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This lecture was conducted during the Nephrology Unit Grand Ground by a Sub-intern under Nephrology Division, Department of Medicine in King Saud University.

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Presentation on theme: "This lecture was conducted during the Nephrology Unit Grand Ground by a Sub-intern under Nephrology Division, Department of Medicine in King Saud University."— Presentation transcript:

1 This lecture was conducted during the Nephrology Unit Grand Ground by a Sub-intern under Nephrology Division, Department of Medicine in King Saud University. Nephrology Division is NOT responsible for the content of the presentation for it is intended for learning and /or education purpose only.

2 Tameem M. Ashry

3 Contents Definition Types Causes Symptoms/Complications

4 Definition The functions of the kidney are: Removal of waste BP control Electrolyte balance Miscellaneous Vit D synthesis Erythropoetin

5 Definition Thus, failure of the kidney means inability of the kidney to carry out these functions. It is usually measured-with relative accuracy-by the serum creatinine, BUN and GFR. Acute Renal Failure is failure with rapid decline.

6 Types The causes of ARF (such as shock or ischemia) act through three main mechanisms of pathology: Prerenal ↓BP,↓Blood flow (ex: HUS) Renal (Intrinsic) Usually a result of Prerenal (ATN) and sometimes Postrenal Glomerular disease Postrenal Obstruction

7 Causes Prerenal Anything that decreases BP or blood volume with an effect on the kidney. Examples: CHF-↓ blood flow and ↓ pressure =↓perfusion to kidneys too Shock-poor kidney perfusion In later stages the body may sacrifice the kidney to maintain the blood supply to the brain and heart Occlusion- atherosclerosis Fibromuscular dysplasia-thickening of the artery walls

8 Causes Renal Anything that eventually causes renal damage Examples: ATN (Acute Tubular Necrosis) #1 cause is ischemia (see prerenal failure) Prerenal failure examples: Occlusion Glomerular Disease Wegener’s, Poststreptococcal Interstitial Allergic Interstitial Nephritis

9 Causes Postrenal Least common Why? Always caused by obstruction and… We have two kidneys So… Both obstructed One functional kidney

10 Symptoms/Complications 1. ECF volume expansion Due to kidney mistaking initial ischemia for hypovolemia 2. Hyperkalemia Failure means the kidney can no longer excrete K+ 3. Metabolic Acidosis Decreased excretion of H+ too 4. Hypocalcemia and Hyperphosphatemia Where is Vit. D finished? ↑PTH 5. Uremia ↓excretion of nitrogenous waste

11 Symptoms/Complications The following numbers are results of the causes listed on respective points from the last slide: 1. Causes→Pulmonary Edema #s 1 and 2 are the most common early phase mortal complications 2. Causes → Cardiac arrest 3. Causes → nonspecific symptoms (pain, headache) 4. Causes → Bone demineralisation 5. Causes → Pericarditis, coagulopathy

12 Thank You I hope it helped!

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