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History of camcorders By: Cason Hardy. 1500 First Pinhole was invented by Alhazen.

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1 History of camcorders By: Cason Hardy

2 1500 First Pinhole was invented by Alhazen

3 1839 Daguerreotype Camera was shown by the French Academy of Sciences. One of these is now known as the world’s most expensive camera

4 1840 Alexander Wolcott got the first American patent for photography for his camera.

5 1859 Panoramic camera which was patented by Thomas Sutton

6 1861 Stereoscope viewer is invented by Oliver Wendall

7 1888 A roll-film camera is patented by the name of Kodak roll-film camera. It was the Kodak box camera and very cheap and simple.

8 1900 The Brownie was the first mass-marketed camera The travel camera is invented because it was light weight and more compact then the other cameras when folded up

9 1913/1914 The first 35mm camera is made and became the standard for every film camera

10 1948 The Polaroid is invented and can take a picture and print the picture in a minute

11 1960 EG&G develops extreme depth camera for U.S. Navy

12 1978 The first point and shoot camera id invented

13 1981 Sony shows the first digital camera

14 1986 Disposable camera is made and introduced

15 1991 Kodak makes the first professional digital camera

16 1994-1996 The first digital camera for the consumer level of people was made by Apple and could be plugged into a computer via cable.

17 2000 The first camera phone is introduced

18 2005 The first consumer level of pricing full frame digital camera is made


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