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(c) 2007 IUPUI SPEA K300 (4392) Outline Correlation and Covariance Bivariate Correlation Coefficient Types of Correlation Correlation Coefficient Formula.

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Presentation on theme: "(c) 2007 IUPUI SPEA K300 (4392) Outline Correlation and Covariance Bivariate Correlation Coefficient Types of Correlation Correlation Coefficient Formula."— Presentation transcript:

1 (c) 2007 IUPUI SPEA K300 (4392) Outline Correlation and Covariance Bivariate Correlation Coefficient Types of Correlation Correlation Coefficient Formula Correlation Coefficient Computation Short-cut Formula Linear Function (Intercept and Slope)

2 (c) 2007 IUPUI SPEA K300 (4392) Correlation and Covariance It asks how two variables are related When x changes, how does y change? Underlying information is covariance Cov(x,y)=E[(x-xbar)(y-ybar)] Cov(x,y)=Cov(y,x) Cov(x,x)=Var(x), variance is a special type of covariance (covariance of a variable and itself)

3 (c) 2007 IUPUI SPEA K300 (4392) Bivariate Correlation Coefficient (Karl Pearson product moment) correlation coefficient Bivariate correlation coefficient (BCC) for two interval/ratio variables Differentiated from Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (nonparametric) Differentiated from partial correlation coefficient that controls the impact of other variables No causal relationship imposed. X  Y or Y  X BCC is used for prediction

4 (c) 2007 IUPUI SPEA K300 (4392) Bivariate Correlation Coefficient BCC ranges from -1 to 1 (So does Gamma γ) Covariance component can be negative + means positive relationship; when x increases 1 unit, y increases r unit 0 means no relationship. - means negative relationship; when x increases 1 unit, y decreases r unit.

5 (c) 2007 IUPUI SPEA K300 (4392) Positive relationship

6 (c) 2007 IUPUI SPEA K300 (4392) Negative relationship

7 (c) 2007 IUPUI SPEA K300 (4392) No relationship

8 (c) 2007 IUPUI SPEA K300 (4392) Correlation Coefficient Ratio of the covariance component of x and y to the square root of variance components of x and y

9 (c) 2007 IUPUI SPEA K300 (4392) Correlation Coefficient (short-cut) Textbook suggests a short-cut formula below but it is not recommended.

10 (c) 2007 IUPUI SPEA K300 (4392) Illustration: example 10-2, p.526 Noxy(x-xbar)(y-ybar)(x-xbar)^2(y-ybar)^2(x-xbar)(y-ybar) 143128-14.5-8.5210.2572.25123.25 248120-9.5-16.590.25272.25156.75 356135-1.5 2.25 4611433.56.512.2542.2522.75 5671419.54.590.2520.2542.75 67015212.515.5156.25240.25193.75 Sum345819 561.5649.5541.5 Mean57.5137 SSxxSSyySPxy Correlation coefficient0.8967

11 (c) 2007 IUPUI SPEA K300 (4392) Hypothesis Test How reliable is a correlation coefficient? r is a random variable drawn from the sample; ρ is its corresponding parameter H 0 : ρ =0, H a : ρ ≠ 0 TS follows the t distribution with df=n-2 If H 0 is not rejected, r is not reliable regardless of its magnitude (ρ =0)

12 (c) 2007 IUPUI SPEA K300 (4392) Illustration: Example 10-3, p.529 Step 1. H 0 : ρ =0, H a : ρ ≠ 0 Step 2. α=.05, df=4 (=6-2), CV=2.776 Step 3. TS=4.059, r=.897 Step 4. TS>CV, reject H 0 at the.05 level Step 5. ρ ≠ 0

13 (c) 2007 IUPUI SPEA K300 (4392) Linear function A function transforms input into output in its own way Ex: y=square_root(x). Whey you put x (input) into the funciton square_root(), you will get y (output). Linear function consists of a intercept and linear combinations of variables and their slops. Y= a + bX + cX2… Slopes are constant

14 (c) 2007 IUPUI SPEA K300 (4392) Intercept and Slope of a function A linear model: Y = a + b X Dependent variable Y to be explained Independent variable X that explains Y Y-Intercept a: the coordinate of the point at which the line intersects Y axis. Slope b: the change of dependent variable Y per unit change in independent variable X

15 (c) 2007 IUPUI SPEA K300 (4392) Illustration

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