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TRT Detector Status Report Konstantin Zhukov (Lebedev Physics Institute) for the ATLAS TRT group ID week, 19 May 2014 1.

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Presentation on theme: "TRT Detector Status Report Konstantin Zhukov (Lebedev Physics Institute) for the ATLAS TRT group ID week, 19 May 2014 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRT Detector Status Report Konstantin Zhukov (Lebedev Physics Institute) for the ATLAS TRT group ID week, 19 May 2014 1

2 Subsystems covered in this talk Active Gas System (Active GS) Remote Regulation for AGS Ozone studies Gas Gain Stabilization System (GGSS) High Voltage System (HV) DAQ Radiation Damages DCS Auxiliary TRT systems 2

3 Active Gas: leaks estimations In 2012 large leaks appeared in detector’s peek pipes - With the help of many our colleagues Data quality wasn’t affected. We fixed all accessible pipes (in the EndCaps). Target leak rate ~100l/day (in TDR) Modifications/upgrades of the GS -General maintenance of the GS done -Sensors/transmitters upgrade for precise control done -Distribution racks modifications to be ready for different scenarios of detector work (for Ar-mix, Xe-mix flush) in progress -Planned upgrades for safety and reliability in progress -Transferring specific TRT options to CPC6: run mode – done/ other in progress -Remote gas flow regulation and DCS control (remote adjustments) in progress Tuning in progress: System is running with AR-CO2-O2 mixture. The fine tuning of leaking channels is ongoing to estimate the level of gas consumption we can keep. Works with remote regulation implementation. All works are well supported by CERN Gas Group. 3

4 Active GS: Remote flow regulation Remote flow regulation Design/production of HW part Software development/ debugging Test stand for DCS part development Installation in the rack in UX Full system test with DCS control with running GS in normal mode ready to install. Regulators’ modification was done (fine regulation). All parts are ready to install. in progress. Few versions of SW were tested. Algorithms’ debugging is in progress. Test setup is ready for remote tests/developing of FSM panels In progress. EC A has been equipped with regulators. EC C/Barrel ready to mount. In progress. be done/debugging After full installation many tests should be done/debugging 4

5 Ozone studies The ozone production studies are in progress to give an answer whether we can reduce ozone concentration to reduce destructive factor for peek tubes. done -Tests with 300mm straw matrix (a prototype with 15 straws) were done done -Tests with different gas additive were done (using the straw matrix) in progress -Measurements with Barrel module type2 (1440mm straws) in progress to be done in June -Ozone influence on TRT materials (peek, polyurethane etc.) to be done in June Results will be presented at TRT Krakow workshop in June. 5

6 Gas Gain Stabilization System The commissioning of the new hardware was successfully done. New hardware equipment installed in USA15. migrated in March GGSS - migrated in March All new hardware installed GGSS low level software packed to dedicated rpms Waiting for Xe mixture for final calibration and tunning GGSS is working with the reference Ar gas mixture 6

7 High Voltage system upgraded SC508 HVSys Controller Firmware upgraded (to achieve better communication performance) 57600 Baud rate (better internal synchronization-buffering) – 3x faster Cell monitoring faster (aggregation of voltage value, current value and status bits in one command) New OPC UA server development in debug phase (h/w) HVSys OPC DA (TRT private development – 2005) migrated to new OPC UA standard ATLAS standard OPC UA Toolkit used (migration to new Toolkit) Windows version of the server is ready Windows version of the server is ready in progress Moving to SLC6 platform, tests and preparing rpm package in progress in progress PFC controller upgrade: in progress (waiting for boards from HVSYS) Three more boards ready to send for checks/upgrade. System is ready for M3. 7

8 DAQ: milestones runs 8 TRT joined M2, will participate in all following milestone runs In M2: - migration of software to SLC6 and tdaq-05-03-00 successful - joined combined running successful - provided fast-or trigger for cosmics successful - test of recovery procedures to be completed in M3 - high rate testsROD firmware prevented us from reaching 100 kHz have a new version now, currently under test in standalone to be tested in combined partition in M3

9 DAQ: other upgrades/maintenance 9 Tackling the front-end – ROD bandwidth limit: reduced readout (chop off last 4 of 27 data bits per straw word) allows 105 kHz rates, minimal impact on trackingimplemented/tested Tackling the ROD processing limit (event processing time proportional to occupancy due to compression) application of validity gate (straw considered empty if no signal in certain time window) reduces occupancy implemented/tested clock speed update on ROD board implemented, currently testing hard-coding of most common straw patterns to increase speed of compression to be done Hardware crate power supplies: new fans, higher current limits for end-cap in preparation for higher load in run 2 done low voltage power supplies: rolling upgrade in progress to improve voltage stability by gold-plating the connectors on schedule for Run 2 maintenance of off-detector electronicsin progress recovering of spares where possiblein progress

10 Radiation damage studies 10 Radiation damage of front-end electronics effects seen at lower total ionizing doses than expected flattening off to check if initial effects were missed during earlier tests, new irradiation tests of front-end board (lower rates, lower total doses) work in progress high threshold calibration to mitigate radiation effects during Run 2 in progress Absolute change in the threshold needed for a 300 kHz noise rate, vs integrated luminosity in 2011+2012

11 DCS: migration to new environment: Dell R610, SLC6/VM2008, WinCCOA 3.11 SCS – migrated in February System Overview part to be installed after all projects migrated to be followed Gas system: all h/w modifications *extra mixer *, *extra distribution* - to be followed by DCS modifications when finished by gas group (DCS part to follow the h/w commissioning) - we are in contact with gas group developers LCS1 ( Cooling, LV Bulk, VME crates, CAN bus PSU, HWI, Alarms ) : migrated in December Scattered project: main project on Linux, Wiener OPC DA server on VM2008 Upgrades foreseen: FSM for CAN PSU to include control of individual branches PPA1, A2, C1, C2 ( Front End LV + detector temperature ): migrated in December CanOpen OPC UA server + upgraded TRT dedicated f/w component HVA, B, C ( high voltage control ): to be migrated when HV OPC UA server ready CHROM ( gas chromatograph ) : to be migrated, a small project, will be done at the end 11

12 Auxiliary systems ouside Point1 SR1 TRT Demonstration and Test Stand Test Stand is operational (W7 + XP PC’s) Long term plans: migrate to Dell Server PowerEdge 1950 (pcatltrtsr1det) with Linux SLC6 and VM 2008 Test Stand in 104 RC-016 : tests and repairs of LVPP Patch Panels and tests of TTC Patch Panels, tuning Maraton bulks Test stand operational on 2 XP PC’s Long term plans : started Migrate to SLC6/W7/W2008 – started started Development GUI for LVPP tests (in place of CLI) - started 12

13 SUMMARY 13 is readyOn schedule Active gas system: Ready for M3. Run mode is ready. On schedule. Leak estimations in mid-summer. in progress. Remote regulation : installation in progress. Ready for final tests this summer. in progress Ozone studies: in progress. Results in June-July. Ready in progress. HV System: Ready for Run2. PFC upgrade in progress. Ready in autumn. Ready GGSS: Ready for Run2. Some tuning with Xe mixture needed. donein progress, on schedule DAQ: many things done, some things in progress, on schedule in progress Radiation Damages Studies: new irrad. tests in progress migratedin progress DCS: many things has been migrated. Other things in progress, on schedule.

14 Thank you. 14

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