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Published bySharyl Underwood Modified over 9 years ago
Korea : Recent Projects in Nuclear, Particle and Astrophysics
Sun Kee Kim Rare Isotope Science Project Institute for Basic Science Joint workshop of the France Japan and France Korea Particle Physics Laboratories
Nuclear, Particles and Astrophysics Researches
Major Accelerator Experiments have been covered by Korean Physics community FNAL : E531, E653, FOCUS, CDF, Dzero BNL : PHENIX, STAR (RHIC) JLAB : Nuclear Experiments KEK : AMY(TRISTAN), Belle (KEKB) Nuclear Experiments (PS) J-PARC : Nuclear Experiments, T2K CERN : L3 (LEP), CMS, ALICE (LHC) DESY : ZEUS (HERA) GSI : Nuclear experiments Non-accelerator Experiments SuperK : undeground neutrino exp. ATIC, CREAM, AMS : space based exp. TA : Ground array for HE cosmic rays Domestic programs KIMS (2000- ) – DM search AMoRE (R&D phase) – DBD search RENO (2006- ) – Reactor neutrino RISP ( ) - Construction of accelerator complex for rare isotope science RCMST (2006- ) - Space astrophysics program
Brief History of Korean Efforts at CERN
: Prehistoric age (individual based) : LEP age (research group based) e+ e- collisions at Z0, W pair production energies ALEPH : KU, KWNU et al., L3: KNU, KAIST et al. Neutrino oscillation : CHORUS : KSNU et al. : LHC preparation age (university based) MOST (Former MEST) funded “Korea-CMS” (~$2M) 12 universities Superconducting magnet platform (815kCHF) Forward RPC production (500kCHF) Online DAQ hardware (500kCHF) 2007-present: LHC age (federation based) Organization : Ministry, Funding Agency, Research Teams Federations of universities : Korea CMS, Korea ALICE Research, communication, competition, evaluation, M&O-A, M&O-B, contributions to H/W construction Supporting programs, Fellowship, Education CMS/ALICE Tier2 computing Korea-CERN Theory Fellowship High-School Teacher Educationt Similar history in other labs Slides by I.C.Park
K-CERN Program Organization
MEST CERN-Korea Committee (CKC) K-CERN Program Review Committee Korea CMS Korea ALICE Tier2 LCG Theory HST 7 univs. 70 members 4 univs. 40 members CMS: KNU ALICE: KISITI KPS PP div. High School Teacher Program More than 100 members !
K-CERN Program budget Budget profile
Small bang inflation slow down accelerating expansion.. Contribution to CMS/ALICE upgrade (LHC LS1, LS2) Dark Energy : MEST / NRF + visitors + media … (Unit: 1BWon~M$) CERN-Korea Programs Host 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 KCMS UOS 0.8 0.75 1.50 1.42 1.45 1.78 KoALICE PNU 0.2 0.25 0.50 0.58 0.55 0.72 CMS Tier2 KNU - 0.20 ALICE Tier2 KISTI 0.1 Theory KPS 0.35 M&O-A NRF 0.14 0.17 0.30 0.27 Total 1.14 1.27 2.95 3.05 3.52
Belle and Korean activities
Construction of electromagnetic calorimeter Fabrication of calorimeter trigger modules Cluster logics (both on/offline) DST production manager/DAQ construction Physics Coordinator (Y.J.Kwon) Out of 350 papers, we wrote 25 of them S. K. Choi wrote the historic X(3872) paper
Belle-II Belle-II: asymmetric B meson super factory, 2015 – 2025(?)
Almost new spectrometer - thinned pixel (for the first time in B-factory) - new DSSD, new drift chamber - new PID (TOP for barrel, A-RICH for endcap) - new endcap calorimeter : pure CsI - new readout (fully pipelined) - new DAQ/Trigger Korean group contribution Drift chamber based online 3D trigger PWO-II R&D for endcap calorimeter DSSD assembly Calorimeter trigger electronics Institutional Board Chair (E.I. Won)
Sites of Domestic Facilities
YangYang Underground Laboratory(Y2L)
(Upper Dam) Y2L Located in a tunnel of Yangyang Pumped Storage Power Plant Korea Middleland Power Co. Minimum depth : 700 m Access to the lab by car (~2km) Experiments: KIMS: DM search exp. in operation AMORE: DBD Search exp. in preparation (Power Plant) (Lower Dam) April/26/2012 KILC12, Daegu, Korea
KIMS(Korea Invisible Mass Search) in case of pure proton coupling
DM search experiment with CsI crystal CsI(Tl) Crystal 8x8x30 cm3 (8.7 kg) 3” PMT (9269QA) : Quartz window, RbCs photo cathode ~5 Photo-electron/keV SD interaction PRL 99, (2007) 12 crystals(104.4kg) running Stable data taking for more than a year Unique experiment to test DAMA annual modulation Best limit on SD interactions in case of pure proton coupling April/26/2012 KILC12, Daegu, Korea
Latest results from KIMS
Using kg data taken during with PSD method Annual Modulation analysis in progress 2.5 years DATA ( – ) KIMS CsI crystal has 134Cs (2.2 year half-life) contribution at low energy. Modulation analysis is done including the decay of 134Cs and flat background.
Cryogenic CaMoO4 Sensitivity
AMoRE Experiment at Y2L Double beta decay search with 40Ca100MoO4 crystal Int. Collaboration : Korea, Russia, Ukraine, China, Germany in preparation (not funded yet !) 40Ca100MoO4 crystal Unique in the world (depleted Ca + enriched Mo) Scintillation crystal + Cryogentic detector MMC+CMO at low temperature Energy spectrum for 600 keV gamma Scintillation readout good DM detector as well Cryogenic CaMoO4 Sensitivity 0.5% FWHM 15 keV FWHM for low temp. 5 years, 100 kg 40Ca100MoO4 : T1/2 = 7.0x1026 years <m> = 20 – 70 meV Fully covers inverted hierarchy April/26/2012
Astroparticle physics 34 732 (2011)
AMoRE Low Temperature First measurement (CaMoO4 + Metallic Mag. Cal.) New setup (Ø4cmx4cm crystal) MMC Phonon sensor 11keV FWHM @ 5.5 MeV Final setup (Phonon + light sensors) Si or Ge Additional light sensor (TES or MMC) CaMoO4 1.7keV FWHM @ 60 keV Phonon sensor Astroparticle physics (2011)
KIMS(Korea Invisible Mass Search) collaboration
Seoul National University: H.C.Bhang, J.H.Choi, S.C.Kim, S.K.Kim, J.H.Lee, M.J.Lee, S.J.Lee, S.S.Myung Sejong University: U.G.Kang, Y.D.Kim, J.I. Lee Kyungpook National University: H.J.Kim, J.H.So, S.C.Yang Yonsei University: M.J.Hwang, Y.J.Kwon Ewha Womans University: I.S.Hahn Korea Research Institute of Standard Sciences : Y.H.Kim, K.B.Lee, M. Lee Institute of High Energy Physics J.Li Tsinghua University : Y.Li, Q.Yue 5 countries 8 institutions AMoRE Collaboration Korea (39) Seoul National University : H.Bhang, S.Choi, M.J.Kim, S.K.Kim, M.J.Lee, S.S.Myung, S.Olsen, Y. Sato, K.Tanida, S.C.Kim, J.Choi, S.J.Lee, J.H.Lee, J.K.Lee, H.Kang, H.K.Kang, Y.Oh, S.J.Kim, E.H.Kim, K.Tshoo, D.K.Kim, X.Li, J.Li, H.S.Lee (24) Sejong University : Y.D.Kim, E.-J.Jeon, K. Ma, J.I.Lee, W.Kang, J.Hwa (5) Kyungpook national University : H.J.Kim, J.So, Gul Rooh, Y.S.Hwang(4) KRISS : Y.H.Kim, M.K.Lee, H.S.Park, J.H.Kim, J.M.Lee, K.B.Lee (6) Russia (16) ITEP(Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics) : V.Kornoukhov, P. Ploz, N.Khanbekov (3) Baksan National Observatory : A.Ganggapshev, A.Gezhaev, V.Gurentsov, V.Kuzminov, V.Kazalov, O.Mineev, S.Panasenko, S.Ratkevich, A.Verensnikova, S.Yakimenko, N.Yershov, K.Efendiev, Y.Gabriljuk (13) Ukraine(11) INR(Institute for Nuclear Research) : F.Danevich, V.Tretyak, V.Kobychev, A.Nikolaiko, D.Poda, R.Boiko, R.Podviianiuk, S.Nagorny, O.Polischuk, V.Kudovbenko, D.Chernyak(11) China(2) Tsinghua University : Y.Li, Q.Yue(2) Germany(3) Heidelberg University : C. Enss, A. Fleischmann, L. Gastaldo(3)
RENO Collaboration Total cost : $10M Start of project : 2006
(12 institutions and 40 physicists) Chonbuk National University Chonnam National University Chung-Ang University Dongshin University Gyeongsang National University Kyungpook National University Pusan National University Sejong University Seokyeong University Seoul National University Seoyeong University Sungkyunkwan University Total cost : $10M Start of project : 2006 The first experiment running with both near & far detectors from Aug. 2011 Slides by S.B.Kim
RENO Detector 354 ID +67 OD 10” PMTs
Target : 16.5 ton Gd-LS, R=1.4m, H=3.2m Gamma Catcher : 30 ton LS, R=2.0m, H=4.4m Buffer : 65 ton mineral oil, R=2.7m, H=5.8m Veto : 350 ton water, R=4.2m, H=8.8m
Data-Taking & Data Set Data-taking efficiency Data taking began on Aug. 1, 2011 with both near and far detectors. Data-taking efficiency > 90%. Trigger rate at the threshold energy of 0.5~0.6 MeV : 80 Hz Data-taking period : 228 days Aug. 11, 2011 ~ Mar. 25, 2012 2 MeV 6 MeV 40K 10 MeV 208Tl n capture by Gd Event rate before reduction A candidate for a neutron capture by Gd
Reactor Antineutrino Disappearance
A clear deficit in rate (8.0% reduction) Consistent with neutrino oscillation in the spectral distortion
Science Business Belt Accelerator complex Institute for Basic Science
Organization of IBS (Institute for Basic Science)
4. Organizational Structure Board of Directors Auditor President Scientific Advisory Board Accelerator Institute (Affiliated Institution) Office of Policy Planning Secretariats Rare Isotope Science Project Office of Research Services Research Center (Headquarters) Research Center (Campus) Research Center (Extramural) Office of Administrative Services IBS consists of 50 research centers, supporting organizations, and affiliated research institutes Each Research Center : ~50 staff, average annual budget ~ 9 M USD The number of staff: 3,000 (2017, including visiting scientists and students) Annual Budget: USD 610 million (2017, including operational cost for the Accelerator Institute) 4
Research Topics with Rare Isotopes
Nuclear Physics Exotic nuclei near the neutron drip line Superheavy Elements (SHE) Equation-of-state (EoS) of nuclear matter Origin of Elements Stellar Evolution Nuclear Astrophysics Origin of nuclei Paths of nucleosynthesis Neutron stars and supernovae Nuclear data with fast neutrons Basic nuclear reaction data for future nuclear energy Nuclear waste transmutation Atomic/Particle physics Atomic trap Fundamental symmetries Material science Production & Characterization of new materials -NMR / SR Medical and Bio sciences Advanced therapy technology Mutation of DNA New isotopes for medical imaging Application of Rare Isotopes
Escape Process to rp process from hot CNO cycle 45V 45V(p,γ)46Cr
Isotope Reaction Energy Intensity Source Comments 15O 15O(α,γ)19Ne < 10 A MeV >1011 pps ISOL(O-16) Escape Process to rp process from hot CNO cycle 45V 45V(p,γ)46Cr 0.613 ~ 2.25 A MeV >107 ~ 109 IF → ISOL Gas stopping Reaction contributing to the explosion of Core-collapse SN 132Sn 132Sn+208Pb : 204Pt126 +X >100 A MeV >109 pps ISOL(U-238) Change of nuclear structure, shell structure near N=126 neutron rich isotopes; 204Pt, 196Yb
Making Rare Isotope Beam
Target spallation, fission by energetic light projectile ISOL(Isotope Separator On-Line) p thick target (eg. Uranium Carbide) fission fragments rare isotopes Projectile fragmentation IF(In-Flight Fragmentation) Heavy ion beam thin target projectile fragmentation high energy RI beam or stopping and reacceleration
Rare Isotope Factory High intensity RI beams by ISOL & IF
26 High intensity RI beams by ISOL & IF 70kW ISOL from direct fission of 238U induced by 70MeV, 1mA p 400kW IF by 200MeV/u, 8pμA 238U High energy, high intensity & high quality neutron-rich RI beams 132Sn with up to ~250MeV/u, up to 9x108 pps More exotic RI beams by ISOL+IF+ISOL(trap) Simultaneous operation modes for the maximum use of the facility Accelerator Beam specification Components Driver Linac p, 600 MeV, 660 pμA U+78, 200 MeV, 8 pμA ECR-IS, LEBT, RFQ, MEBT, QWR, HWR, Charge Stripper, SSR1, SSR2 Post Linac RI, ~ 18 MeV/u Charge Breeder, ECL-IS, LEBT RFQ, MEBT, QWR, HWR Cyclotron p, 70 MeV, 1mA Cyclotron, Pulsed ion source, Charge Stripper, Beam line
Concept of the Accelerator Complex
Driver Linac Future Extension 200 MeV/u (U), 8 pμA Stripper 18 MeV/u SCL RFQ 28 GHz SC ECR IS H2+, D+ Spallation, Fission Target RF Cooler Mass Separator Post Linac ECR IS Charge Breeder 10 keV/u Nuclear Data Low Energy Experiments 0.3 MeV/u 1~5 MeV/u High Energy Experiments μSR Medical Research 400 kW Target Fragment Atomic Trap 70 kW Cyclotron Gas Catcher, Gas cell Material Science Beta-NMR U33+ Medical science Material science Material science Atomic / Nuclear physics Nuclear Physics Nuclear Astrophysics Material science, Bio science Medical science, Nuclear data SC Linac 200MeV/u for 238U, 600 MeV for p IF driver, high power ISOL driver Cyclotron 70 MeV for p ISOL driver SC Linac ISOL post accelerator 18 MeV/u
Facilities for the scientific researches
28 - Design of the experimental facilities in conceptual level - User training program with the international collaboration Multi-Purpose Spectrometer High Resolution Spectrometer Nuclear Structure Nuclear Matter Nuclear Astrophysics Atomic physics Nuclear data by fast neutrons Material science Medical and Bio sciences Large Acceptance Multi-Purpose Spectrometer (LAMPS) Korea Recoil Spectrometer (KRS) Atom & Ion Trap System neutron Time-of-Flight (n-ToF) Β-NMR/NQR Elastic Recoil Detection (ERD) Laser Selective Ionizer Heavy Ion Therapy Irradiation Facility
Conceptual Design of LAMPS (high energy)
Dipole acceptance ≥ 50mSr Dipole length =1.0 m TOF length ~8.0 m Science Goal: using isototpes with high N/Z at high energy for Nuclear structure Nuclear EOS Symmetry energy EX: : Nuclear collision of 132Sn of ~250 MeV/u For B=1.5 T, p/Z ≈ 0.35 GeV/c at 110o Low p/Z High p/Z For B=1.5 T, p/Z ≈ 1.5 GeV/c at 30o Solenoid magnet Dipole magnet: We can also consider the large aperture superconducting dipole magnet (SAMURAI type). Neutron-detector array
Status and Plan of the RISP
Conceptual Design report (Mar Feb. 2011) IAC review (Jul – Oct. 2011) Rare Isotope Science Project started in IBS (Dec. 2011) RISP Workshop on accelerator systems (May 6 – 9, 2012) TAC ( May 10, 2012), IAC( June or July, 2012) Baseline Design Summary (by June 2012) Technical Design Report (by June 2013)
Proton Engineering Frontier Project (PEFP)
Project: Proton Engineering Frontier Project (PEFP) 21C Frontier R&D Program, MEST, Republic of Korea Objectives: To develop a High Power Proton Linac (100MeV, 20mA) To develop Beam Utilization & Accelerator Application Technologies To Industrialize Developed Technologies Period: July 2002 – December 2012 Budget: B KRW (~275.0 M US$) Gov.: 176.3B(57.3%), Local Gov.: 118.2B(38.5%), Industry: 12.9B(4.2%) 66B KRW to Accel. & Beamline (including R&D & personnel expenses )
Schematics of PEFP Linac & Beam Lines
Future Extension 100 MeV Beamlines 20 MeV Beamlines TR105 TR101 TR25 TR21 TR23 TR22 TR24 TR102 TR103 TR104 100 MeV 20 MeV 3 MeV 20MeV was operated for 5 years at Daejeon 100MeV is now being installed at Gyeongju Features of the PEFP linac 50 keV Injector (Ion Source + LEBT) 3 MeV RFQ (4-vane type) 20 & 100 MeV DTL RF Frequency : 350 MHz Beam Extractions at 20 or 100 MeV 5 Beamlines for 20 MeV & 100 MeV - Beam to be distributed to 3 BL via AC Output Energy (MeV) 20 100 Peak Beam Current (mA) Max. Beam Duty (%) 24 8 Avg. Beam Current (mA) 4.8 1.6 Pulse Length (ms) 2 1.33 Max. Repetition Rate (Hz) 120 60 Max. Avg. Beam Power (kW) 96 160
Extension Plan of the 100MeV Proton Accelerator
GeV Linac 100 MeV Linac Long pulse spallation neutron source Short pulse spallation neutron source GeV beam utilization Injector for high energy machine Linac requirement : Beam energy ~GeV, Beam power ~ MW, Pulse width ~ ms Superconducting RF linac is one of candidates for the linac extension Slides by H.-J. Kwon
Accelerator Based HEP Roadmap (2009.4, KHEP Association)
PEFP 100 MeV Proton Accelerator Try to connect the PEFP, KoRIA, Photon Facotry Programs with HEP Plans 2nd Phase PEFP or SC of KoRIA Superconducting Cavity Technology As first priorit Smaill e-Linac for Rare Isotope production by photofission at KoRIA RCS(1GeV) Neutron/Muon Source SC(1GeV) Proton Drive (8-10 GeV) High Power PS – neutrino factory, Collider Options: After 2015 Proton Drive or ILC KoRIA (Superconducting) 200 MeV Rare Isotope Accelerator ILC (Superconducting) 500 GeV - 1 TeV e+e- collider Super Charm 3 GeV e+e- collider Options considered: ILC or Super Charm, post-ILC Next ILC > 3 TeV e+e- LHC (7+7 TeV) SLHC Super KEKB ILC J-PARC FAIR FRIB
Summary Korean Nuclear, Particle, and Astrophysics research programs
Past - started with international collaboration in individual bases in mid 70s- mid80s - grow manpower and expertise Present - work as team – Korean group in an organized way with government support - start to play an important role in large international collaboration - domestic experiments are successfully built and produce important results Future - leading science facilities including the rare isotope accelerator will be constructed National Laboratory contribution to world science community
Thank you for your attention !
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