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Disorders of the Sebaceous & Sudoriferous glands

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1 Disorders of the Sebaceous & Sudoriferous glands
Skin care Chapter 17 Disorders of the Sebaceous & Sudoriferous glands

2 Disorders of the Sebaceous Glands
Comedones (pg. 620, fig ) Also known as blackheads Wormlike masses of sebum (oil) locked inside the hair follicle Should be removed under sterile conditions using proper extraction procedures Milia (pg. 620, fig ) Also know as whiteheads Caused by accumulation of hardened sebum beneath the skin Associated with fine-textured, dry types of skin Acne (pg. 620, fig ) Chronic inflammatory disorder of the sebaceous glands. Acne occurs in two stages acne simplex and acne vulgaris. A person with acne vulgaris should seek a physician.

3 Disorders of the Sebaceous Glands
Asteatosis Dry, scaly skin caused by low sebum production Seborrhea Excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands Steatoma Also know as a sebaceous cyst or wen; subcutaneous tumor of the sebaceous glands, filled with sebum Furuncles Also known as boil; appears in the dermis and the epidermis and are caused by acute staphylococcal infection Usually are hair follicles infections

4 Disorders of the Sebaceous Glands
Rosacea Also known as acne rosacea; a chronic inflammatory congestion of the cheeks and nose; papules and pustules are sometimes present. Services should not be performed when rosacea is present Carbuncles Larger than furuncles; located above and below the skin Caused by acute staphylococcal infection of several adjoining hair follicle

5 Disorders of the Sudoriferous Glands
Bromidrosis Foul-smelling perspirations Anhidrosis Lack of perspiration; caused by fever or disease Hyperhidrosis Over-production of perspiration; caused by excessive heat or body weakness Miliaria Rubra Acute eruption of small red vesicles; caused by excessive heat Key Point Services should not be performed when miliaria rubra is present

6 Inflammations of the Skin
Dermatitis Inflammatory condition of the skin Lesions come in various forms, such as vesicles or papules Eczema (pg. 621, fig ) Dry or moist lesion with inflammation of the skin Painful itching disease, acute or chronic in nature Characterized by the eruption of a single vevsicle or group of vesicles on a red swollen base Blisters usually appear on the lips, nostrils, or other parts of the face Services should not be performed when eczema is present Cause unknown

7 Inflammations of the Skin
Herpes Simplex (pg.621, fig ) Also known as fever blister, is a contagious, chronic condition caused by a single vesicle or a group of vesicles on a red swollen base. Appears on the lips, nostrils, or other parts of the face. Services should not be performed when herpes simplex is present Psoriasis (pg. 621, fig ) Skin disease characterized by red patches Covered with white-silver scales usually found on the scalp, elbows, knees, chest, & lower back Rarely occurs on the face It is not contagious

8 Occupational Disorders in Cosmetology
Cosmetologist come in contact with chemicals which can result in abnormal skin conditions Some may develop allergies to ingredients in cosmetics, antiseptics, cold waving lotions & aniline derivative tints These can cause eruptive skin infections known as dermatitis venenata Wear rubber gloves or protective creams whenever possible

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