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Opp Hyp Adj Created by Mr. Lafferty Sine Graph Sin θ o = θoθo Opp Hyp We already know that Using the unity circle we can re-define Sin θ o as Sin θ o =

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Presentation on theme: "Opp Hyp Adj Created by Mr. Lafferty Sine Graph Sin θ o = θoθo Opp Hyp We already know that Using the unity circle we can re-define Sin θ o as Sin θ o ="— Presentation transcript:

1 Opp Hyp Adj Created by Mr. Lafferty Sine Graph Sin θ o = θoθo Opp Hyp We already know that Using the unity circle we can re-define Sin θ o as Sin θ o = (x,y) y x The Sine function is a circular function. We will now graph the Sine function r Since unity circle r = 1 so Sin θ o = y y r

2 created by Mr. Lafferty Sine Graph 30 o 45 o 60 o 60 o 120 o 135 o 45 o 150 o 30 o 210 o 30 o 225 o 45 o 240 o 60 o 270 o 300 o 60 o 315 o 45 o 30 o 330 o 0.00 0.50 0.71 0.87 1.00 0.87 0.71 0.50 0.00 -0.50 -0.71 -0.87 -1.00 -0.87 -0.71 -0.50 0.00 (x,y)

3 created by Mr. Lafferty Sine Graph y θ θoθo r = 1 90 o 180 o 270 o 360 o 0o0o 1 0.5 -0.5 Sine Graph repeats every 360 o

4 Adj Hyp Opp Created by Mr. Lafferty Cosine Graph Cos θ o = θoθo Adj Hyp We already know that Using the unity circle we can re-define cos θ o as Cos θ o = (x,y) y x The Cosine function is a circular function. We will now graph the Cosine function r Since unity circle r = 1 so cos θ o = x x r

5 created by Mr. Lafferty Cosine Graph 30 o 45 o 60 o 60 o 120 o 135 o 45 o 150 o 30 o 210 o 30 o 225 o 45 o 240 o 60 o 270 o 300 o 60 o 315 o 45 o 30 o 330 o 1.00 0.87 0.71 0.50 0.00 -0.50 -0.71 -0.87 -1.00 -0.87 -0.71 -0.50 0.00 0.50 0.71 0.87 1.00 (x,y)

6 θoθo created by Mr. Lafferty Cosine Graph y θ r = 1 90 o 180 o 270 o 360 o 0o0o 1 0.5 -0.5 Cosine Graph repeats every 360 o

7 y Adj Hyp Opp Created by Mr. Lafferty Tangent Graph Tan θ o = θoθo Opp Adj We already know that Using the unity circle we can re-define Tan θ o as Tan θ o = (x,y) x The Tangent function is a circular function. We will now graph the Cosine function r x y

8 θoθo created by Mr. Lafferty Tangent Graph y θ r = 1 90 o 180 o 270 o 360 o 0o0o Tangent Graph repeats every 180 o

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