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Discussing the student measurements of building height. Letting them originate concepts for: Multiple measures Mean Standard Deviation Outliers / identifying.

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Presentation on theme: "Discussing the student measurements of building height. Letting them originate concepts for: Multiple measures Mean Standard Deviation Outliers / identifying."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussing the student measurements of building height. Letting them originate concepts for: Multiple measures Mean Standard Deviation Outliers / identifying “bad data”



4 When errors are random, 2/3 of measurements are within one std. dev. And 95% are within two standard deviations A poll with “3% error…

5 For true aficionados, the error (Standard deviation) in a random sample is close to the square root of the number you sample… 100 ± 10 gives 10% error 1000 ± 30 or so gives 3% error

6 When errors are random, 2/3 of measurements are within one std. dev. And 95% are within two standard deviations If you take 100 measurements, how many will be 2 standard deviations high, purely by chance? We have >100 in our class, so…

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