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1 Bully Conference Notes and Ideas from the 2009 IBPA Conference, Nov 17-18 th, Pittsburgh, PA. Edited by Master Greg Moody.

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1 1 Bully Conference Notes and Ideas from the 2009 IBPA Conference, Nov 17-18 th, Pittsburgh, PA. Edited by Master Greg Moody

2 Why Bullying for ATA? The initial goal is to develop a Bullying Prevention Program for the ATA –Primary Goal: New members by external outreach (i.e. we get in the schools and people may want to do martial arts) © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

3 Key Points The purpose of the conference was to review best practices in Bullying Prevention The Good News: Most states and schools are adopting a bully program for their schools The Not-So-Good News: They likely have one and the scale of what they want is beyond what we could do –The most prominent of the programs was the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) –Another Significant program was the “Stop Bullying Now” program The OTHER Not-So-Good News: We are not knowledgeable enough to develop a program –The data in the field was quite different from “common knowledge” (i.e. we likely would have guessed the wrong actions to take) –Bullying Prevention is a lot different from what we typically teach © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

4 So… We will review select findings and data. –Olweus Research – Been studying bullying since 1970 –Lessons Learned by schools implementing a program Suggestions on what to do (or not do) with the information –Possible Do’s: Get certified in OBPP and Train our instructors Create a supplemental program “When Bullying Turns to Violence” that can attach after a bully prevention program Build a bullying prevention program internally for our schools based on accepted practices so our students know what to do –Do Not’s: Try to compete with academic and research based programs in schools © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

5 Research: Olweus Dan Olweus –Generally recognized as the founding father of research on bullying problems –“Bullying at School: What We Know and What We Can Do” –Developed the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) Seems to be the #1 program in the US Other programs are typically offshoots of this program © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

6 Research: Olweus Research –The data has been from studies of as many as 750,000 students and in different variations since 1970 mostly in the US but also large in Norway (where Olweus is from) –We will review only some key research points –Note – watch out for terminology: Bully or Bullies: the kid who IS DOING the bullying Victim or Bullied: the kid who IS BULLIED Bully-Victims: kids who are BULLIES and are ALSO Victims –This is a key area Olweus studies that others are not looking into © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

7 Research: Olweus Research Points –Research typically targets bullying based on some criteria: 3 Key Criteria: –Doing intentional harm –Repeated over time –An imbalance of power (actual or perceived) Students bullied 2-3 times have a much higher incidence of aggression Students who bully 2-3 times have a much higher incidence of later violence Bullying usually occurs without provocation (proactive aggression) © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

8 Research: Olweus Research Points –In identical twin studies they determined that the twin who was bullied had a much higher incidence of violence later –60% of kids who were bullies (2-3x per week in school) had been convicted of at least 1 crime by the age of 24 40% had been convicted of at least 3 crimes This statistic is for boys – Girls have a much higher incidence of pregnancy, drugs, adjustment disorders, mental health issues and unstable relationships © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

9 Research: Olweus Research Points –The Bully Has Bad Self-Esteem Myth. “Common Knowledge” is that bullys are bullying because they have poor self-esteem Research has denounced the idea that bullys have poor self- esteem and in fact stated that “Increasing a Bully’s self-esteem only makes a more effective bully –The Teen Age Girls Are Mean Myth. “Common Knowledge” is that girls bully each other more than boys – especially during teen years Research shows girls bully less than boys (about half to a third as much), are bullied less than boys and are bullied more by boys than girls. Boys also are more typically physical than girls © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

10 Research: Olweus Research Points –Pro-Social programs don’t work (i.e. “Be Nice” doesn’t work as well as “Do Not Bully!”) –Tricky DATA: Study (Endrensen & Olweus, 2005) that showed Martial Arts may INCREASE bullying… but probably (hopefully) not us Study showed a higher incidence in bullying with those who had been exposed to “power sports” like boxing, kickboxing, weightlifting and wrestling… –When we talked to Olweus he said that “oriental martial arts like Karate and Taekwondo typically did NOT increase bullying” – though there was also no evidence that it decreased it. –We should probably get this research and study it – possibly as an argument why we are “better” than other sports. © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

11 Research: Olweus Research Points –Olweus was reviewed as most effective program in 2009 (Tiefi/Farrington) Meta-Analysis of 30 programs (analysis of all the research from the published studies) –Note that 6 out of the 30 were based on OBPP already giving more credence to the fact that this is the most widely accepted program © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

12 Research: Olweus Olweus Program –Restructure social environment (i.e. Change the Environment vs. give the kids more curriculum) © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted. Awareness Competence Enhancing Activities Knowledge Involvement Effective Implementation Positive Results

13 Research: Olweus Summary –Olweus is a good program to emulate/study/copy/use because: It’s research based (or the new psych/school buzzword is “EVIDENCE-BASED”) It’s widely accepted It probably works the best © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted. So what do we do with it???

14 Research: Lessons Learned “ Lessons Learned with the Implementation of a Bullying Prevention Program” –Miami (Ohio) University study with schools on 10 critical items when implementing a bullying program –Illustrates the extent by which we would have to implement a program – and why we would not be able to competently implement one. –Also does give info on assessing schools and students in addition to funding ideas (but it’s unlikely this would help us) © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

15 Research: Lessons Learned Lesson 1: Schools should be READY, WILLING, and ABLE to implement a program/initiative Lesson 2: Schools should select and implement a program based on an IDENTIFIED NEED –Requires specific assessments done on all students Lesson 3: Programs are most successful when there is BUY-IN and SUPPORT from teachers and staff –Unlikely we could get this with the average instructor Lesson 4: It is important to generate ENTHUSIASM for the program among students and staff –This is a long term commitment for the entire school year © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

16 Research: Lessons Learned Lesson 5: Teachers appreciate GUIDANCE and TOPIC IDEAS for class meetings –We could do this (but the OBPP program for example) but would the teachers listen Lesson 6: Teachers need a GOOD TRACKING SYSTEM to understand the extent of bullying in their classrooms and the building –We would have to train administration on follow up and use Lesson 7: Programs should be implemented with FIDELITY to ensure program outcomes are being achieved –Again – would require a longer term commitment than possible Lesson 8: Although fidelity is important, sometimes PROGRAM ADAPTATIONS need to be made to address the “reality” of the school –Are we qualified to judge adaptations unless instructor is extensively trained © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

17 Research: Lessons Learned Lesson 9: Outcome data should be collected, analyzed, and used to make CONTINUOUS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT DECISIONS –Requires data handling, analysis way beyond what an instructor would typically be able to do Lesson 10: It is important to determine how to SUSTAIN THE PROGRAM in the long-term –Brings up same long term commitment issue © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

18 Research: Lessons Learned Summary –This was an important study for any school/organization (or ATA) in what it takes to do a real bully program –It indicates it would be very difficult for the average (or really really great) instructor to implement and maintain with any degree of competence. © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

19 Bully Programs OBPP – Already Discussed Stop Bullying Now –http://www.stopbullyingnow.hrsa.gov –Has free resources for bullying prevention –“Games” on homepage for kids –Partnered with US Department of Health and Human Resources –Soon statewide in Florida –Could be a great supplemental resource for us… © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.


21 Suggestions Do Not’s – The Bad News –We probably do not want to compete with these programs: We are not knowledgeable enough in the field or about the research to develop an adequate program Research is showing results much different from “common knowledge” (i.e. we likely would have guessed the wrong actions to take) Martial Arts is a LOT different from Bullying Prevention –Our instructors are not educated in these areas –We would open ourselves to liability? Does our liability insurance cover us teaching anything we want? © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

22 Suggestions Do’s – Concept #1 – Continuum from Bullying to Violence –The bully people don’t seem to have an answer for what happens when a situation advances past “typical” bullying into safety or dangerous situations (i.e. what if your anti-bully techniques don’t work and the kid starts hitting you) © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted. Bullying Violence Visual Exclusion Verbal Cyber Threat Racial Touch Push Hard Weapon Where do we draw the line?

23 Suggestions Do’s – Concept #1 – continued… –Build a program on top of what a typical bullying program does (one of us would need to KNOW bully prevention very well!): “When Bullying Turns to Violence” –Diffusing a fight –Escaping –Protection (blocking) –Strategies –Fighting back © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted. Bullying Violence Visual Exclusion Verbal Cyber Threat Racial Touch Push Hard Weapon Where do we draw the line?

24 Suggestions Do’s – Concept #2 –Make it part of what we teach IN THE ATA SCHOOL: This is a critical thing to know if we are supposed to be professional with children (and we are teaching them to fight after all!) Would give our instructors credibility if they go to schools for any other thing (like KNP-Child Abduction or just doing an after school martial arts program) Wouldn’t be that hard: 1.Train 2-3 people in Olweus ($4,200 for complete certification) – this allows us to teach anyone we want and they can say they are Olweus trained. 2.Put together an adapted program from Olweus (could use the Stop Bullying Now stuff too) – a short 5-10 page manual, and a few marketing pieces so instructors could talk about their martial arts programs We are different because… You should let us teach here because we are trained… You should enroll at our school because we are trained…. 3.Have training events at national events (maybe regionally) for $99 or so. © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

25 Suggestions Do’s – Concept #3 –First recognize a possible error in the KNP / Bully original concept: We were potentially developing a variety of offshoot programs for schools and hoping that: 1.We would be able to get into places we couldn’t Error? Even with the info will the owner have the skills to work with a school administration? 2.We would be able to convert them from Child Abduction / Bully / Fit TO Martial Arts Error? Has this worked? Sometimes… but isn’t it better to start with martial arts if possible? How do we make the argument to come and do karate when we are teaching them something else (“…if they bully you diffuse the situation and say this… NOW come and learn to kick some ass!”) Will this work? –Alternate: Instead of teaching owners how to use offshoot programs and then assume they can talk to schools: We give them training on how to work with schools on all possible areas – after school programs, fund raising promotions, and provide support materials so they can dominate the schools around them. © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

26 Suggestions Do’s – Concept #4 –Integration of the KNP/Bully/When Bullying Turns to Violence into the regular Karate for Kids Curriculum An Opportunity to Rebuild Karate for Kids –Radical idea: possibly new logo, graphics, marketing, patches, etc… Wouldn’t be a huge training impact on the instructors (these classes are already only an hour each – could be part of an intro lesson or course – prior to upgrade) Not only would this give our instructors credibility –Internally: when a parent joins they can be sure their kid will be “bully-proof” –Externally: we can now talk intelligently that our program does prevent bullying and school violence through education. It might also add massive value to the regular program. See attached script ideas on next page: (please forgive me these are drafts!). © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

27 Suggestions Do’s – Concept #4 –Script Ideas if Integrated in Intro: During Intro, Prior to Intro “Lesson”: “Now Mrs. Jones, when you start at Karate for Kids we are building your child’s future by helping them first stay safe mentally and physically. As I am sure you know the most common problem your child can have in school is being bullied and the most dangerous situation you and they face is them being abducted – almost 2,000 kids a day. Today we are going to address what to do in case they are threatened by abduction and you’re going to be part of this as well, OK?” Intro Lesson: not that much different – use KNP techniques instead of punch, high block or whatever (or use punch and high block relating to abduction) AND relate to topic they wanted most when they came in – self-confidence, self-discipline, fitness… Following Intro “Lesson”: “…pretty soon we will be discussing what to do when you are bullied at school so you will be ready for anything! Johnny are you ready to work hard and be a Black Belt?” When they schedule their first classes: Show schedule and make next class a group class, the following one private, the following one group and the following one private and the privates are on bullying. I already do this rotation in my schools and we upgrade after 2 nd private. This way the group classes can go on a regular ATA schedule. © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

28 Suggestions Do’s – Concept #4 –Overall concept: © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted. Most Dangerous Threat (Abduction) Current KNP Most Dangerous Threat (Abduction) Current KNP Most Common Threat (Bullying 2-3 classes) OBPP? Most Common Threat (Bullying 2-3 classes) OBPP? When Bullying Turns to Violence 5 -6 classes Could be 12 self-defenses and this would be the “standard” kids ATA curriculum for self- defense instead of what’s in the BBC book Once the instructors learn them they can rotate 2 per test cycle or however they want We can post online video 6x a year When Bullying Turns to Violence 5 -6 classes Could be 12 self-defenses and this would be the “standard” kids ATA curriculum for self- defense instead of what’s in the BBC book Once the instructors learn them they can rotate 2 per test cycle or however they want We can post online video 6x a year Self-Confidence Self-Discipline Safety (cont’d) Fitness Ongoing…. Could be 12 self-defenses and this would be the “standard” kids ATA curriculum for self-defense instead of what’s in the BBC book Once the instructors learn them they can rotate 2 per test cycle or however they want We can post online video 6x a year Self-Confidence Self-Discipline Safety (cont’d) Fitness Ongoing…. Could be 12 self-defenses and this would be the “standard” kids ATA curriculum for self-defense instead of what’s in the BBC book Once the instructors learn them they can rotate 2 per test cycle or however they want We can post online video 6x a year

29 Summary and Conclusions We SHOULDN’T try to build a separate bully program for elementary/secondary schools We SHOULD be aware of and use research to support what we do We DO have options on using this information: –Build a “When Bullying Turns to Violence” program to add onto bullying programs –Train our instructors in Bully Prevention for their schools –Shift focus of “offshoot” programs to market to schools to a more effective training on how to market all programs to schools –Integrate the abduction/bully/other programs into a new Karate for Kids curriculum. © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

30 Actions Make a decision on Concepts 1-4 If we are using Olweus, then select who will do training and initiate ASAP! Plan for the following milestones: 1.Post-training – Team develops short KNP Bullying Manual (or “Bully to Violence” manual) 2.Develop marketing and support materials 3.Plan ATA National Trainings 1.Schedule 2.Design marketing to get instructors to the course 3.Build course 4.Implement © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

31 Supplemental Materials The following pages are supplemental materials from the conference. © All materials are copyrighted by The American Taekwondo Association. No unauthorized use is permitted.

32 Olweus Data Over 700,000 responders

33 Olweus Data Over 700,000 responders Page 2/6

34 Olweus Data Over 700,000 responders Page 3/6

35 Olweus Data Over 700,000 responders Page 4/6

36 Olweus Data Over 700,000 responders Page 5/6

37 Olweus Data Over 700,000 responders Page 4/6

38 Highmark Flyer Based on Olweus Page ½ Note: Also an Olweus Program

39 Highmark Flyer Based on Olweus Page 2/2

40 Hazelden Brochure Publisher for Olweus in US (partner with Clemson) Page 1/2

41 Highmark Program Sheet Page 1/1 Note: Also an Olweus Program

42 Bullying Prevention Institute Flyer Page 1/1 Note: Also an Olweus Program

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