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Global Citizens Global Futures One World One People.

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2 Global Citizens Global Futures One World One People

3 What is Global Citizenship? Global (of or relating to the world) citizenship (the status of a citizen-  a legally recognized subject or national of a state, either native or naturalized; with rights and duties) is the concept of citizenship on a global level. It is a character which guides the understanding of individual or groups of local and global contexts and their relative responsibilities within different communities.

4 Why global citizenship Environmental: The world's resources are limited Political: Humanity's survival depends on cooperation. Legal: There cannot be a global society without social justice. Economical: Careers are increasingly global. Social: Technological:

5 Activities Same - Same but Different. “although we all have interesting differences, there is much that is also the same about us”

6 Characteristics of a Global Citizen: Anyone who is able to see the world as one connected group of people With a knowledge about the historical reasons that give different cultures different viewpoints Able to view the world from different perspective Willing to participate in programs that help provide sustainability for all world cultures


8 Live Local……Think Global ts/futures/globalfutures.php ts/futures/globalfutures.php Like us on Facebook: MMU Global Citizens Global Futures Follow on Twitter: @MMU Global Society Join our Society: MMU Global Futures Society Get involved!!!

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