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Salvador Dalí Recreations By: Laura O’Donnell, Alexandra Bartlett, Teena Amador, and Elizabeth Coppola.

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Presentation on theme: "Salvador Dalí Recreations By: Laura O’Donnell, Alexandra Bartlett, Teena Amador, and Elizabeth Coppola."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salvador Dalí Recreations By: Laura O’Donnell, Alexandra Bartlett, Teena Amador, and Elizabeth Coppola

2 Who is Dalí? For this collage, I found several pictures that related to Dali's life. I made the background red and texturized it using a filter. Then I arranged all of the images as separate layers, before flattening the image into one layer. I painted the edges of the picture with a faded red to make them blend into the background better. Finally, I added text stating Dali's name as well as the dates of his birth and death.

3 Patient Lovers Recreation Dali Original Teena This creation by Dali reminded me of the Veggies lab we did in the beginning so I decided to recreate this image with that idea in mind. I kept the leaves on the top of the picture, but I changed the face to different fruits and vegetables on the left side. I also used the blending tool in order to help blend the grapefruit rinds to the leaves. I also used Angelina Jolie’s nose, eyes and lips in order to recreate the right side of the face. I also redistributed the shadows to recapture the direction of light in the painting. I used the line tool to recreate the lines on the left side. I used the blending tool to reduce the opacity of the lines to look similar to the original.I kept the document at the bottom of the painting.

4 Shirley Temple Dali OriginalRecreation For this image, we decided to reverse the imagine- instead of having the body of a demon and head of Shirley Temple, we used the head of a demon and body of Shirley Temple. I extracted the images using the lasso tool and inserted them into the pre-existing image. Once layered, I used free transform in order to properly size the images. Then, I selected Shirley’s dress and feathered it, to make it look more natural. I brought out the hue to give the picture more of a ‘surreal’ feel to it. The only parts of the original photo that remains are the sky and the bat. Elizabeth

5 Athens is Burning! The School of Athens and the Fire in the Borgo Dali OriginalRecreation Dali actually recreated Raphael’s original “The Fire in the Borgo.” I recreated Dali’s recreation. The people in this picture are the only part of my recreation which is exactly the same. I decided to stay close to Dali’s recreation because I thought it was interesting how he used color in a nonconventional way. I used the Arch of Constantine,which is located in Rome, as the archway in this picture. I placed this archway on top of the background (the people) and adjusted the size appropriately. I then created the different size boxes with the rectangular marquee tool and filled them with the a bright color using the paint bucket tool. I also worked my way around the image and used strokes of color to create the splashes of color within this picture. Finally, I messed with the hue and saturation to find the appropriate lighting of this picture I wanted. Laura

6 Baby Map of the World Dali OriginalRecreation Teena I thought this picture was interesting, especially with the map on the baby’s face. I wanted to keep the baby the same, but highlight the map, making it more visible on his face. I also wanted to change the background to make the ‘globe’ more applicable for the setting. I used the mosaic tool under filters in order to make the crinkled effect in the background.

7 The Pyramids and the Sphinx of Gizeh Dali OriginalRecreation Alexandra I found pictures of single pyramids, copied and re-sized them. I also did this with the sphinx. For the shadows, I used the shape tool to draw triangular shapes, then I filled them in with dark gray. For the background, I used a solid color yellow and then used the burn tool to make different shades in each part of the background.

8 Port Alguer Dali OriginalRecreation Alexandra For this picture, I started with a real photograph of Port Alguer. I then used the burn and dodge tool to darken and highlight some of the features to make it look more like the painting. For the water, I used the paint daubs filter tool to make it look as if it were painted using different colors. Lastly I copied and pasted the 2 women figures from the original painting but made sure to blend them into the photograph.

9 Las Meninas Dali OriginalRecreation This picture is also a recreation that Dali has done of Diego Velázquez’s “Las Meninas.” I actually created this picture from scratch and just worked with the Photoshop tools. I started out with a blank orange/tan background. I then created the numbers with the paint brush in the appropriate colors and tried to match the style of Dali’s numbers. After the basics were done I worked with the burn and dodge tool to create different shading in this picture including the formation of the room by way of different shading. I used different brush strokes and sizes to achieve different textures with the brush. I then changed the hue and saturation until I achieved a similar overall shading of the picture. Finally, I added a film grain effect in an attempt to achieve the same texture Dali had achieved. Laura

10 The Elephants Dali Original Recreation For this image, I removed the original legs from the elephants and replaced them with legs from flamingos. Then, we created a gradient background that I copied over the image from. I found photographs of elephants and replaced them with the paintings of elephants, and then I replaced the paintings of spires with images from spires from Villanova’s Church. For the finishing touches, I used a photograph of sand to copy over to the picture. I mainly used the lasso tool, free transform to properly copy over images into the picture I was creating. I used the clone stamp after copying over pieces from other images to fill in areas where the pictures did not properly fuse together. Finally, I used the healing brush tool to blend together the flamingo legs with the elephant legs. Elizabeth

11 City of Drawers Dali OriginalRecreation Because this picture is rather simple and lacks color, I decided to incorporate a lot of color. I was able to find a picture of Times Square in New York City and used this as my background. I then found a picture of a bench but used the paint bucket to change the color to black. I also had to erase the background that was visible through the bench so that the background of Times Square was now visible. I then looked for a picture of a statue in a similar position and placed her on the bench. I finally used the rectangular marquee tool to create the drawers that I added in her stomach and tried to match the color to the statue’s body so it did not look so out of place. I then used the burn tool to create the shadow creating the illusion that the drawers were open. I used the clone stamp tool to create the handle on the drawers and tried to darken the handle a bit so it was clear that they were the handles. I then used the blur and smudge tool so the jagged edges were not so obvious. Laura

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