will be faxed 700 purchase orders will be archived on disk 20 purchase orders will be printed (to be manually picked and sent by mail) All this will be done automatically! 7. Run Mode: Automatic

15 With the “One by One” mode you can review each purchase order before sending it, verifying email addresses and fax numbers, writing a special note to go along with the document sent, possibly add/delete attachments, setting the email priority and ask for an email receipt. 7. Run Mode: One-By-One

16 8. Purchase Approval Process For companies where Purchase Orders above a certain monetary threshold need to be signed by two people, the Purchase Approval Extension comes into place. Purchase Orders below the threshold amount are automatically signed by the buyer and sent out while all other Purchase Orders are routed to the responsible manager for approval within Baan.

17 The manager assigned to sign the Purchase Order will be notified with an email and will be directed to an approval session. If the Purchase Order is approved or denied, an email will be sent to notify the buyer about the fate of each Order. 8. Purchase Approval Process

18 Approved Purchase Orders are ready to be released. This can be performed automatically by a batch job that will release all approved orders – or the buyer can check all approved orders and manually release them, while adding some additional remarks or attachments. 8. Purchase Approval Process

19 Technical Requirements 1)Single installation on Baan Server – Every user with permissions can use product. 2)Works on Baan 4c, Baan 5b, Baan 5c and LN 3)Works on Unix, NT and AS400

20 You can choose one of four methods for sending emails using Baan Mail-Merge: 1) PC-blat: Send email using an SMTP port from the local PC running BW. 2) Outlook: Send email with an Outlook API from the local PC running BW 3) NT-blat: Send email using an SMTP port from the Baan NT server. 4) Sendmail: Send emails using Unix sendmail. Email Integration

21 You can choose one of the following fax Servers to enable faxing from Baan Mail- Merge: Fax Integration 1. Internet Fax – 2. RightFax - 3. Fax Maker - 4. Ferrari-Fax - 5. Zeta-Fax - 6. Mrs-System – Baan Mail-Merge can possibly work with other fax servers that support SMTP

22 To get a free fully operational demo version contact us: NAZDAQ - Nazareth Data Quest Ltd. Tel : +972-4-608-0023 Fax : +972-4-647-0112 Baan Mail-Merge Release-Notes

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